Minutes TC 08/11/1986MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on August 11, 1986 at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water Plant Road, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Dick Venetoff Bettye Dayton Aldo Martignago Tracy Kunkel Terry Vance Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were members of the staff: john Hill Attorney David Nolte Marshal Jack Jacobs Treasurer Donna Welsh Secretary CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. INVOCATION The Invocation was offered by Mr. Shane Tennison, Youth Director for the First Baptist Church of Roanoke. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marshal Nolte led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff made a motion to approve the minutes with a modification, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES Mr. Ed Waits of Strasburger & Price, gave a presentation on the 490 acre I.B.M. project to be started this year. He stated that the project will contain office buildings, a hotel, restaurants, recreational areas and retail space. page 2 Mr. Waits also explained the thoroughfare plan and how it would affect Troohv Club and surroundino ArsAw- Hm ntAhpH that mass grading should start as soon as the first week in September. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS -Tom Matthews, Winding Creek- Mr. Matthews presented the Council with pictures of several unsightly areas in Trophy Club where residents have boats in their yards, litter, and are parking on the grass. He asked that the Council enforce the ordinances in order to keep property values up. -David Clark, 342 Inverness- Mr. Clark stated that the fences which run adjacent to W.T. King Road are in deplorable condition and some are fallinD down. He stated that this leaves a wide open access to Trophy Club. -Julian Jones, 218 Inverness- Mr. Jones asked the Council to print the procedores in the newsletter showing how the residents can help enforce the ordinances. He stated that he was tired of looking at boats and campers all over the/ neighborhood. -George Doran, 1112 Trophy Club Drive- Mr. Doran stated that it might be a help to pick an ordinance as an example and explain the procedures in the newsletter for enforcement of that ordinance. -Tom Matthews, Winding Creek- Mr. Matthews stated that the Council should consider changing the days the trash is picked up so the trash does not stay out all weekend and look unsightly. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL -Council Member Dayton asked if the Council should have an ordinance on maintaining structures that are not maintained. She was also concerned over what the City's responsibilities are concerning abandoned homes that are partially finished. Mr. Hill stated that if the problem constituted a health problem or nuisance, the town could take action to have the problem corrected and place a lien on the property. He will check to see what the town can do in the case of an abandoned property. page 3 STAFF REPORTS -Marshal Nolte stated that he and the Mayor had met with Mayor White of Westlake concerning the traffic light at the entrance of Trophy Club and Hwy. 114. He stated that no decisions have been made pending further study. -Donna Welsh presented the financial report for the month of July. Council Member Dayton made a motion to approve the report as presented, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. -Bill Tynes, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, reported to the commission on several items. The Commission is currently deveIo=ing an R-12 Ordinance to amend the R-10 ordinance passed earlier. They are also addressing other items such as the commercial ordinance and a system for reviewing plans. Mr. Tynes stated that one of the items they are concerned with is the fact that they have not been able to get the metes and bounds for the golf course from Independent American. This is the main item that is holding up the MaSter Plan Map. Jack Jacobs, City TreaSurer, reported that he is checking into several items such as the mixed beverage tax and the State Employment Tax. He will get more information on the town's responsibilities in these areas and report back to the council. John Hill, City Attorney, gave the Council a report showing several items he is addressing for the city. He stated that he has prepared the franchise agreement for Planned Cable Systems. COMMITTEE REDQRTS -Budget Committee- Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff stated that the budget committee will present a preliminary budget to the Council on August 25th. The budget is then filed with the City Secretary by September ist, followed by a Public Hearing. -C.I.A. Relations Committee- Council Member Vance stated that the merger of the three C.I.A.'s was successful and the papers have been semt to Austin to complete the merger. He stated that the combining of services between the City and C.I.A. is moving along nicely. page 4 -M.U.D. Relations Committee- Council Member Kunkel presented a report on the Fire Department to the Council. She stated that one of the items that needs to be addressed is a disaster plan for the town. Marshal Nolte and Fire Chief Unger have discussed this and when the plan is developed, it will be put in force by the Mayor. A copy of the full report is filed with these minutes. -Developer Relations Committee- Council Member Martignago stated that he had visited with Ed Snider of Independent American concerning the playground equipment some residents would like to place at the pool. Mr. Snider stated that the company is being reviewed by their insurance company and would rather not place anything on the grounds right now that would add more liability. Council Member Martignago stated that as far as the park land dedication is concerned, independent American will not make a commitment until a Master Plan is presented. -Town Organization Committee- Council Member Dayton stated that she felt there should be another workshop to follow-up on the plan that was presented at the last workshop. Each Council Member took a area of the city such as administration, public works, financial, etc. and will develop an outline with job descriptions. A workshop will be held on Wednesday August 27th at the Country Club at 6:30PM. -Goals and Objectives Committee- The goals and objectives will also be addressed at the workshop on the 27th. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER INSTALLATION OF A TRAFFIC LIGHT ON HWY. 114. No action was taken. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: SECOND READING P14 ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ESTABLISHING REGULATIOWS GQVERNIN�G THE CONSTRUCTION OF SWIMMING POOLS; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; ADOPTING THE REGULATIONS OF7 THE FENCE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS; REQUIRING A PERMIT FOR THE USE OF A BROADCASTING SYSTEM IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE USE QF A POOL; REQUIRING SL4I1AMING POOL CONTRACTORS TO PRESENT PROOF QF A SURETY BOND PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION; ADOPTING THE UNIFORM POOL CODE; REQUIRING THAT WATER FROM SWIMMING POOLS SHALL BE DRAINED IN STORM SEWERS OR NATURAL DRAINAGE AND NOT ONTO ADJOINING PROPERTY. page 5 Council Member Vance* made a motion to approve the ordinance for discussion, Council Member Kunkel seconded. The +mllowinn chanoes were made to the ordinance: In Section 6 change the words "broadcast system" to Public Address System". In Section 11 change to: Permanent above ground pools are prohibited. Hot tubs and Jacuzzi with not more than 1,500 gallons of water are permitted. In Section 7 take out the words "upon request". Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance with the above amendments, Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FENCES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; REQUIFZING A PERMIT AND A PERMIT FEE; ESTABLISHING HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING REGULATIONS REGARDING THE LOCATION, TYPE, AND CONSTRUCTION OF FENCES; ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS RESARDING THE CONSTRUCTION AROUND SWIMMING POOLS; PROHIBITING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE ACROSS PUBLIC PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR AN INSPECTION; PROVIDING PRf,']VIDIN8 THAT THIS ORDINANCE S14ALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AFFECTING FENCES EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT HEREWITH. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff made a motion to approve the ordinance for discussion, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried onanimously. The foIlowimg amendments were made to the fence ordinance: 1. Page 2 Section 5 "a"- Strike the words "in an area zoned for residential use". 2. Me 2 Section 5 "b"- Strike the words "in an area zoned for residential use". 3. Council Member Vance made a motion as follows: "Fences will be restricted to an area no greater than 500 square feet except for swimming pool enclosures. Fences for swimming pools shall not extend more than 15 feet from the edge of the moo!. All fences shall abut the home". Council Member Martignago seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. page 6 During the discussion the council and residents discussed whether or not to allow fences at all, if so, what types of fences would be allowed. They discussed the possibly of only allowing fences for pools, dog runs and the protection of small children. Council Member Kunkel made a motion to table the ordinance until many of these questions could be answered. Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance suggested that between now and the next meeting, the Council should think about three areas: 1. Setbacks 2. Types of fences 3. Types of construction The Council decided to have a meeting at 8:00AM on Tuesday August 12 to impose a moratorium on fences until these matters could be resolved. AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ESTABLISHING SIGN REGULATIONS; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING REBULATIONS RELPTIWG TO THE TYPE, HEIGHT, LOCATION, SIZE AND DURAlFION OF USE OF SIGNS; ESTABLISHING STANDARDS IN THE USE OF POLITICALI REAL ESTATE, SALE, PROTECTIVE, COMMERCIAL AND OTHER SIGNS; PR014IBITING THE ERECTION OF ANY SIGN NOT OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED AND PROVIDING THAT SIGNS PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO THE SROUWD GFALL CONSTITUTE VALID, NON -CONFORMING SIGNS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO Ti-iE GUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATI8N OCCURS OR CONTINUES; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance for purposed of discussion, Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously. 74e following changes were made to the ordinance: 1. Page 4 Section "E": Line 2- Strike words "temporary permit". Line 4- Add the words "or business" to the last line. page 7 2. Page 5 Section "8": 1. Line 6: Strike the word "brick" and add the word "masonry". 3. Page 5 Section "9": 1. Line 3: Between the words "not" and "permanently", add the words "on the effective date of this ordinance". 4. Page 4 Section "6": 1. The last line of the paragraph should read: Only two "Open House" signs may be erected, one on the property to be sold or leased and the other at the nearest intersection to such property". 5. Page 3 Section 5 °A": Strike the words "During the pendency of the appeal the sign may remain". G. Page 5 Section "8"c the last line should read "No commercial sign shall be painted on the wall of any building or to any part of the building". Mayor Pro Tem Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance with amendments, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed into Executive Session in accordance with Article 6252-17 V.A.T.C.S., to discuss the following matters: 1. Consideration of committee appointments. OPEN SESSIOIAN 1. No action was taken concerning committee ampointments. ADJOURN | » / CI7Y SECRETARY '