Minutes Animal Shelter 08/25/21 MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION ANIMAL SHELTER BOARD FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION:1 TROPHY WOOD DRIVE,TROPHY CLUB,TEXAS Wednesday August 25,2021 at 6:30 P.M. The Animal Shelter Board for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on August 25,2021.The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS g COUNTY OF DENTON AND TARRANT § BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Susan Edstrom: Chair/Municipal Officer Brian Hall: Animal Shelter Operations Pam Swan: Resident Chuck Hall: Resident Amanda Gonzalez: Resident Dr.Rachel Speed: Veternarian CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Susan Edstrom called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 6:30 pm. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four(4)minutes to addrrss the Board rrgarrling an item ovet which the Board has palicp or ovetsightauthorltyas prr�vided by Texas hw, the ethics order, or otherpolicyorder. Each speaker must complete.the Speaker's Form the tlncludes the topic to by presented. Regular Session 1. Take appropriate action regarding the February 3, 2021 Minutes. Susan asked for motion to approve the minutes. Chuck motioned to approve. Rachel seconded the motion. Motion passed. 2. Review and accept State Inspection performed by Dr. Rachel Speed. Brian motioned to accept and approve. Amanda seconded the motion. Motion passed. 3. Receive an update from Officer Hall regarding Shelter Impounds and Pet Registrations from Yf to date 2021. Officer Hall gave his report to the Board. 4. Discuss necessary changes to the current Adoption Questionnaire Form. Chuck Hall offered opinion on issues of redundancies on the form, as well as possible fee changes. Discussion was made. 5. Discuss Pet Fest 2021 scheduled for October 2, 2021. Brian opened conversation and spoke about volunteers needed and supplies that have been ordered for the event. ADJOURN Susan Edstrom entertained a motion to adjourn at 6:48pm. Chuck made the motion to adjourn. Pam made a second to the motion. Motion passed. Brian—Hall 'Susan Edstrom Board Member Chair