Minutes TC 09/16/2002MINUTES OF TOWN COUNCIL WORKSHOP / PUBLIC HEARING AND REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, September 16, 2002. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Smith Mayor Roger Williams Mayor Pro Tem Susan Edstrom Council Member Bill Matthai Council Member Scott Spence Council Member Beverly Foley Council Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Donna Welsh Paul Rosenberger Bill LeGrand Diane Cockrell Gene Hill Patricia Adams Town Manager Community Development Manager Public Works Director Town Secretary P&Z Commission Chairman Town Attorney CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Mayor Smith called the regular session to order at 7:09 p.m., noting a quorum was present. INVOCATION. Council Member Matthai gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE TEXAS FLAG. "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas one and indivisible." Paul Rosenberger led the pledges. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON ANY MATTER WHETHER OR NOT IT IS POSTED ON THE AGENDA. THE COUNCIL IS NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE ACTION ON OR DISCUSS ANY PRESENTATIONS MADE TO THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME CONCERNING AN ITEM NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. THE COUNCIL WILL HEAR PRESENTATIONS ON SPECIFIC AGENDA ITEMS PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL ADDRESSING THOSE ITEMS. No presentations. Page 2 Regular Session September 16, 2002 REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: (FIVE-MINUTE TIME LIMIT) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION A Neal Twomey reported that their last meeting was a joint meeting with the Council regarding the bond for the 1.4 million dollar park project. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Jon Seale reported that their next meeting is scheduled for next week and gave an overview of their agenda including a usability study of the website. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Donna Krauss reported that they have Trophy Club Day scheduled for October 19'h and want to involve all of the committees. UTILITY FRANCHISE COMMITTEE Bob Downey reported that the Charter Cable contract expires this year and the contract is being negotiated. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Neal Twomey reported that the committee is reviewing the Corp of Engineer lease and a 3-5 year plan for the town. TOWN COUNCIL TO OBSERVE AND DISCUSS A 4TH OF JULY VIDEO PRODUCTION. Council Member Edstrom introduced a July 4th video. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FOR "TROPHY CLUB DAY", TO BE HELD 19 OCTOBER 2002. Gene Hill introduced the request and stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the permit. Carol Brown explained the events planned for the day and it will be held at the Methodist Church. Council Member Edstrom moved to approve the temporary use permit. Council Member Matthai seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, VACATING THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE GREENS OF TROPHY CLUB, A 7.9384 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND LYING IN THE J. HENRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 528, AND THE W. H. PEA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1045 AND BEING PART OF A 307.91 ACRE ATTRACT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 676, PAGE 153, DENTON COUNTY DEED RECORDS AND RECORDED ON OR ABOUT MARCH 5, 1994; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF RECITALS; PROVIDING FINDINGS; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Gene Hill explained that the vacating of the final plat for the Greens of Trophy Club is required before the Medical Plaza project can proceed adding that the Planning & Zoning Commission approved the final plat. Mayor Pro Tem Williams moved to approve the vacating of the final plat for The Greens of Trophy Club. Council Member Edstrom seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO OBSERVE A PRESENTATION, DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO THE REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL OF A 7.842 ACRE TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS THE TROPHY CLUB MEDICAL PLAZA, LOCATED GENERALLY TO THE NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114, EAST OF THE PLANATATION APARTMENTS AND SOUTH OF HERITAGE COURT SOUTH. APPLICANT: THE CIRRUS GROUP, L.L.P., BROCKETTE/DAVIS/DRAKE, INC. (PP -02-003) Page 3 Regular Session September 16, 2002 Gene Hill explained that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the preliminary plat. Council Member Matthai made a motion to approve the preliminary plat. Mayor Pro Tem Williams seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO OBSERVE A PRESENTATION, DISCUSS, AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO THE REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF A 7.842 ACRE TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS THE TROPHY CLUB MEDICAL PLAZA, LOCATED GENERALLY TO THE NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114, EAST OF THE PLANTATION APARTMENTS AND SOUTH OF HERITAGE COURT SOUTH. APPLICANT: THE CIRRUS GROUP, L.L.P., BROCKETTE/DAVIS/DRAKE, INC. (FP -02-003) Gene Hill explained that that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the final plat for the Medical Plaza. Council Member Matthai moved to approve the final plat for the Medical Plaza. Mayor Pro Williams seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO OBSERVE A PRESENTATION, DISCUSS. AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO THE APPROVAL OF A DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR A 7.842 ACRE TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS PD -23, THE TROPHY CLUB MEDICAL PLAZA, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. Council Member Foley moved to approve the developer's agreement for the Medical Plaza. Council Member Edstrom seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO OBSERVE A PRESENTATION, DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION TO DESIGNATE THE TOWN ENGINEER, TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS (TNP), TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER -AT -RISK PROCESS, TO APPROVE THE TEAM OF SUBCONSULTANTS TO BE UTILIZED BY TNP, TO APPROVE THE PROJECT PLAN AND PRICING SUBMITTED BY TNP; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. Roger Unger explained that he will be the staff person for the pool construction until Paul Rosenberger's position is filled. Tom Rutledge, Teague, Nall and Perkins gave a breakdown of the team for the pool project and explained the process of the project. Mayor Pro Tem Williams moved to approve Teague, Nall and Perkins as the project engineer and approve the project plan pricing with the exception of the architectural services. Council Member Edstrom seconded. Mayor Pro Tem Williams amended the motion to authorize staff to negotiate the architectural services in the best interest of the Town. Donna Welsh asked for clarification regarding the architectural services costs being brought back to the Council, with the consensus being that staff would make the decision. Council Member Edstrom seconded the amendment. The motion carried 4-1-0, with Council Members Matthai, Edstrom, Spence and Mayor Pro Tem Williams voting for and Council Member Foley voting against. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING ACCEPTING AND AWARDING OF THE RECOMMENDED BID FOR THE INDIAN CREEK DRIVE STREET RESTORATION PROJECT; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. Tom Rutledge explained that the low bid from McMahon Construction was recommended to the Council last month. Page 4 Regular Session September 16, 2002 Dennis Sheridan, 1 Hillcrest Court addressed the Council. Council Member Foley suggested a comprehensive maintenance program for all the streets in Trophy Club and to use the money for the Indian Creek Drive project for maintenance throughout the town. Council Member Edstrom moved to accept the bid from McMahon Construction in the amount of $579,648.50 to reconstruct a portion of Indian Creek Drive. Council Member Spence seconded; motion carried 4-1-0 with Council Members Edstrom, Matthai, Spence and Mayor Pro Tem Williams voting for and Council Member Foley voting against. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER OR HER DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AN ELECTRIC SUPPLY AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO THE CONTRACT TO BE SIGNED BY CITIES AGGREGATION POWER PROJECT, INC. FOR DELIVERIES OF ELECTRICITY EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003; PROVIDING THAT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION SHALL BE SENT TO THE CITY OF ARLINGTON ATTORNEY'S OFFICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Paul Rosenberger explained that last year we joined a group of 80 cities (CAPP). The contract is being negotiated with First Choice for continued service. Mayor Pro Tem Williams made a motion to approve the Resolution. Council Member Mattahi seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS QUALIFICATIONS. Council Member Foley explained that a handout for each committee and an explanation of suggested qualifications. Council Member Edstrom moved to "disregard" the separate handout and improve the Web Page regarding Committees and further requested that the Information Technology Committee make a recommendation to the Council in October. Council Member Matthai seconded; motion carried 4-1-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Williams, Council Members Matthai, Edstrom, and Spence, voting for and Council Member Foley voting against. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING APPOINTMENT OF LOCAL OPTION ELECTIONS COMMITTEE MEMBER TO REPLACE PREVIOUSLY NOMINATED MEMBER. Council Member Spence made a motion to appoint Lola Richert to the Local Option Elections Committee. Mayor Pro Tem Williams seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION TO INCREASE TOWN'S SHARE OF FUNDING FOR EMPLOYEE DEPENDANT HEALTH INSURANCE. Roger Unger explained that the insurance rate increased by 60%. Last year a decision was made to fix the portion of the dependant coverage and freeze the amount that the town will cover. The total increase for an employee to carry a wife and children is $3,200 a year, causing a financial hardship on those employees. The employees asked Donna, Cathy and Roger to come back to the Council and Municipal Utility District Boards requesting a 50% coverage of the dependant. Donna Welsh proposed to leave the cap at the current 50% and determine the amount to supplement each year on a year -by -year basis. Page 5 Regular Session September 16, 2002 Council Member Edstrom made a motion to increase the Town's share of funding for employee dependant health insurance and fix the base amount to be paid at last years amount, funding the additional amount for this year only to equal 50%. Council Member Matthai seconded; motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA ITEM ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL NOT BE A SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. Council Member Matthai requested that the minutes dated July 1, 2002 be pulled from the consent agenda for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Williams requested that the Financials dated August 31, 2002 be pulled from the consent agenda for discussion. A. REGULAR SESSION MINUTES DATED JULY 1, 2002. B. SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES DATED AUGUST 13, 2002. C. REGULAR SESSION MINUTES DATED AUGUST 19, 2002. D. REGULAR SESSION MINUTES DATED AUGUST 26, 2002. E. FINANCIALS DATED AUGUST 31, 2002. Mayor Pro Tem Williams moved to approve Items B. August 13, C. August 19, D. August 26, Council Member Edstrom seconded; motion carried unanimously. Council Member Matthai move to amend Page 6 of the Minutes dated July 1, 2002 to read: Council Member Edstrom made a motion to continue past 11:00 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Williams seconded; motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Williams moved to approve the August 31", Financials. Council Member Matthai seconded; motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS. Reports given. ADJOURN. Council Member Edstrom made a motion to adjourn at 10:35 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Williams seconded; motion carried unanimously. s1 Town of Trophy Club, Texas %f RIM v Town Secretary, Town of Trophy Club, Texas w, '.� t"��