Minutes TC 01/27/2001 - Joint SessionMINUTES OF JOINT WORKSHOP SESSION FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE UTILITY FRANCHISE COMMITTEE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JANUARY 27, 2001 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in Joint Workshop Session, on Saturday, January 27, 2001. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. WORKSHOP SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Marshall Engelbeck Susan Edstrom Barry Huizenga Bill Matthai Scott Smith Barb Tweedie STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Donna Welsh Diane Cockrell Cathy Morgas Jim Buxton Bill LeGrand Paul Rosenberger COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: David Neal Jodi Ashby Jon Seale James Hicks Nestor Karlis Bob Downey Billy Hughes Gene Hill Pete Stebbins Ben Brewster Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member left at 3:15 p.m. left at 12:00 p. in. Town Manager Town Secretary MUD Manager Finance Director Acting Director of Public Works Asst. to Town/MUD Managers Ways and Means Committee Public Relations Committee Information Technology Committee Economic Development Corporation Public Works Committee Utility Franchise Committee Parks and Recreation Committee Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman of Vision 2008 Presenter left at 12:00 p.m. Call To Order And Announce A Quorum Mayor Engelbeck called the Workshop to order at 8:15 a.m. Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Strategic Initiatives I. Community Pride Beautify all entrances, add pocket parks, create gathering places, modify ordinances to better support enforcement of Town Codes. Initiatives Beautify Entrances/Medians: - Seasonal flowers - March 30, June 1, and October 15. - Mow edge and clean up medians twice weekly (Mondays & Fridays). - Water and fertilize sufficient to keep grass and other plant material healthy. - Initiate "adopt an area" program. Residents install and maintain cul-de-sacs and right of ways close to their homes. - Finalize design and complete West entrance. Cost Estimates/Funding: Estimated cost $60,000 per year Town budget allocation CIA and MUDS, $20,000 contribution each Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Trophy Club Drive entrance beautification project complete - Plans for Trophy Lake entrance complete, awaiting additional funding Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy - Public Works Committee Resources - Parks and Recreation Committee (pocket parks) - Public Relations Committee - Public Works Department To Be Resolved: - Review viability of "adopt an area" program. - Clarify execution of initiatives (i.e., how do residents install and maintain adopt an area program). - Review ordinances and code enforcement relating to edging and grass in the street. - Are there areas of opportunity for fund raising (corporate, etc.)? Page -I- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Beautify: Ordinance Review - Thorough proactive code enforcement, keep the beauty, safety and value of Trophy Club at or above the high standards its citizens have come to expect. - Review existing Town Ordinances 2001 - Draft new ordinances to ensure the continuing beauty of the Town - Review TXU meter update as a means to improve upkeep of rental properties. Cost Estimates/Funding: - General Fund - Federal/State Funds Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Full-time code Enforcement Officer added - Code Enforcement moved under the direction of the Deputy Director of Public Safety (8/00) - Assessment of Code Enforcement program currently underway and will include ordinance review, roles and responsibilities of personnel and components of the program - Policies and procedures currently being developed for the Department - Results assessment, policy and procedure manual and program overview due October 2000 Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Planning & Zoning Commission Resources - Deputy Director of Public Safety - Town Manager - Town Planner - Town Attorney - Code Enforcement Officer Comments: Devise strategy to consolidate CIA codes and restrictions and Town codes and restrictions into one standard to be enforced by the Town Page -2- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Maintain Physical, Mental and Spiritual Needs - Provide an environment that sponsors life's basic needs to an "All Ages" Community" - Identify possible site locations for at least two additional churches. - Continue to integrate the churches into the life of the community. - Recommend PR Committee/Medlin Cemetery Board identify opportunities for Medlin Cemetery, i.e., awareness as a landmark, history, etc. Costs/Funding Possibilities - No town funds should be utilized for upkeep at this time. Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date - Town staff occasionally assists Medlin Cemetery in response to their requests Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy - Public Relations Committee Resources - Planning & Zoning Commission - Churches - Developers - Medlin Cemetery Board/Assn. (Shirley Holley) - Ways and Means Committee Comments: - Is this a Town strategy? - Address costs/benefits of soliciting additional church locations within the Town limits. - Address the Town's role in "integrating the churches into the community" and utilizing facilities and people to attain common goals - Address the comments in the Barriers section to determine if they are accurate and within the Town role. - Address Town's role in Medlin Cemetery - Address Senior Citizen role Page -3- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Events: Celebration - 4th of July Program - Promote an annual 4th of July event. Cost Estimates/Funding: Estimated cost $45,000 - Private donations, local donations, civic organization donations, EDC. Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - First event held July 4, 2000. - First year results outstanding overall. Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Public Relations Committee Resources - 4th of July Committee - Town Manager and Finance Director - DPS support (parade) and security/safety Comments: - Look at opportunities for Town Staff to provide contract negotiating and accounting assistance to the event committee - Develop a planning calendar and budget leading up to the event and begin sponsorship requests in the Fall 2000 Page -4- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Events: Gathering Centers: - Focus on creating as many gathering places as possible throughout Trophy Club - Establish downtown plan with developers. Cost Estimates/Funding: Estimated Cost range $1.5 to $4.0 million - Builders and developers - Private fund raising Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: Events - Christmas Tree/clock Tower Lighting - Time Capsule event Developer Interests - Businesses have expressed an interest in becoming a part of the planned downtown area and is currently in negotiations with Beck Properties - CIA Board, with resident participation, direct action to have a new pool in place by June 1, 2001 at a new location - Downtown location now wholly owned by Beck Properties. Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Planning and Zoning Resources - CIA - Developer - Public Relations Committee - Parks and Recreation Comments: Page -5- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Events: Celebration - Arbor Day Program - Promote annual tree planting program - Town coordinates distribution of trees to participating residents, school groups, local civic groups, athletic groups willing to plant and maintain. - Trees planted on public right of way maintained on an "adopt a tree" program. - Recommend list of native trees and shrubs and place on Town website. - Put a Tree Removal and Preservation Ordinance in place. - Pursue tree spade donation and address storage issue of space. - Continue Christmas tree recycling program and review possibilities of mulch from trees (where to keep, how to distribute). Cost Estimates/Funding: - Private funding donations by landscape and garden businesses - Builders and developers - Coordinate with National Arbor Foundation to provide tree saplings. Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: 2000 Trees in 2000 implemented -- goal exceeded Tree USA Program being reviewed for implementation Working with NISD Trophy Club schools and Arbor Day Foundation for sapling distribution in Spring 2001 Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Public Relations Committee Resources - Parks and Recreation Committee - Public Works Department - Planning & Zoning Commission - Code Enforcement - US Forestry Service Comments: - Review ordinances pertaining to requirements in yards and enforceability - Review enforcement of current ordinances - Identify process for notifying residents of tree requirements and encourage additional planting - Address preservation in future ordinance - Address tree removal, mitigation process, right-of-way issues, etc. Page -6- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Utilize existing information mediums to promote Trophy Club to the community at large, including the Trophy Club website, Around the Town newspaper and Channel 7. Information Technology Promote the use of technology to improve the quality of life for residents. - Utilize emerging technologies to facilitate communication between the municipality and its citizens. - Create an environment that will attract technology services and infrastructure development. - Foster an atmosphere promoting technology by providing usable services that will enhance the quality of life. Cost Estimates/Funding: Based on project. Around the Town Strategic Initiative (need to add in next workshop) Channel 7 Strategic Initiative (need to add in next workshop) New Vision 2010 Strategy Page -7- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 II. Land Development Optimize the perception of Trophy Club as a premiere community and a new commercial opportunity. Communicate with Developers and Builders that we are growth oriented, the place to be west of the airport and easy to work with. Communicate with local Realtors and provide PR materials, stress community spirit and pride. Build relationships with these important partners in our community. Initiatives The Commons of Trophy Club - Encourage and support developer in attracting quality businesses to the downtown area. Cost Estimates/Funding: - Developers - Retail businesses Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Potential interest from businesses Discussions between Synergy Properties and Beck Properties on downtown property ownership Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - EDC Resources - Planning and Zoning - Developers - CIA (Pool Relocation) - Public Relations Committee Comments: - Town legal council to provide opinion on development of a strategy for the Town to absorb the CIA to address both the short term issues and longer term issues of duplicate activities - Readdress pocket commercial. This was not a part of recommendation by the Land Development Sub -Committee Page -8- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Maximize Communication with Potential Residents to increase residential population. - Effectively use IT communications (website, Channel 7 and Around the Town) - Promote NISD positive points. - Encourage Westlake Academy. - Promote Westlake partnership. - Maintain a quality place to live. - Assign Community Services Manager to hold regular meetings with local business partners (Fidelity, Sabre, Daimler Chrysler, Hillwood) and promote Trophy Club as a premiere community in which their employees should live. - Invite Kaleidoscope of Homes back for a future date in Trophy Club. Cost Estimates/Funding: - None to Residents New 2010 initiative Page -9- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Commercial: Attract desirable Commercial Businesses to Trophy Club. Hold regular meetings and interface with key developers and business owners. Period surveys. Support legislation to change local option election rules to help facilitate the attraction of quality restaurants. Cost Estimates/Funding: - Utilize Manager, Community Services position to promote Trophy Club to prospective business partners. - Present vision to the community Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: Tom Thumb Shopping Center nearing completion - Opening Fall 2000 Staff has had meetings with investors interested in developing restaurants on 114 in Trophy Club Responsibility for Plans/Adjustments to Strategy: - Planning & Zoning Commission Resources - EDC - Public Relations Committee - Town Staff Comments: - Identify best methods for town support of commercial development needs - Address what specific additional retail options vs. offices actually exist - Address/support State Legislative initiative on Local Option - Review Trophy Club Boundaries and confirm dual county status - Determine how Town interests can be addressed by working with Representatives Mary Denny and Vicki Truitt in 2001 Legislative Session - Review necessity/feasibility of appointed liaison to elected State representatives (similar to Bill Lewis' liaisonship with Denton County Commissioner's Court) Page -10- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Franchise Initiatives Maximize fees paid by utilities which bring services to Trophy Club and ensure the protection of our infrastructure and residents. - Protect customers - Foster competition - Promote high quality infrastructure - Adequate services at reasonable prices - Maximize cable study report and focus groups to improve services - Franchise agreement/ordinance negotiations - Complete and gain Town Council approval of Rights-of-way ordinance. - Complete and gain Town Council approval of Customer service ordinance. - Continue to monitor and advise Council on issues relating to electric deregulation. - Monitor other issues of importance relating to franchise utilities. Page -11- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 III. Education: Maximize lifelong learning potential for all citizens by combining the resources of the community and the Northwest ISD. Initiatives Institute common land and building use agreements between the NISD and the Community to maximize use of tax dollars - Develop a list of available buildings and land. - Develop a list of needed programs and joint use ideas. - Determine existing precedence. - Use plans from surrounding communities. - Establish an Education Committee to work with the local Trophy Club schools, town and PTAs to raise awareness of school programs and needs. Cost Estimates and Funding: - $1000 per year. Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Basketball Association utilizing NISD facilities Responsibility for Plans and Adjustments to Strategy: - Parks and Recreation Committee Resources - NISD - Sports Associations - Town Staff Comments: - Clarify cost estimates from this initiative versus page 14. Page -12- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 To Develop Trophy Club as a Community that Promotes Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All Residents. Maximize Learning Potential for Every Citizen by Establishing Effective Volunteer and Mentoring Programs (i.e., Community School Programs). Develop list of needs for local Trophy Club schools. Communicate needs to each entity. Work with community organizations to fill needs. Utilize newly create Community Services Manager position to promote community and school involvement in programs. Act as Liaison with corporate partners and encourage corporate participation in mentoring and other programs in our town and schools. - Brief NISD Board - Join efforts of Northwest communities. Costs Estimates and Funding: - Meetings $1,000 per year - Community Services Manager - Salary TBD Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: Part-time Volunteer position funded in 1999-2000 budget but not implemented because of resistance to the concept and a misconception of the benefits. Responsibility for Plans and Adjustments to Strategy: - Public Relations Committee Resources - NISD and Board - PTAs Comments: - Review what other communities do (evening classes, senior classes/programs, etc.) - Review and define mentoring program concept Page -13- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 IV. Recreation and Parks To provide clean, safe and desirable park facilities for the community, while maximizing the usage of fiscal resources that are required to achieve this goal. Initiatives Construct new baseball park (and other amenities) between Beck and Medlin schools utilizing the acquired $500,000 TPW matching grant. Cost Estimates/Funding: $1,000,000 plus $30,000 annual maintenance Corporate Sponsors, Grant Money Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - First grant and second submissions denied - Capital funds in 2000/2001 town budget - Attended Public Hearing in Austin regarding grants - Funds continue to be set aside for the community park concept - Funds are being used to make improvements to McCombs Fields - EDC A created (monies to be used for parks) - Third grant submission to Austin (9/30/00) approved! Responsibility for Plans and Recommending Adjustments to Strategy: - Parks and Recreation Committee Resources - Planning & Zoning - Public Works Department - Sports Associations - Staff - Texas Parks and Wildlife - Hoover & Klein - DPS Comments: - Address opportunities to obtain private, corporate funding. Page -14- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Corns Land Proiect Lease, redraw concept plan, develop a plan for the utilization of the 365 acres of US Army Corps of Engineer land. Initial focus will be on creating trails, open space and adding picnic areas. Future needs include additional soccer fields, baseball/softball fields, in-line skating and open space. Cost Estimates/Funding: Costs - Concept Plans $70,000 - Trail system $100,000/mile - Pedestrian bridge $30-$40,000/bridge - Sports Complex: baseball $150,000, soccer $75,000, playground $50,000, Concession $185,000. Funding - Bond money - Matching grant money - Developers in lieu of park land - EDC monies Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Corp Land Acquisition Committee formed - Concept plan completed - Survey complete - Funding for next steps in 2000/2001 budget - Continue to meet with the COE to help develop their Master Plan for Lake Grapevine. A moratorium is in place to prevent any development or leases until late 2000. Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustment to Strategy - Corps Land Acquisition Committee Resources - Parks and Recreation Committee - Sports Associations - Army Core of Engineers Comments: Staff (Paul Rosenberger) Texas Parks and Wildlife Hoover and Klein - Address issues that could result from abandoning acquisition plans (other cities taking control or another developer, i.e., Opryland) Page -15- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Begin the development of a hike/bike trail system to ensure proper and safe walking/biking paths through the community. - Town has adopted a trail plan. - Update the Comprehensive land use plan to include trails, paths and designated walkways. - Develop Plan for sidewalks along Indian Creek and Trophy Club Drive Implement plan and construct sidewalks - Purchase and install trail signs along trail route - Construct trail system. - Develop plans for walking, hiking, biking trail system in Corps property. - Construct concrete trail system in Corps property. Cost Estimates/Funding: Estimated cost $100,000/mile Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Survey completed on Corps Property - Concept plan completed on Corps Property - Addition of sidewalks on Skyline Drive - Pathways and sidewalk additions in The Lakes - Hogan's Glen pathway addition and sidewalk addition on Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive - Sidewalks being reviewed under current road repair/replacement projects Responsibility for Plans and recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Parks and Recreation Committee Resources - Corp Land Acquisition Committee - Planning & Zoning Commission - Public Works Committee - Texas Parks and Wildlife Comments: Army Core of Engineers Hoover & Klein Department of Transportation - Review probability of availability of land for sidewalks on Trophy Club and Indian Creek Drives. What alternatives exist? - Review probability of Golf Course access for trails. - What alternative surfaces for trails exist, define risk/benefits - Review alternatives on COE property as they define development opportunities - Do the costs need to be updated based on any of the material changes? - Incorporate added pathways into Lakes area - Review viability of 20/80 grant from Department of Transportation Page -16- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Improve, maximize usage and replace decayed infrastructure at our existing parks (Harmony, McCombs and Lakeview). Cost Estimates/Funding: New initiative to 2010 Page -17- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Development a plan and schedule for a Community Center for residents of all ages and diverse desires. This facility could host recreation, arts, indoor community events, meetings and senior activities. - The facility would include meeting rooms, indoor recreational facilities, kitchen, physical fitness facilities, and other year around use amenities. Cost Estimates/Funding: - Cost Estimate $1.5 to $2.85 Million Dollars - Bond money. - State and or Federal grant money. - Fees Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: Recreation/Senior Center plans developed and placed on the July 15 bond election, failed by 1 vote Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Parks and Recreation Committee Resources - EDC A Comments: - Review community needs and desires and match with facility plans - Review alternate funding sources - Review budget Page -18- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Develop pocket parks that support the community in which they are located. Link these parks with the hike and bike trail system. - When developing pocket parks, review a neighborhood adoption program for ongoing maintenance. Cost Estimates/Funding: Revised 2010 initiative. Page -19- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Cooperate and work as directed by Town management and elected officials in the development of the new CIA pool. Cost Estimates/Funding: New Vision 2010 initiative. Page -20- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 V. Transportation Recommend initiatives that improve and expand the transportation infrastructure and public safety of the Town in an efficient and cost effective manner. Initiatives Loop Road/Marshall Creek extension - Evaluate alternatives on Loop Road and Marshall Creek extension. - Moves traffic out of school area (from Parkview) to Marshall Creek. - Opens up residential expansion possibilities. Cost Estimates/Funding: - $750,000 commitment in County funds Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Metes and bounds have been done on Loop Road - Commitment on County funds obtained ($750,000) for Marshall Creek Road - Bond proposition failed Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Public Works Committee Resources - Public Works Department - Planning & Zoning - Ways and Means Committee - P&Z - Commissioner's Court Comments: - Review funding from County Page -21- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Public Safety Services - Develop 5 year plan for Trophy Club Westlake DPS. - Incorporate fire station plan. - Review dispatch issues and opportunities. Cost Estimates/Funding: Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Trophy Club Westlake DPS established - Each entity has representation on the DPS Board ensuring level of service and funding provided for each entity - Year 2 reduction in our contribution $52,000 - Increased professional skill level (# of people, skills and cross training) - Capital assets added (ambulance, brush truck, quint fire truck added) - Town became a member of NEFTA Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Trophy Club Westlake DPS Resources - DPS Director - Town Managers - MI -Ms Comments: - None Page -22- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Road Repair and Maintenance: - Public Works will continue to make recommendations to Town Council on street repairs. - Ways and Means to evaluate and recommend best funding for future projects. - Create a transition plan to incorporate new GASB 34 implementation. Cost Estimates/Funding: - Estimates to be developed from Engineer Studies. Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Bond Proposition passed - Proposed reallocation of trash funding to provide additional funds for street repair - Town Engineer and Public Works Committee are currently surveying the streets to establish a priority list for repair or replacement - Traffic survey completed Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Public Works Committee Resources Public Works Department MUDS Ways and Means Committee Teague, Noll and Perkins Comments: Review plans and estimated costs for presentation to Council Review alternate funding Page-23- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Emergency Access Road and Relocation of Fire Station: - Review viability of second alternative through Hogan's Glen. - Plan for emergency access should sync with fire station plan. Cost Estimate/Funding: Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiative Update Results to Date: - Fire Station Mapping Project completed addressing future fire station location sites within the TCW DPS (see appendix 1) Responsibility for Plans and Recommended Adjustments to Strategy: - Trophy Club Westlake DPS Resources - Fire Chief - Town Managers - MUDs - DPS Director - Planning & Zoning Comments: - Review costs estimates and adjust as necessary due to inflation - Consult P&Z on any Master Plan changes necessary to accomplish Page-24- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February 8, 2001 Review the feasibility of annexation of Marshall Creek Transportation improvement possibilities. TRA agreement in place. Commercial or future high school site potential. Cost Estimate/Funding: New Vision 2010 Initiative Page -25- Vision 2010 Strategy and Initiatives - First Draft - February S, 2001 Control of surface water run off into Marshall Creek and Timberline Creek. - Additional Run off will result from the additions of Tom Thumb shopping plaza, Highway 114 improvements, Hillwood Mall, Fidelity, Hunt property. - Review past drainage studies to come to an understanding to address the impact and opportunities of the run off (ponds, riverwalk, paths, parks. Cost Estimate/Funding: New Vision 2010 Initiative Page -26- Page 2 WORKSHOP SESSION January 27, 2001 The Committee representatives broke into groups and worked on updating the Vision 2008 document. An updated copy of the Vision 2008 document is included. The next Joint Vision 2008 Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, February 9, 2001 at 6:00 p.nr. Adjourn Mayor Engelbeck adjourned the Workshop Session at 3:24 p.m. Mayor, TZhvn of Trophy Clu , Texas ATTEST: .lam lX� Town , ecretary, own of Trophy Club, Texas