Minutes TC 03/24/2004 - Joint SessionMINUTES OF TOWN COUNCIL JOINT WORKSHOP SESSION WITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION A AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION B FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB MARCH 24, 2004 LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS WORKSHOP SESSION — 6:00 P.M. NOTE: NO FORMAL VOTES WERE TAKEN ON ANY AGENDA ITEMS CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. EDC A, EDC B and Council were called to order at 6:05 p.m. EDC A MEMBERS PRESENT: Neil Twomey J. D. Harvey T. Dwight Morrow TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Beverly Foley Mayor Pro Tem Susan Edstrom Council Member Bill Matthai Council Member Roger Williams Council Member Scott Spence Council Member (departed 7:15 p.m.) EDC B MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Hicks, Chairman Pam Cates (Council Candidate arrived 6:12 p.m.) Tim Meredith Doyle Nicholson Andrew Hayes Rebecca Shuman (arrived at 7:52 p.m.) STAFF AND VISITORS PRESENT: Donna Welsh Town Manager Jan Woodruff Financial Analyst Diane Cockrell Town Secretary Mendi Whitehead Resident EDC A MEMBERS ABSENT: Gary Cantrell Bob Fair TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Scott Smith Mayor EDC B MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Devlin Roger Unger Finance Director Patricia Adams Town Attorney Margi Cantrell Council Candidate(arrived 6:06 p.m.) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP CONDUCTED BY JEFF MOORE, ATTORNEY FOR BROWN AND HOFMEISTER, L.L.P. a. Criteria for use of EDC funds b. Legislative changes and how it affects the EDCs c. Attorney General selected opinions affecting EDCs d. Creation and dissolution of an EDC e. Amending the level of sales tax for an EDC Mr. Moore provided a power point presentation explaining the limitations of use of Economic Development Corporation funds. ADJOURN. Economic Development A, Economic Development B and. Town Council adjourned at 8:49 p.m. Page 2 Joint Workshop Ses ATTES ayor Pro Tern, Town Secretary, Toyin of Trophy Club, Texas 24, 2004 of Trophy Club