Minutes TC 09/19/2006 - Town HallMINUTES OF A TOWN HALL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,2006 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS 5 COUNTY OF DENTON 5 The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met for a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2006. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nick Sanders Roger Williams Gregory Lamont Philip Sterling STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Roger Unger Beth Ann Gregory Tom Rutledge George Gearner Rick Cally Glen Strothers John Navaro Riley Mills Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Williams Council Member Council Member Town Manager Finance DirectorIAssistant Town Manager Community Development Director Teague, Nall and Perkins Public Works Advisory Group Public Works Advisory Group Public Works Advisory Group Public Works Advisory Group Public Works Advisory Group Brandon Emmons commented that a quorum of the Town Council was present and asked that the Mayor call them to order. Mayor Sanders called to order noting a quorum was present. Brandon Emmons explained the purpose of the meeting is to present information to the public and receive public input on the streets management plan. The information will help the Council make their decisions when they evaluate the next step of the process in the street bond project. Town Manager Brandon Emmons introduced the people sitting at the dais and provided a brief history of the Bond Election in 2000. A.l Staff and the Public Advisory group gave a presentation regarding the sale and use of remaining bond debt for street reconstruction projects, financing costs for bond sale and the tax impact of bond sale. Community Development Director Gregory gave a presentation regarding the sale and use of remaining bond debt for street reconstruction projects. Director of Finance Unger provided the financial costs for the bond sale and the tax impact of the bond sale. Tom Rutledge from Teague, Nall and Perkins explained they have been involved in the Town since 1999. The data that has been collected and added to the street software has allowed us to make educated suggestions, as it is more mathematical and predictive. Rutledge commented that street maintenance is very hard to predict and complemented Beth Ann for her presentation as the Town is now better equipped to manage the streets. Town Manager Emmons thanked the Public Works Advisory Group for their hard work and for their service to the community. B.l Citizen input regarding Staff presentation and related street construction and repair projects was received. Dwight Marrow, 251 Oakhill Drive - Appreciates a staff and Council that realize the Town's streets need repair and supports the repair of the streets. Dennis Sheridan, 1 Hill Crest Court - Does not believe there is a decision to be made as the residents made their decision when they passed the bond. Sheridan asked if the repairs would be made to the roads only and not to the ancillary issues. Pearl Ford, 2 Spring Creek Court - Thanked the staff and the Public Works Advisory Group for their work and spoke in support of the repair. Margaret Best, 27 West Hillside Place -Asked what the Questioned the wording on the Bond Proposition. Philip Sterling, 33 Alamosa Drive - Questioned the time frame to expend the 3.2 million. Roger Williams, 215 Phoenix Drive - Spoke to the discussion that Council has not moved forward as fast as some residents think that they should have. Mayor Sanders adjourned the Council at 8:23 P.M &A imgev. own Secretarv Nick Sanders. Mavor Town of ~r&h~ Club, Texas - Town of ~ro~h~ ~iub, Texas