Minutes TC 07/14/1986MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETIMG TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) > COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday July 14, 1986. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water Plant Road, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Dick Venetoff Aldo Martignago Tracy Kunkel Mayor CounciI Member Council Member Council Member Absent were: Council Member's Dayton and Vance. Also present were members of the Town Staffg John Hill. Attorney Jack Jacobs Treasurer David Nolte Marshal Donna Welsh Secretary CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:10PM. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Bill Richardson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marshal Nolte led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Kunkel made a motion to accept the minutes with a modification, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. During the discussion of the minutes, Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff stated that he would rather have Marshal Nolte chair the Law Enforcement Committee. At the previous meeting, Marshal Nolte had suggested that Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff chair the committee. It was the general consensus of the Council to appoint Marshal Nolte as suggested. Page 2 STAFF REPORTS -Marshal Nolte thanked everyone for their cooperation during the 4th of July festivities. He stated that everyone enjoyed the days activities ant there were very few incidents. Marshal Nolte stated that he was still waiting on the paperwork from the Highway Department concerning the traffic lights to be installed at Trophy Club's two entrances. Mayor Carter stated that the Council would like to review the material before any action was taken he would also like for Westlake to be made aware of the situation. Marshal Nolte reviewed Lt. Maiden's monthly report with the Council. There were 102 calls with an average response time of 3.66 minutes. A complete report is filed with the minutes. Mayor Carter asked John Hill to provide the Town with an ordinance dealing with false alarms. Mayor Carter pointed out that at the Commissioner's meeting earlier today, the Commission voted to continue the inter -local agreement with Trophy Club until September 30th at the current fee. At the next commission meeting they will address whether or not to provide these contracted services in the future. -Donna Welsh gave the financial report for the month of June. The disbursements for the month totaled $27,!86.05. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff suggested that the disbursements should be broken down by account numbers. Mayor Pro Tem Veneetoff made a motion to approve the report, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. -Jack Jacobs, City Treasurer, stated that he is working on the liquor tax. It was pointed out at the previous meeting that the quarterly payment seemed low. -John Hill, Attorney, gave the Council a report listing the matters his firm is addressing for the City. Mayor Carter asked Mr. Hill to check into an ordinance prohibiting garage sales. -Dan Boutwell, City Planner, was unable to attend the meeting. Mayor Carter stated that at the previous meeting the Council did not vote on the Subdivision Regulations proposal from Freese and Nichols. After much discussion, Council Member Martignago made a motion to approve the proposal with the stipulation that a draftsman's Job description be provided. Council Member Kunkel seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. Page 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS -Planning and Zoning Commissiom- Mr. Bill Tynes stated that the commission held a workshop on Saturday the 12th to consider re -drafting the Commercial and R-10 ordinances. He stated that they hope to have an ordinance for the Council to consider in the next few weeks. -Mr. Tynes also stated that some of the slowdown has been due to the coordination of materials. He pointed out the commission has had problems with getting the ordinances early enough before a meeting to satisfy the 72 hour requirement. -Mr. Tynes reported to the Council that he had received a call from a realtor concerning an encroachment waiver. He- told etold the realtor that he would not sign the encroachment because the P & Z would have to review it. Mayor Carter stated that he signed the waiver. Council Member Kunkel stated that this is the P & Z's responsibility and the council should not interfere. Mayor Carter asked Mr. Tynes to have the P & Z address how these problems can be eliminated. -Mayor Carter announced that Dr. Vance Booker is the new member of the P & Z. John Sheller will take Dr. Booker's place as the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commit -tee and Len Levine will serve on the Parks and Recreation Committee. -C.I.A./Town Merger- Council Member Vance stated that the election to merge the three C.I.A.'s was very successful. Council Member Martignago stated that he visited with David Weaver, and they felt a meeting was needed between the Council and C.I.A. to discuss turning over the responsibilities to the City. The meeting will be held on Monday July 28th at 5:30. -M.U.D. Relations Committee- Council Member Kunkel stated that the open house for the new fire station was a success. She stated that there were approximately 80 adults and 30 children. -Developer Relations Committee- Council Member Martigmago will set up a meeting with Roger Brown soon. -Town Organization Committee- Council Member Dayton was absent. page 4 -Town Goals and Objectives- Council Member Kunkel stated that this will be discussed at the workshop on the 23rd. -Road and Street Committee- Mayor Carter stated that he had asked the committee to also address street standards for the city. -Budget Committee- Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff stated that meetings were being held to prepare a preliminary budget for the city. The next meeting will be held on the 21st at his home. -�RESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS -Carole Nolte, 226 Oakmont Drive, asked if the multi -family units were paying C.I.A. dues. She felt that these people should be paying their fair share. Mayor Carter stated that this would be an area for the C.I.A. to address. -Jack Jacobs, 101 Pebble Beach, asked if any citations had been issued on boats in the area. Mayor Carter asked Marshal Nolte to have the officers start issuing citations on boats and recreational vehicles that are stored illegally in the area. -Jan Clinkenbeard, 114 Fairway Village, asked if anything had been done concerning the mobile homes on Meadowbraok Lane. Mayor Carter stated that he had spoken with a homeowner that was going to file a complaint on the people storing the mobile home on their property. -Dan Gabriel, 1 Crooked Creek Court` stated that he would like to see citations issued on the boats, trailers and weeds in section eight where he lives. he stated that there have been several problems in that area. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL- --Mayor OUNCIL -Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff asked the City Secretary to remind Dan BoutwelI of Freese and Nichols that the Council would like to see a breakdown on the proposal for the Comprehensive Plan and Map. CONSIDERATION OF QRDINANCES: FI9ST READING A~) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TQWN MUNICIPAL CLERK TO FILE A COMPLAINT CHARGING ANY PERSON WHO FAILS TO APPEAR IN MUNICIPAL COURT AS SUMMONED OR ORDERED WITH THE OFFENSE OF FAILURE TO APPEAR. PAGE 5 B.> AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SIGN REGULATIONS WITHIN THE TOWN; PROVIDING REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE TYPE, HEIGHT, LOCATION, SIZE AND DURATION OF USE OF SIGNS. ESTABLISHING RESPONDING STANDARDS IN THE USE OF POLITICAL, SITUATIONS, TO ACT IN REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE, PROTECTIVE, COMMERCIAL AND OTHER SIGNS. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: SECOND READING A.> AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PROVIDING FOR A MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR IN DESIGNATED SCHOOL ZONES. Council Member Martignago made a motion to table the ordinance until the following changes could be made: 1. Section A, fill in the blanks, (block numbers). 2. Strike Section B dealing with the Selwyn School. 3. Add the time during the school day the speed limit will be enforced. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. B.> AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING WITHIN EVERY OFFICER, AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OF THE TOWN, WHILE RESPONDING TO EMERGENCY SITUATIONS, TO ACT IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO MOST EFFECTIVELY DEAL WITH THE EMERGENCY. Council Member Kunkel made a motion to approve the ordinance as written, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. C.) AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. O 85-22 RELATING TO THE PROHIBITION OF PARKING VEHICLES ON AND WITHIN CERTAIN DEFINED STREETS WITHIN THE TOWN BY AMENDING SECTION, 2 THEREOF BY ADDING ADDITIOMAL DEFINED STREETS TO THE PROHIBITION. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff made a motion to approve the ordinance with the following amendments: 1. In the original ordinance substitute the word "firehouse" with Troohy Club Drive. 2. Change Section "D" to read: "Along Indian Creek Drive south bound and east bound to Hillcrest Court and from Timberline Drive south bound and west bound to Hillcrest Court. page 6 Council Member Kunkel seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed into Executive Session in accordance with Article 6252-17 V.A.T.C.S., to discuss the following items: A. Council to discuss committee appointments. OPEN SESSION The Council will form a Historical Committee. Mayor Carter asked the Council to consider who might chair the committee. This will be addressed at the next Council meeting. W3461am Council Member Martignago made a motion to adjourn, Mayor Pro Tem Vemetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. ___ --7=-`��----=-r�-----�---_____ CITY SECRETARY