Minutes TC 09/19/2005MINUTES OF A REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, September 19,2005 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF DENTON Q The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Regular Session on Monday, September 19, 2005. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nick Sanders Pam Cates Susan Edstrom Beverly Foley Roger Williams Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Council Member Council Member Council Member TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Scott Spence Council Member STAFF AND GUEST@) PRESENT: I Donna Welsh Roger Unger Lisa Ramsey Beth Ann Gregory Patricia Adams Mike Pastor Adam Adams Randy Briggs Sakura Moten-Dedrick Town Manager Finance Director Town Secretary Community Development Manager Town Attorney IS Manager Parks and Recreation Director Police and Fire Services Director Financial Analyst A. 1 Call to order and announce a quorum. Mayor Sanders called the Regular Session to order at 7:04 p.m. noting a quorum was present. A.2 Invocation. Director of Police and Fire Service, Randy Briggs gave the invocation. A.3 Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag. "Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas one and indivisible." Town Manager, Donna Welsh led to pledges. B.l Citizen presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. Bob Radder, 1 Lee Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262 - Spoke in favor of calming the Streets suggesting that we mark Trophy Club Drive as a one lane street and then let the Town's DPS enforce the law. B.2 Town Manager Report and Discussion Regarding Project Updates as Listed Below: There will be no action taken regarding any individual project posted under this item and discussion will be limited. If extensive discussion is required, the item may be placed on a future agenda. Community Development Road Construction Indian Creek Drive is progressing on schedule with excavation to be completed this week. The first side of Shields Court will be paved later this week. The newly poured pavement will require a seven-day cure time before we can open it to traffic and pour concrete on the remaining side. Shields Drive has been excavated and will be stabilized this week. We appreciate the resident's continued patience and cooperation during this project. Dependent on weather, we hope to complete all the paving by Thanksgiving with the landscaping to follow. Administration Building Addition The bids have been opened and will be presented to Council for approval this evening. If approved, we hope to begin construction immediately. Traffic Calming Pilot An informational forum was held on September 13th and the video of the forum was broadcast several times last week. Detailed information on this project and on online survey are available on our website at www.trophyclub.org. Approximately 160 residents have participated in the survey thus far. Council will consider this project at their October 3rd meeting. Finance DCAD Board of Directors nominations Town Council will make nominations at the October 3rd, 2005 Town Council meeting. IS Update on Court Software Implementation The Court software has successfully been installed. This new software package will significantly improve financial tracking and audit capabilities. Special Events Katrina Disaster Relief Town working in conjunction with Trophy Club Country Club. Four evacuee families relocated to Trophy Club. Chamber Hollywood Premier Party Saturday, October 1 @ Dora1 Trophy Club Fall Festival Scheduled for Saturday, October 15 Light the Town with Christmas Lights First weekend in December Planned activities: Christmas Parade, Clock Tower Christmas Tree Lighting, Santa arrival and Reception. Parks and Recreation Pool Repairs The repairs on the pool are completed. They were covered by warranty as the defect was a structural flaw in the surge pit. Rye on all medians and common areas Parks will be putting down rye on all of the medians and common areas this week, and as we pre-booked both our chemicals and seed there will be no additional costs to keeping our Town looking its best throughout the Fall and Winter months. Planning & Zoning Opening on the Planning and Zoning Commission Town Council is accepting applications for one opening on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Applications will be accepted beginning Monday, September 12 through Friday, September 23. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. For more information go to: www.ci.trophyclub.tx.us. Police and Fire Services Police Services Bureau On Saturday, September 10,2005 the Trophy Club DPS, in conjunction with our local Cub Scouts, hosted a bicycle/scooter safety course. Currently seeking new Reserves Officers. Participated in September 11 Memorial Parade from Texas Stadium to Texas Motor Speedway with numerous other agencies of the Metroplex. Fire Services Bureau Held a State Texas Fire Commission class for field examiners. Successfully passed State Fire Commission Field Inspection on 14 September 2005. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION "REGULAR SESSION D. 1 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2005, and ending September 30,2006. Council member Williams made a motion to adopt the new ordinance; Mayor Pro Tem Cates seconded the motion. Floor opened for discussion. Floor was opened for discussion. Council member Williams complimented staff on their work preparing the budget. Motion to pass Ordinance 2005-24, approving the 2005-06 Budget passed unanimously without further discussion. D.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2005, and ending September 30,2006. Council member Williams made a move to adopt the purposed Ordinance that property taxes be increased by the adopting of a tax rate of .43051. This rate is comprised as follows: .35963 for Operations and Maintenance and .070883 for Debit Service; Council member Edstrom seconded the motion. Floor opened for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Cates questioned that we are leaving the tax rate the same even though this budget still shows a short fall in the operating budget. Council member Williams advised that we still have enough in the reserves to cover this short fall. Motion to pass Ordinance 2005-25, fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the 2005-06 fiscal passed 3:1, with Council member Williams, Foley and Edstrom voting for and Mayor Pro Tem Cates voting against. D.3 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District for 2005. Council member Edstrom made a motion to adopt the resolution; Council member Foley seconded the motion. Floor opened for discussion. Council member Williams inquired about the amount to be approved. Finance Director, Roger Unger spoke to the consternation at the Appraisal District on what to do with the land in lieu of the pending border dispute between Denton and Tarrant counties. Mr. Unger explained that DCAD decided that rather than certifying the value, they reduced it by some standard percentage and moved it to under review. The certified tax roll was arrived by taking what DCAD actually certified of 563 and what DCAD currently has under review of 33, which comes to 596. Motion to pass Resolution 2005-27, approving the 2005-06 tax roll passed unanimously without further discussion. D.4 Discuss and take appropriate action to award or reject the bids for construction of the Svore Municipal Building Addition and to authorize the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary contractual documents. Mayor called on Community Development Director, Beth Ann Gregory who advised that based on the results provided by Steele Freeman Construction Managers, we can build the 4,630 square foot addition within our projected $592,000 budget. Council member Williams made a motion to approve; Mayor Pro Tem Cates seconded the motion. Floor opened for discussion. Motion to award the bid for construction of the Svore Municipal Building; passed unanimously without discussion. D.5 Discuss and take appropriate action on the addition of sidewalks in the current construction project on Indian Creek. Community Development Director, Beth Ann Gregory advised that converting .25 miles of a 5 foot sidewalk would cost approx $90,000.00. Sidewalk for this area are available for funding through the bond program but cannot be expended through GASB. Council member Edstrom made a motion to approve additional sidewalks in the current construction project on Indian Creek; Council member Cates seconded the motion. Floor opened for discussion. Council member Foley expressed concern with spending $90,000.00 on one fourth of a mile of sidewalk that does not connect to anything and without having a definite date when the next sidewalk might be built. Council member Edstrom explained that this idea came out of the safety concern for walkers which is being looked into with street calming project which grew out of the pathway plan. Council member Williams advised that he thought that sidewalks were only going to be a consideration if it could be done in conjunction with the current construction; and then confirmed with Ms. Gregory that it could not. Council member Edstrom withdrew her motion and stated that she misunderstood that this could be done in conjunction; Mayor Pro Tem Cates agreed with the mover to withdraw the motion. Motion withdrawn without further discussion. Dennis Sheridan, 1 Hillcrest, Trophy Club, TX 76262 signed up to speak against but was not recognized as motion was withdrawn. D.6 Discuss and take appropriate action to approve a Resolution supporting the NWISD's $224.5 million bond proposal on October 1,2005. Council member Edstrom made a motion to approve the Resolution; Council member Williams seconded the motion. Floor opened for discussion. Council member Edstrom advised residents of the early voting locations. Council member Williams encouraged people to get out and out. Motion to pass Resolution 2005-28, supporting the NWISD's $224.5 million bong proposal, passed unanimously without further discussion. All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. Mayor Pro Tem Cates requested that item D.9, Minutes dated September 6,2005 be removed from the Consent agenda. D.7 Consent agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve financials dated August 2005. D.8 Consent agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated August 29,2005. D.9 Consent agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated September 6,2005. Item removed from Consent agenda. Motion to approve the Consent agenda as amended; Items D.7 and D.8, moved by Council member Edstrom; seconded by Council member Williams. Motion passed unanimously. D.9 Consent agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated September 6,2005. Mayor Pro Tem Cates advised that she was not in attendance at the September 6" meeting, as recorded in the minutes. Council member Williams made the motion to pass with this correction; Council member Edstrom seconded. Motion passed 3:1, with Council member Williams, Foley and Edstrom voting for and Mayor Pro Tem Cates abstaining. D.10 Additional Information for Council as provided by the Department of Police and Fire Services. D. 11 Items for Future Agenda. 1. Long term capital project list, projected fiscal impact and surveys for resident input on potential projects 2. Discussion and appropriate action for Parks and Recreation future plans of Marshall Creek 3. Status of street repairs and bonds, including recommendation. 4. Discussion and appropriate action for an Ordinance to approve vacant land appraisal 5. Discussion and appropriate action regarding safety issues as established in Ordinance 2004-17, the operation of motor assisted scooters October 3,2005 6. Discuss and take appropriate action for street pilot traffic calming program for a section of Trophy Club Drive - October 3,2005 7. Discuss and receive direction regarding charging fees for the use of the pool and other facilities - October 3,2005 Discussion ensued about moving this item, as Council member Edstrom will not be able to attend the October 3rd meeting and Mayor Pro Tem Cates and possibly Council member Williams will not be able to attend the October 171h meeting. Council member Edstrom will be unable to attend the November 7" meeting. Council member Williams suggested that this item be left on the October 3rd meeting for discussion and direction. Item will be posted to the October 3rd meeting with no action to be taken from Council. 8. Discuss and take appropriate action nominating up to five candidates to the DCAD Board of Directors - October 3,2005 9. Discuss and take appropriate action by Resolution to appoint one commissioner to the Planning and Zoning Commission - October 3,2005 TOWN COUNCIL TO CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION Town Council convened into Executive Session at 8::05 p.m. E.l Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Annotated, Subchapter 551, Section 551.087 (2) "Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations" and Section 551.071 (b) "Consultation with Attorney", the Council will enter into executive session to discuss the following: (A) To discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town pursuant to Section 551.087 (2) of the Texas Open Meetings Act and For Consultation with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the Attorney to the Governmental Body under the Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act ($551.071 (b)). (I) Financial and other incentives for the proposed D.R. HortonIBeck Properties mixed use development and legal advice regarding the proposed development, zoning and platting, potential economic incentives and contractual agreements, potential contracts for water and wastewater services, traffic impact and capacity issues, ordinance requirements, and matters related to the proposed development. TOWN COUNCIL TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION "REGULAR SESSION Town Council convened into Regular Session at 8:38 p.m. E.2 Discuss and take appropriate action relative to Executive Session Item Number El. No action taken. F.l Adjourn. Council member Edstrom made a motion to adjourn; Council member Williams seconded motion. Adjourned at 8:41. 99 Town Secretary, Town of Trophy. lub