Minutes TC 11/11/1985MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on November 11, 1985 at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water Plant Road, within the boundaries of the Town. The following officers and members were present: Jim Carter Terry Vance Bettye Dayton George Doran Aldo Martignago Ted Neidenberger Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member constituting a quorum, the meeting was called to order. The Volunteer Fire Department of Trophy Club was introduced: Roger Unger Fire Chief Ed Weiss Assistant Chief, Fire Marshal Carol Plowman E.M.S. Claudia Luft Secretary -Treasurer Milt Luft Maintenance Officer Chief Unger stated that last year the department had 85 ambulance calls and 65 fire calls. He stated that the volunteers average 3 to 4 years service in the department. The department does not actively recruit but they welcome volunteers. There were 16 members in attendance at this meeting. Mr. Jim Dyer complimented Chief Unger for outstanding time and service with the department. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Mayor Pro Tem Vance made a motion to adopt the minutes of the October 28, 1985 meeting, Council Member Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL Council Member Doran stated that the meeting with the C.I.A. had been posponed. He stated that there have been informal talks but a formal meeting will be arranged. Mayor Pro Tem Vance suggested a multi -point plan to the C.I.A. on taking over services should be lined out. Council Member Doran stated that there have been some problems with dogs in the area that have been reported to him. Mayor Carter asked Council Member Doran to provide him with the name of the owner so the City can address the problem. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS Mr. Gene Aerstin, 26 Troon Drive, stated that the work that has been done on the Blackaby property has never been completed. Mayor Carter will follow up on this problem. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS The following Ordinances were introduced for the first reading: 1. AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR A RESIDENTIAL -10,000 SQUARE FEET PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT; APPLYING THE RESIDENTIAL -10,000 SQUARE FEET PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO CERTAIN TRACTS IN THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRO- VIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 2. AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR A COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT; APPLYING THE COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO CERTAIN TRACTS IN THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The second reading for the Ordinances will be December 3, 1985. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS, SECOND READING The Building inspection fees were discussed and the reasons explained for the need to consider increasing the fees such as road maintenance, etc. Roger Unger and Mike McCombs, builders in Trophy Club, spoke against raising the fees. Mayor Pro Tem Vance suggested the Council wait and consider this after the Planning and Zoning Commission present their findings on fees in surrounding areas. Council Member Martignago stated that the Council should move ahead and raise the fees. Council Member Doran made a motion to table the discussion until more information is available, Mayor Pro Tem Vance second, motion carried unan- imously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Planning and Zoning Commission- No report. Mayor Carter asked the Commission to speed up the work on Ordinances and Deed Restrictions. Parks and Recreation Committee- Matching Funds will not be addressed until after the first of the year. EXECUTIVE SESSION At this point the Council adjourned into Executive Session in accordance with Article 6252-17 V.A.T.C.S., to discuss matters of Personnel, Land Acquisition, Pending and Contemplated Litigation. OPEN SESSION ADJOURN r Coun Member Dayton (Re or4i d Meeting) City Secret Donna Welsh