Minutes TC 07/16/2002MINUTES OF WORKSHOP FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 16, 2002 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Workshop Session on Tuesday, July 16, 2002. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. JOINT WORKSHOP SESSION TOWN COUNCIL PRESENT: Scott Smith Roger Williams Susan Edstrom Beverly Foley Bill Matthai Scott Spence Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member MUD 1 DIRECTORS PRESENT: Dean Henry President Wesley W. Obermeier Vice President Jim Hase Secretary/Treasurer Ted Neidenberger Director Connie White Director MUD 2 DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Thomas President James P. Budarf Vice -President Carol Ann Borges Secretary/Treasurer Lynn Hale Director MUD 2 DIRECTORS ABSENT: Kevin Carr STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Cathy Morgas Donna Welsh Diane Cockrell Roger Unger Bill LeGrand Robert Scott Beth Ann Gregory Mary Moore Bob West T. Dwight Morrow Asst. Secretary District Manager Town Manager Town Secretary Finance Director Public Works Director Utility Superintendent IT Specialist Recording Secretary MUD I Attorney Ways & Means Committee Member Nestor Karlis Ways & Means Committee Member Charlene Green Reporter - Trophy Club Times CALL MEETING TO ORDER President Dean Henry announced a quorum for MUD 1 and called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Vice President Budarf announced a quorum for MUD 2 and called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mayor Smith announced a quorum for Town Council and called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. DISCUSSION REGARDING POLICIES ON STORM SEWERS A. REHAB DUE TO ROAD REPAIRS B. LONG-TERM OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE C. DRAINAGE FEE USED FOR MAINTENANCE The MUDs propose that the storm sewers become a part of the Town's expense, with the Town contracting with the MUDs for repair work. President Henry provided a background regarding storm sewers. Upon further discussion, the consensus was to have the managers come back with more research and their recommendation. No action taken. DISCUSSION REGARDING MANAGEMENT AND FUNDING OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES The MUDs are looking for a win-win situation with the management and funding of EMS. It would be beneficial to have the fire, police, and EMS all under one/same roof. Historically, the Town has saved money in the past by consolidating the Fire Department, the Police Department, and EMS. Upon discussion, the consensus was to have the managers, Donna Welsh and Cathy Morgas, come back with their recommendations. DISCUSSION REGARDING OUTSOURCING OF WATER AND TRASH BILLS IT Specialist Beth Ann Gregory distributed a handout and explained the benefits and reasons for outsourcing the utility billing. She also added that an additional savings could be realized by including the Town paper Around The Town in with the customer's utility bill. District Manager Morgas stated that she is not recommending the outsourcing of utility bills at this time. The Board agreed to take a 15 -minute break at 6:30 p. in. and resumed at 6:45 p.m. The consensus was to hold off on a decision until the Town Council has an opportunity to make their decision. DISCUSSION REGARDING JOINT UTILIZATION OF EMPLOYEES A. Loss of Records Management personnel Roger Unger advised the impact the reduction in personnel has had and will have on the Town and MUDs, adding that almost all employees are shared. The criteria for posting notices on the marquees is being reevaluated. Some Information Services projects have been deleted. Some records requests will be distributed to the appropriate departments. DISCUSSION REGARDING APPOINTMENT OF A LIAISON TO THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE (Roger Unger) Roger Unger explained that there should be a representative in the form of a liaison from the MUD Board, as MUD issues come before the Ways and Means Committee at some point. Further, he advised that the Ways & Means Committee has a huge impact on budgetary issues. Roger recommends a liaison be assigned from the MUD to serve on the Ways and Means Committee. Director Henry announced that Jim Hase has volunteered to be the liaison for the Ways and Means Committee. Consensus was to have Director Hase be the MUD liaison to the Ways and Means committee. TOWN COUNCIL TO ADJOURN The Council adjourned at 7:08 p.m. ATTEST: Town Secretary, own of Trophy Club, Texas