Minutes TC 09/03/1985 - Special SessionMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF DENTON > The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Special Session on September 3, 1985 at 7:00PM. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water Plant Road, within the boundaries of the Town. The following officers and members were present: Jim Carter Terry Vance Bettye Dayton George Doran Aldo Martignago Ted Neidenberger David Nolte Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Marshal constituting a quorum, with the following members of the Town staff: Mr. John Hill John Jacobs Donna Welsh CALL TO ORDER Attorney City Treasurer City Secretary Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. The Invocation was delivered by Mayor Pro Tem Vance. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Martignago. PRESENTATI8NS BY COUNCIL. Council Member Dayton stated that after seeing the two signs at the entrance, one advertising the City meeting, if there might be a more appropriate way to inform the Citizenery. Mayor Carter stated that the City Identification Committee was looking into possibly having a bulletin board or a more appropriate location for people to go to get information concerning current events in Trophy Club. Mayor Carter suggested changing the name of that committee to Publicity Committee. He asked the Council to consider his suggestion and it would be discussed at a later date. Council Member Doran stated that he had received a copy of the inspection done by Denton County Health Department on Mr. and Mrs. VenabIe`s septic tank. The inspection reflected an approval by the Health Department. The papers are on file at the City office. Council Member Doran also commented on a continuing problem of drainage on Troon Drive. Roger Brown of Independent American, asked Larry Corley of the C.I.A., to have the sweeper clean the street. Council Member Doran asked the Council to go and look at the problem. He stated that this is a City street, and the problem needs to be corrected. Mayor Carter stated that he had talked with County Commissioner Lee Walker, and Mrs~ Walker had promised to come out and look over the situation. Council Member Martignago pointed out to the Council that the General Liability Policy the City currently is covered by, has an exclusion that is normal in this type of coverage. The exclusion is for personal injury, defined as slander, defamation of character, intentional acts, wronQfuIl acts, etc. Council Member Martignago stated that in order for the City to be protected, it would be necessary to buy back that endorsement to the policy. The coverage would be an additional $112.50 per year. Council Member Martignago made a motion for the City to buy back the endorsement, Council Member Neidenberger seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Carter reported to the Council that he had received a letter from Mr. Boyle concerning sales tax. The City could impose a sales tax of one penny on certain items. The State Comptroller collects the tax and then reimburses the City. Mayor Pro Tem Vance stated that he would like to see the budget first to determine if there was a need to impose the tax. Council Member Dayton stated that if the revenue was needed, she would rather impose a tax of this nature before any other tax. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS Mr. Wayne Bisset, resident of Trophy Club, stated that he and other residents had several concerns over the re -opening of Roanoke Elementary after it had been closed for two years. The concerns came when Mr. Bisset and other parents, asked the school board if the school had been inspected before opening. The citizens were unable to get satisfactory answers. They called in the State Fire Marshal, Board of Health, and an electrician to do the inspections. Mr. Bisset will report back to the Citizenery as soon as the results are made available. John Jacobs, 101 Pebble Beach, stated that the traffic on Indian Creek was getting worse every day. When Mr. Jacobs moved into Trophy Club he was told that there would soon be another entrance for the east side of Trophy Club. Mayor Carter stated that the Hwy. 114 study would be addressing this subject. The new entrance would probably not be through Trophy Wood Drive as people were told. This road might be diverted to the east to intersect with King road. Lou Parsons, Oak Hill Drive, asked the Council if the rumor was true that the Council and the P & Z had approved multi- family housing along holes 1 & 9 on the golf course. Mayor Carter assured Mr. Parsons that there had been no approvals on any projects. He also pointed out this has not even been brought to the Councils attention in the form of a recommendation from the P & Z. Mr. Person's other concern was over the common areas in Trophy Club. He felt that more attention should be given to open areas such as flowers, shrubs, etc. Charles Darden, 237 Oak Hill Drive, was concerned over the common areas in Trophy Club. He stated that the entrance could be "dressed up" for very little money. Mr. Darden also pointed out the fact that some areas on Oak Hill where construction is being done, have large bumps of concrete on the street. He pointed out how dangerous this is for walkers, bikers, etc. There is usually a lot of debris where the contractors are building. Mayor Carter asked Loren Alexander if he would look into having each builder provide a dumpster for every building site. He suggested this could be a part of the inspection process. Mike Kemps, 104 Seminole, stated that he is new to Trophy Club, and finds the different entities such as M.U.D., C.I.A., City, confusing as to what each represent. He suggested a brochure would be nice for new residents. CONSIDERATION OF A COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Mayor Carter showed the Council a copy of a magazine that Trophy Club Sales Office sends out occasionally. They have a one year contract, but because they do not take full advantage of it, the City might be able to pick up the contract for the rest on the year. The cost is $150.00 per mailing. The general concensus of the Council was that at the present time Trophy Club has been getting exceIlant coverage through the local newspapers and community publications. The Council also would like to see a budget before committing to any other expenditures. DISCUSSION ON SECURITY STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS The Council reviewed the options documented by the Security Study Committee for police protection in Trophy Club. There were several questions on the amount of crime in Trophy Club, whether a police force was needed, what the actual cost would be for having a police force as opposed to contracting with Denton County Sherrif's Office, etc. The Council felt because there were still a lot of unanswered questions, they would need more input before making a decision as important as this one. The Council had several questions concerning the budget that was presented in the previous meeting. Council Member Martignago made a motion to charge the Security Study Committee with the duty of determining accurate costs to contract with the Denton County Sherrif`s Office on the basis of 65% and 100% coverage to determine what the costs could be, and present a specific proposal to the council as soon as possible. Council Member Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. The Council discussed the dispatch situation at length. Mayor Pro Tem Vance made a motion to have Chief Unger look into the feasibility of Trophy Club having its own dispatch, and poll neighboring communities to see if there might be a possibility of contracting out this service to other communities in need of dispatch. Council Member Neidenberger seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION BY P & Z �r. Loren Alexander, Chariman of the P & Z, reported that the Commission is working on the Master Plan through the Citizens Advisory Committee. The Commission is also working on Interim Land Use. Council Member Dayton pointed out the need to protect the trees in the area. Because of projects done in the past that completely cleared the land of trees, Council Member Dayton felt the City might consider an Ordinance to protect them. Mr. Alexander and his Commission will address this and bring a recommendation to the Council. Mr. Alexander presented a Commercial Zoning Ordinance, which was given to the Commission by I.B.M. The Commission had asked I.B.M., since the City does not have a planning staff, to present the most comprehensive commercial zoning plan they could offer. In that effort, I.B.M. presented Southlake`s heavy commercial zoning ordinance. The Commission advised I.B.M, they would be considering the ordinance through a P.U.D.. This would give the City the right to set standards so the land owner could submit a site design plan in conformance with those standards. The P.U.D. would include certain site design review standards and requirements for submission. Mr. Alexander reviewed the Ordinance page by page with the Council. He explained which sections were struck from the ordinance and why. He reminded the Council that the P & Z was meeting tonight and working on the ordinance even more. A copy of this preliminary ordinance is filed with the City minutes from this meeting. Mr. Alexander stated that the Commission determines zoning for land use and not for the developer of the land. Mr. Alexander introduced Mr. Ed Walts of Strausberger and Price. Mr. Walts is an Attorney representing I.B.N. Mr. Walts pointed out two areas in the ordinance in which I.B.M. showed concern: 1. Any building that would be 50,000 square feet or under be considered under a regular use permit. 2. An building that would be over 50,000 square feet would be considered under a special use permit. Mr. Alexander stated that the Commission felt very strongly that the 55 acres should be dominated by small uses, with small unobtrusive parking areas. Mr. Walts stated that I.B.M. hoped to get out of this a set of concrete objective standards. They are not concerned with the site design review or various other stipulations, but a point that was brought up earlier in the meeting concerning the requirement to 5" reinforced concrete parking lots. They felt that this would eliminate a vast number of developers. Mr. Walts pointed out that this cost alone would turn developers away. Mr. Walts pointed out that during the meeting different ordinances were mentioned such as a sign ordinance, public facilities, etc. Mr. Walts stated that Just going through this ordinance tonight, and the many concerns stated; there are still other ordinances mentioned tonight that I.B.M. does not what the requirements will be on those. He is concerned with the "unknowns". He stated that I.B.M could work with objective standards that will be applied, their concern was dealing with subjective standards that might be imposed. The Council asked Mr. Alexander to have the P & Z address the following points: 1. A buffer between residential and commercial developments. 2. Traffic. 3. Concrete parking lot requirements. 4. Access from Trophy Club to Hwy. 114. Mr. Alexander will take the imformation from tonights review to the Commission. They will incorporate these points listed above, redraft the ordinance, and submit it at the next regular Council Meeting. Council Member Dayton made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Neidenberger seconded, motion carried unanimously.