Minutes TC 09/10/1986MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on September 109 1986 at the Municipal Utility District Building. The meeting was held within the Town limits and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Mayor Dick Venetoff Mayor Pro Tem Bettye Dayton Council Member Aldo Martignago Council Member Tracy Kunkel Council Member Absent was: Council Member Vance Also present were members of the Town staff: John Hill David Nolte Jack Jacobs Dan Boutwell CALL TO ORDER Attorney Marshal Treasurer City Planner Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:10PM. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Council Member Dayton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge was led by Marshal Nolte. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Kunkel made a motion to approve the minutes with a modification, Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously. STAFF REPORTS -Marshal Nolte reported that some of the members of the Security Committee have not attended the recent meetings that were planned. He is in the process of getting additional members to serve on that committee. He :stated that he has not heard anything concerning the renewal of the contract with Denton County. w w . Mayor Carter stated that although Judge Cole voted against the contract in the beginning, he is now re -thinking his position and it looks very favorable that he will support the extension of the contract. Marshal Nolte noted that some members of the Commissioner's Court felt that whatever the auditor sets down as the dollar figure for the contract is the amount we will have to pay. Marshal Nolte :stated that he would negotiate every step of the contract to assure the best dollar value for Trophy Club. -Jack Jacobs, Town Treasurer, stated that the mixed beverage tax of 12%. is levied on not only mixed beverages but also on beer and wine. The City gets 1 1/2% of the gross receipts. In comparing the money the town receives from the State on a quarterly basis and the money the club receives from each member ($7.50) a month liquor pool, this would make the over the counter liquor sales unusually low. Mr. Jacobs will contact the State Comptrollers Office and request an audit. -Mayor Carter asked the Council if they had reviewed the financial report for the month of August. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff made a motion to approve the report, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. -John Hill, Attorney, presented the Council with a monthly report outlining several items he is addressing for the Town. He stated that he and Mayor Carter met with representatives from Planned Cable concerning a franchise. Mr. Hill gave the Council a draft of the franchise for Planned Cable for their review. -Dan Boutwell, City Planner, updated the Council on several items he is currently working on. They are: Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations and Street and Storm Drainage Design standards. He stated that the Street and Storm Drainage has been put or•, hold while the Road and Street Committee does their study. COMMITTEE REPORTS -Mr. Bill Tynes, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission reported that the Commission had approved an ordinance for Park Land Dedication and they are waiting for a final draft. They are also working on the Commercial Ordinance and will have another workshop soon. -Council Member Martignago stated that he had a telephone conversation with Roger Brown of Independent American concerning the leasing of two parcels of land for park use. Council Member Martignago stated that he was told emphatically that this was no longer possible. He also tried to arrange a meeting with Independent American to discuss the page 3 State grant that has been given to the Town to see what alternatives the town might have in securing the land for the park. Council Member Martignago told the Council that Independent American would not even discuss the matter. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff made a motion authorize Mayor Carter, Council Member Martignago and John Sheller to go to Independent American's lender to discuss the land for the parks. Council Member Martignago seconded the motion, motion carried with Council Member Kunkel abstaining. -Council Member Dayton stated that the Council has been meeting in workshops to set up an organizational plan for the Town. The next workshop will be September 29th. -Council Member Kunkel reported on several subjects the Council has discussed concerning the goals and objectives. Some of the items are animal control, master plan, monitoring town growth, an entrance on the east side of Trophy Club, street conditions, law enforcement, more orderly council meetings, a disaster plan, etc. -Mayor Carter stated that the Street and Roads Committee has done an extensive report concerning construction specifications and design standards. They have provided the Council with several books on the subject as well. Mayor Carter stated that the Committee will present a report within the next few weeks. MRS. DUMONTIER TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL CONCERNING ANIMAL CONTROL Mrs. DuMontier presented and introductory letter with a contract to the Council asking for their participation in supporting an animal control shelter. The shelter would be funded by donations and Mrs. DuMontier stated that construction of the shelter should be done by spring. Trophy Club would be required to implement licensing and impoundment fees. Denton County is talking about leasing two acres of land for the shelter. The DuMontiers are also working with surrounding Towns to provide animal control in exchange for a funding that would probably be provided by the licensing fees. Council Member Kunkel made a motion to send a letter to Denton County stating that Trophy Club supports the Humane Society and ask that the County to support it as well. Council Member Martignago seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. PAGE 4 COUNCIL TO CONSIDER LEASING TWO PARCELS OF LAND FOR THE ERECTION OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT PARTIALLY DONATED BY CITIZENS Mrs. Beverly Foley stated that she would like to approach Independent American with a lease for two parcels of land of their choice for $1.00. Mr. Hill will draft the lease for Mrs. Foley to submit. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AMENDING ORDINANCE 0 85-18 CONCERNING UNSIGHTLY WEEDS. Mr. Hill stated that the Ordinance is not clear on several items and he would like to re -draft the ordinance and make it more enforceable. Mayor Carter asked for the Ordinance to be re -drafted. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER DENTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT CONTRACT Council Member Martignago made a motion to table this item until the October 13th regular meeting$ Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIONS NATIONAL ENERGY SECURITY AND CONSERVATION POLICY. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff made a motion not to adopt the Resolution, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjourned into Executive Session in accordance with Article 6252-17 V. A.T. C.S. OPEN SESSION No action was taken in Executive Session. ADJOURN Council Member Martignago made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously. MAYOR RECORDING SECRETARY