Minutes TC 10/16/2001 - Special SessionDepartment of Public Safety Board Meeting October 16, 2001 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM FOR WELCOMING RECEPTION Called to order at 6:30 p.m. Members present: DPS Board - Ben Brewster, Board Chairman, Jim Budarf, Don Redding, Fred Held, David Brown, Scott Spence, Connie White, and Amy Hughes, Recording Secretary. MUD 1- Dean Henry, Jim Hase, David Robison, and Connie White. Not present was Wesley Obermeier. MUD 2—Jim Budarf, Kevin Carr, Walter Fitzpatrick, and Jim Thomas. Not present was Carol Borges. Trophy Club Town Council — Bill Matthai, Scott Spence, and Roger Williams. Not Present was Susan Edstrom, Barry Huizenga, and Scott Smith. Westlake Board of Aldermen — Don Redding and Fred Held. Not present was Larry Sparrow, Buddy Brown, and Bill Frey. Staff Attending: Larry Fischer, David Miller, Tony Simmons, Danny Thomas, and Greg Tucker. Also in attendance: Dana Gillock, Cynthia Daneshfar, Gary Tomlin, Irma Thomas, Marshall Engelbeck, and Wanda Brewster. DPS STAFF TO WELCOME ELECTED OFFICIALS FROM PARTICIPATING ENTITIES Director David Miller and Deputy Director Greg Tucker welcomed participating entity board members to the DPS presentation. ADJOURN RECEPTION At 7:00 p.m., Ben Brewster made the motion to adjourn. All committees adjourned *SPECIAL SESSION* Called to order at 7:05 p.m. DPS STAFF PRESENTATION AND PANEL DISCUSSION REGARDING SCOPE OF DPS SERVICES FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARTICIPATING ENTITY BOARD MEMBERS Director David Miller and Deputy Director Greg Tucker presented a DPS overview to Participating Entity Board Members. Topics addressed in the presentation included the variety of services provided by the Trophy Club -Westlake Police, Fire and EMS. /e111A[0111012g At 9:26 p.m., Ben Brewster made the motion to adjourn for the DPS Board. Jim Budarf seconded and motion carried unanimously. Walter Fitzpatrick made the motion to adjourn for MUD 2. Jim Budarf seconded and motion carried unanimously. Jim Hase made the motion to adjourn for MUD 1. David Robison seconded and motion carried unanimously. Brewster Aniy Hugo Recording �y —Z7� Zeal Date