Minutes TC 05/12/1986MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on May 12, 1986 at the Municipal Utility District Building. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Dick Venetoff Bettye Dayton Aldo Martignago Tracy Kunkel Terry Vance Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were members of the Town staff: John Hill Donna Welsh David Nolte Dan Boutwell CALL TO ORDER Attorney Town Secretary Town Marshal Engineer Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:O0PM. INVOCATION Reverend Ron Adams led the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Scout Matt Knorr led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes with modifications, Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimoosly. STAFF REPORTS Town Marshal: Marshal Nolte reviewed the police department report for the month of April. He pointed out the average response time for emergency calls was 3.17 minutes. The Council commended the officers on the fine Job they are doing for the City. A copy of the monthly report is filed with the minutes. page 2 Marshal Oolte asked the Council to amend the no parking ordinance currently in place. The amendment would extend the no parking from Hillcrest, where it currently stops, to Trophy Wood Drive or perhaps all the way to Shields Drive. He pointed out that there have been problems with parking in this area and it is a potentially dangerous area. Marshal Nolte asked the Council to drive by the area before making a decision. The Council was familiar with the area and the general consensus was to have John Hill draft an ordinance to amend the existing no parking ordinance. Council Member Vance suggested notifying the residents that would be affected to hear their views at the first reading. The next item Marshal Nolte addressed concerned placing traffic signs in Village West. He felt the developer should fund this since it is a new area being developed. Bill Richardson, of independent American, stated that signs had been placed there in the past but vandals continually tore them down. Mr. Richardson offered to ask Independent American if they would place the signs in Village West again. Marshal Nolte reported that he is still working with Mr. David DuMontier concerning animal control in Trophy Club. He reported that other Towns are also considering sharing the cost of an animal shelter. Mr. DuMontier will report later in the meeting. Marshal Nolte requested permission to enter into a lease with the Volunteer Fire Department for the old fire station. The space would be used to house the sheriffs department. Marshal Nolte also asked permission to seek bids for upgrading the hall to provide offices. The general consensus of the Council was to find out who owns the land and building. There has been some question on this in the past. Marshal Nolte will report back to the Council on this. City Secretary: Donna Welsh gave the financial report for the month of April. Council Member Dayton made a motion to approve the report, Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. A copy is filed with these minutes. City Treasurer: Mr. Jacobs was unable to be at the meeting. The Council stressed the need to move ahead with preparation of the budget. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff stated that a meeting would be set within the next two weeks. page 3 City Attorney: Mr. Hill presented his report to the Council outlining several tasks he is working on. A copy of the report is filed with the minutes. Mr. Hill presented a contract to the Council concerning emergency medical services. In the contract the City would contract with the Trophy Club Emergency Medical Service for $1,000^00. This would cover a period of one year. The contract will run from June 1, 1986 to May 31, 1987. Council Member Martignago made a motion to approve the contract with the stipulation the Emergency Medical Service name the City as being insured on the contract and also to imdemnify the City or have a hold harmless clause. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously with Council Member Kunkel abstaining. Council Member Kunkel is a member of the emergency medical service. City Engineer: Mr. Dan Boutwell of Freese and Nichols presented the council with a report listing items he is currently working on and the percentage of completion. A copy of the report is filed with the minutes. Mr. Boutwell stated that he would be presenting a proposal for general consulting to the City. This would cover Mr. Boutwell's time spent at meeting's and other items not covered under a contract for a specific task. Mayor Carter asked Mr. Boutwell to present the proposal to the P & Z for their review. At this point in the meeting, Mayor Carter recognized County Commissioner Lee Walker of Precinct 3. Mrs. Walker had Just come from a Commissioner's meeting where the contracts between local city's and the Denton County Sheriff's Department for law enforcement were being discussed. The Commission is considering terminating the agreements. Mrs. Walker stated several reasons why she felt the contracts would not be renewed after the first quarter. 1. Commissioner's Court felt the County Sheriff should not be in the law enforcement business. Several people in attendance questioned this statement. page 4 2. Mrs. Walker stated that the county auditor did not think the fee paid by the city covered the eight officers salaries and other administrative costs. There was no legal reason other than it be policy of the Commissioner's Court to no longer allow contract law enforcement. Marshal Nolte pointed out to Mrs. Walker that there are only five officers and the costs were approved by the auditor before the contract was signed. One other item brought out was the fact that 30% of the calls for the past month were outside the city limits of Trophy Club. Marshal Nolte requested that the Commissioner's Court meet with Mayor Carter, the Council and himself before canceling the contract with the city. The Council asked Mrs. Walker when they could meet with the Commission and discuss this matter. Mrs. Walker will speak with the other commissioner's and let the Council know when they can have a meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS YOUTH COMMITTEE: Mayor Carter stated that the Committee name should be changed to the Teenage Committee. The members of the committee are Ron Adams, Chairman, Jon White, Co -- Chairmen, Ann Brown, Secretary, Chris Clark, Program Director and Sachi Nakashima. Mayor Carter read a report that outlined the goals of the committee. A copy of the report is filed with the minutes. Ron Adams, Chairman of the Committee, stated that the purpose of the Committee was to provide Trophy Club Teenagers opportunities for activities that promote, through participation and involvement, community and individual: 1. Service 2. Positive attitudes 3. Relationships Mr. Adams gave the Council an outline of the goals and objectives developed for the Teenage Committee. A copy is filed with the minutes. P.A.L~E. COMMITTEE: Mayor Carter stated that the Committee had met with the P.A.A. at D.F.W. to try to get information on the status of the new runway. The committee will report as soon as any information becomes available. page 5 PARK LAND DEDICATION: Mayor Carter stated that currently Council Member's Martignago and Vance serve on this committee. Mayor Carter suggested to expand the scope of the committee to serve as a liaison with the developer. He suggested the name be changed to Developer Relations Committee. The general consensus of the Council was to make the changes as suggested. SAVE OUR BARN COMMITTEE: Mrs. Ronnie Engelbeck stated that the report has been given to the Council and the committee is waiting to meet with the developer. The Developer Relations Committee will handle this project from this point on. C.I.A./TOWN MERGER UPDATE: Council Member Vance stated that a meeting would be held on Tuesday to discuss the merger of the three C.I.A's. He stated that the C.I.A. and City staff are working together at a good pace in turning over the responsibilities. One of the areas Council Member Vance pointed out was the lot mowing ordinance. This is the first month citations were sent out to land owners who failed to maintain their lots. As a result, over 98% of the landowners complied with the ordinance. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Mr. George Doran stated that as Chairman of the committee he was pleased to see good representation from the Council, P & Z, developer, citizens and Freese and Nichols in attendance. He stated that he would like to help the City with the problems such as the light pole on Hwy. 114 at the west entrance. Mr. Doran suggested that he could help the Council by handling these types of projects. He also asked for direction from the Council for his committee. Mayor Carter asked Mr. Doran to formulate goals and objectives for his committee. Council Member Vance offered his help in securing volunteers to help on this committee. He also suggested asking Mrs. Nakashima and Mrs. Pederson, original members of the committee if they still wanted to serve on the committee. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Mrs. Jan Clinkenbeard stated that at the May 5th meeting the commission addressed the following items: 1. Chart of items and projects currently being addressed. 2. The commission will be setting up a chart to guide the flow of work and show the status of each item. page G. 3. The commission is addressing several ordinances dealing with trees, fences, pools and signs. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS: Marshal Nolte introduced Mr. David DuMontier who with his wife is setting up an animal shelter in conjunction with a veterinarian office in Roanoke. Mr. DuMontier stated that this project was a charity he and his wife would run. They would probably need each city involved to pay a set up fee and in return he would offer services to the city concerning animal control. Council Member Vance made a motion to have Mr. DuMontier submit a proposal for services and include a proposal for setting up an animal licensing program. Council Member Martignago seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Julian Jones asked the Council to please address the drainage problems on Inverness. He stated that these problems have existed over the past few years and with the current building in the area are getting worse. Mayor Carter asked Council Member Kunkel, the Council's liaison with the M.Q.D. District, to set up a meeting and get the history of the drainage problems. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL - Council Member Kunkel asked the City Secretary to send a letter to the homeowners on Indian Creek who have built a fence that backs up to the existing fence. There have been several complaints from homeowners. Council Member Kunkel suggested the Council consider having an informal meeting with surrounding town's city officials. The Council felt this was a good suggestion and asked Council Member Kunkel to look into the matter. Council Member Kunkel suggested having some type of sticker for the cars of residents in Trophy Club. She felt that a registration program would also help the law enforcement identify cars and this would help security. Mayor Carter stated that the Council had addressed this before but did not take any action. Mayor Carter asked Marshal Nolte to look into a registration program. page 7 Mayor Carter called the Council's attention to the letter from John Hill concerning deed restrictions and covenants. He stated that he did not think the streets and common areas, such as the medians, were ever deeded over to the City. Mr. Hill stated that the streets designated as public domain at the time of incorporation became city streets. Mayor Carter stated that the city has already put some money into fixing the streets and considering the current problems with the streets and curbs this could be a substantial sum. He asked Mr. Hill to check to see if the streets are legally the responsibility of the city. It was the general consensus of the Council to send the deed restrictions and covenants outlined by Mr. Hill to the P & Z for review. ADJOURN Council Member Martignago made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. ­ a- J - MAYOR _ CT TY ECRETARY