Minutes TC 01/18/1988MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) > COUNTY OF DENT8N ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday January 18, 1988. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Aldo Martignago Tracy Kunkel Beverly Foley Terry Vance Dick Venetoff Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Membe-, Council Member Venetoff Joined the meeting at the beginning of Executive Session. Also present were members of the Town Staff: John Hill Attorney Dan Boutwell Planner David Nolte Marshal Donna Welsh Secretary CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:00. INV8CATIOW Council Member Vance gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marshal Nolte led in the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIQNS BY CITIZENS Mr. Ron Wortham, 507 Indian Creek, told the Council that his electric service was off for 3 1/2 hours last week. He stated this is a common problem on the east side of Trophy Club, Mayor Carter stated that he would have the Public Works Committee contact TUEIectric and see what can be done to stop the outages. Page 2 PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL None COUNCIL TO REVIEW THE GOALS AND 8BJECTIVES FOR POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS: Mayor Carter reviewed the history of how the goals and objectives were developed. He stated that the four P.D.'s before the Council tonight deviate from those goals and objectives by quite a margin. Mayor Carter pointed out that the goals and objectives were carried through to form the basis of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Master Plan,, Although a section of the Zoning Ordinance allows for pIanned developments, the intent was to use this in small areas. Mayor Carter stated that these four P.D.'s account for 42% of the total town and this is not a small situation. Mayor Carter stated that another reason for reviewing the goals and objectives was because the P & Z has asked the Town Council for direction in future planned development's being proposed that deviate even further from the goals and objectives than these four P.D.'s. Council Member Vance stated that this subject is more attuned to a joint P & Z, Town Council workshop. Council Member Vance made a motion to strike the subject from the agenda without further discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Member Kunkel opposing. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ZONING ORDINANCES: A) AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN 8F TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ESTABLISHIWG ZQNIWG PURSUANT TO 8RID! NANCE N1`8. O 87-23 OF THE TOWN'S COMPBEHENSIVE Z�WIN8 ORDINANCE. A 224.7729 TRACT OF LAND SUBMITTED BY INDEPENDENT AMERICAN AS P.D. NO. 2. B) AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TRO�Hy CLUB, TEXAS ESTABLISHING ZONING PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 0 87-23 8F THE TQWN'S CQMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE. A 249.220 TRACT QF LAND SUBMITTED BY INDEPENDENT AMERICAN AS P.D. NO., 3. C) A14 QRDINANCE OF THE T[]WN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ESTABLISHING ORnTmAk|rF W. o p7 -01A nF T�F TOWNrS COMPREHENSIVE ZOMING ORDINANCE. A 249.7214 TRACT OF- LAND F LAMD SUBMITTEI) BY INDEPEWDEWT AMERICAW AS P.D. NO. 4 D) AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ESTABLISHING ZONING PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 90 87-23 OF THE TQWN'B COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE. A 249.9794 TRACT OF LAND SUBMITTED BY INDEPENDENT AMERICAN AS P.D. NO. 5. Page 3 Mayor Carter asked if anyone would like so speak concerning any of the four ordinances. Ms. Bettye Dayton, Ms. Dianne Prator and Ms. Jan Clinkenbeard spoke against the ordinances as presented. Nr. Ed Hayden asked the Council to approve one P.D. and see how the developer does on it before approving all four ordinances. Council Member Foley made a motion to approve all four P.D.`s as written, Council Member Vance seconded the motion. Council Member Kunkel made a motion to approve P.D. No. 5 and see how it is developed. The motion died for a lack of second. Council vote on original motion to approve the four P.D.'s: For: Council Member's Martignago, Foley and Vance. Against: Council Member Kunkel COMMITTEE REPORTS: -Planning and Zoning Commission: Chairman Hamper reported that the Commission held a workshop with Gibraltar on January 5th to review the plan for their 45 acre development. He also stated that there will be a Joint public hearing on January 28th to review the Gibraltar Plan with the Public. There is also a Joint meeting scheduled on January 21st to discuss the Bass -Sunbelt P.D. -Public Works Committee: Council Member Kunkel asked the Council to consider granting Parmount Construction an extra week for street construction. Due to weather and the contractor seekino an extended waprantv oer the contrart' +h,, construction is approximately one week behind. The Cauncil agreed to allow the extra week for construction. -Public Safety Committee: Council Member Foley reported tbat the crime watch program is coming along very well. Signs have been ordered and residents are holding meetings to introduce their neighbor's to the program. -Marshal Nolte reoorted to the Council that he would like the Council's permission to start interviewing for the position of Police Chief. This will be discussed in executive session at the next regular meeting. Page 4 Council Member Vance made a motion to correct his previous motion concerning striking item six from the agenda. Council Member Vance made a motion to tabIe the agenda item dealing with the goals and objectives until February 11th. At that time the Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Joint workshop to discuss amending the goals and objectives. Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: SECOND READING A> TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AN CRDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE DUTIES OF THE TQWN~S PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance as written, Council Member Kunkel second, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Carter convened Executive Session at 9:50 p.m. Council Member Venetoff Joined the meeting at 9:55 p.m. A) PERSQNNEL MATTERS: COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A REPORT FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE. B> CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION: CORRESPONDENCE FROM LAW FIRM OF WORSHAM, FORSYTHE, SAMPLES AND WOOLDRIDGE CONCERNING PLANMED DEVELOPMENT ZONING REQUESTED BY INDEPENDENT AMERICAN DEVELOPMENJT CORID QRATIQN. OPEN SESSION Mayor Carter stated that during Executive Session the Council discussed committee functions and how they should act in open session. Mayor Carter also reported that the Council discussed the letter from the law firm of Worsham, Forsythe, Samples and Wooldridge concerning Inoependent American's Planned Develomments., COUNCIL ACTION ON EXECUTIVE SESSION AGENDA ITEMS: A> Council Member Vance made a motion stating the Council will conduct their committees that have been organized to support the Council and staff in such a fashion that they meet at least on a quarterly basis, and on an as needed basis, and that the Council person on those committees act as a Iiason between that committee and the Council and the Council approve the membership of the committees each year after the election of the Council. Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. Page 5 B> Mayor Pro Tem Martignago made a motion to instruct the Mayor to answer the letter from the law firm of Worsham, Forsythe, Samples and Wooldridge stating the fact that the Indeoendent American P.D.'s have been passed by the Council and they do not provide for a golf course but it is a permitted use within the ordinance. Council Member Foley seconded, motion carried unanimously. ADJ8URN Mayor Pro Tem Martignago made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously,, SECRETARY