Minutes TC 05/16/1989�� Club Town ��� Trophy �~����� =�==�~�°� ��� ^� � ����m�� �����=� 1G0MUNICIPAL DRIVE TROPHY CLUB TEXAS 76262 (917)49/-96Q3 NOTICE OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB MAY 16, 1989 TIME: 7:00 P.M. 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION 4. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES 5. PRESENTATIONS BY OUTGOING COUNCIL 6. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS TO OUTGOING COUNCIL 7. RECESS B. JUDGE CUNNINGHAM TO ADMINISTER THE OATH OF OFFICE TO THE NEW COUNCIL 9. PRESENTATIONS BY THE INCOMING COUNCIL 10. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS 11. STAFF REPORTS: ATTORNEY PLANNER BOOKKEEPER TREASURER MARSHAL SECRETARY E.M.S. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A) TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS B) TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS THE OFFICE OF MAYOR PRO TEM 13. OPEN SESSION: A) TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER ACTION REGARDING COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. 14. TOWN COUNCIL TO ELECT MAYOR PRO TEM PAGE 2 AGENDA, MAY 16, 1989 15. ADJOURN THE NOTICE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. AND WAS POSTED ON THIS THE 12TH DAY OF MAY, 1989 AT 9:00 A.M. MINUTES OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB MAY IS, l9e9 THE STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 18, 1888 at the Municipal Utility Di str icit Building. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Am Carter, Mayor Terry Vance Mayor pro .T.Wrr Ixa ari .I yn H,Ma f 1 yr wn Council Mwmber., Aldo Mar•t 'gr1aerrc'' Council Member, George Doran Council Member Absent was: Council Member... Foley Also present errwr°e members of the Town Staff john Hill Attorney jack jaco&-.; Treasurer Donne Welsh Secretary CALL TO ORDER Ma,to'r. Carter c;af l d the meeting to order at 7v00 p.m. D r" . jimmy Mc.:LwC id gave t % e F n v o c , p t i o n, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Martiwinago 'i _d in the Pledge of Al 1 tigiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Doran made a motion to approve the minutes of tho May , 1989 meeting as written, Council Member Hallgren seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Martignago mad;. _, motion to appr'ove the minutes of the May 8, 1989 Special Meeting as presented, Council Member Hallgren seconded, moticn carried with Mayor f Pro Tem Vance abstaining. He was unable to attend meeting. Page 2 PRESENTATIONS BY OUTGOING COUNCIL Mayor Carter reviewed the history of the Town from the incorporation in 1985 to present, and commended the fine job done by outgoing Council Members and Marshal Nolte. Council Member Nertignago congratulated the new Council Members and thanked the Neynr` Council, Staff, Committees and residents for their support during his four years on the Town Counuf|, The Council Members, Staff and residents thanked Council Member Nartigna8o for his dedication over the past four, vears. RECESS Mayor Carter announced a ten minute recess. JUDGE CUNNINGHAM TO ADMINISTER THE OATH OF OFFICE Judge Cunningham administered the Oath of Office to Nayor, Carter, Council Member En8elheok, Council Member Sylvia and Marshal Jenkins. After taking the Oath of Office, the newly elected officials tock their seats on the Council. Judge Cunningham introduced Nr. John Hatzenbu|er, the new Constable for Precinct 3. Nr. Hatzenbuler reviewed the duties of a Constable and explained the Teen Court procedure to the Council, Mr. Hatzenbuler was appointed Constable by the Denton County Commissioners Court after the death of Mr. Joe May. PRESENTATIONS BY INCOMZNG COUNCIL Mayor Carter welcomed the new Council Members. Mayor Pro Tom Vance asked when the Town would be spraying for mosquitos again. Cindy Kelly stated the contract calls for spraying three t{mas a year. The next time will be in mid JonE. Mayor Pro Tam Vance also asked the staff to contact the N.U.D. and ask them to remove the barricade in disrepair on Trophy Club Drfvo, Mayor Pro Tem Vance asked for the Council to consider passing a Resolution opposing a bill that is currently before the Legislature exempting the taxation of certain classes of property within airports. Mayor Pro Tem Vance explained that this would have a detrimental impact on the Northwest School DistrYct. Page 3 Mayor Pro Tem Vance made a motion to pass a Resolution stating that the Town Council of Trophy Club does not support this bill that is presently in front of the legislature. Mayor Pro Tem Vance asked that the Resolution be mailed to our State Representatives and Senators. Council Nember, Hallgren seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Hallgren urged the Council to be diligent and proceed in m timely fashion deciding on law enforcement options for the Town. Council Member Hallgren stated that budget time is almost here and this should be a main agenda itam. Council Member Doran commended Marshal Jenkins on deputizing David Nolte. Council Member Doran stated that this is a testimony to Marshal Jenkins as well as David Nolte the former Marshal. This will provide continuity and it was a superb gesture on Marshal Jenkins part. Council Member Doran stated that a letter had been circulated during the election from one of the organizations in Trophy Club which supported two of the candidates and made detrimental remarks towards the third candidate. Council Member Doran suggested a letter or resolution from the Council to the organization. Dismussfon ensued with the Council deciding not to respond to the letter. Council Members Sylvia and Engelbeck, and Marshal Jenkins thanked everyone for their support in the recent election, Marshal Jenkins stated that he would like to develop a Junfor, Doputy program for Trophy Club children. Marshal Jenkins introduced Sterling and Charlie Gafford and gave them badges as the first "junior Deputies". TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECIMDING OR TERMINATING THE LETTER AGREEMENT WlTH FREESE AND NTCHDLS` INC. DATED 11/23/89 PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF STREET REPAIRS TO THE N0NCDNI0RNI#G WORK PREVIOUSLY PERFORMED BY PARNDUNT CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION OF TROPHY CLUB STREETS AT VARIOUS LDCATZDNS, Mr. Joo Kurtz, Chairman of the Public Works Commfttee addressed the Council concerning this agenda item. Council Member George Doran made a motion to recYnd the agreement with Freese and Nichols dated 11// 23/88, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. Page 4 STAFF REPORTS The Staff Reports ar.v filed +.ryei th-r the minutes of this meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Th; Council adjourned into Executive Session ,at 9a15 p.m. to discuss Comm tt w Appointments and the office of Mayor Pro _i" e m , OPEN SESSION The Council reconvened in open session at 10:06 p3m. The following action was takenz fti`at;or Pro Tom Vance made a motion to continue with the r'vicu o.t all of the commttt,.e ille(1iEit,rM that have expressed interest i n continuing to serve on their committees and review thus committee members that have not: responded to the Council letter, at the next meeting Council Member Engelbec:k seconded, nl::,.i-ion carried unanimously. Council Member Hallgren made ,"a motion to appoint Council tai_mbwr Doran as Mayor Pro Tem, Council Member Sylvia seconded, !notirUr . carried unanimously. `4 W O r,l R j�,i Council Member. Vance made a motion to adjourn, Council Member, Sy l v7 a seconded, motion carried unanimously. --c_. Z. - MAYOR