Minutes TC 04/12/2010MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, April 12, 2010 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, April 12 , 2010. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Connie White Mayor Susan Edstrom Council Member Philip Sterling Council Member Bill Rose Council Member TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Glenn Strother Mayor Pro Tem STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Town Manager Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager Lisa Hennek Town Secretary Patricia Adams Town Attorney Scott Kniffen Police Chief Danny Thomas Fire Chief Adam Adams Parks Director Mayor White announced the date April 12, 2010 call to order and announce a quorum at 7:00 p.m. Mayor White announced that Mayor Pro Tern Strother advised the Council on March 29 th that he would be absent. Invocation offered by Police Chief Scott Kniffen. Pledges led by Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams. PRESENTATIONS 1. 2010-175-T Announce the reCipients of the 2009 Volunteer Citizen of the Year; discussion of same. Nominations were received for Deandra Pugh, Larry Lentzner , Brittney Fluty and Melissa Goebel. The Council approved the Citizen of the Year Committee's recommendation at their March 22, 2010 Council meeting . Mayor White announced the 2009 Citizens of the Year Deandra Pugh -winner of the Philanthropic Category (not in attendance) Brittney Fluty -winner of the Teenage Category (not in attendance) Town Council Minutes dated April 12,2010 , Mayor White presented a certificate to Larry Lenzter, who is the winner in the Civic Category All Citizens of the Year will be recognized at the Annual 4th of July event and represented in the parade 2. 2010-110-T Police Chief Kniffen to present departmental awards and commendations; discussion of same. Mayor White called on Police Chief Kniffen to present Police Commendations, Certificate of Merit, and Officer of the Year. Police Chief Kniffen presented the following : Keith Burris -Bicycle Officer , Intermediate Police Officer and Officer of the Year -nominated by a fellow Police Officer Lee Delk -15 Year Safe Driving Award Robert Mastropiero -Intermediate Police Officer James Norcross -Firearms Instructor and Police Training Officer Jeff Rocha -Bicycle Officer Edward Beetler -Purple Heart Award Adam Watkins -Police Commendation (for being MADD 2008 Officer of the Year for OWl enforcement) Kyle Meeks (not in attendance) -Bicycle Officer, Intermediate Police Officer and Police Commendation (for being MADD 2009 Officer of the Year for OWl enforcement) Janet Grunt (not in attendance) -Certificate of Merit No action taken 3. 2010-177-T Receive an annual update from EDC 4B; discussion of the same. EDC 4B President Jim Hicks, Assistant Town Manager Seidel and Jason Claunch, President of Catalyst Commercial presented the annual report (Presentation included in Minutes.) . President Hicks stated it might appear that Economic Development happens overnight, it does not and especially given the hard economic times. The Buxton Group laid the preliminary ground work, however those businesses landed in Roanoke Council member Edstrom thanked the three for a great presentation. As suggested in the presentation, Edstrom liked the idea of providing the EDC 4B members with Planning and Zoning training that will better prepare the EDC 4B members to speak to businesses development. Assistant Town Manager Seidel advised that the probable cost report of branding may have to put off until next fiscal year depending on scope and resulting expense . Seidel said that EDC 4B sought direction from the Council first. Council member Edstrom welcomed hearing more about this , suggesting perhaps a workshop to know what branding would entail. No action, update only Town Council Minutes dated April 12 . 2010 2 Citizen Presentations: Jim Thomas, 7 Meadowbrook Lane -Spoke as a resident asking for the Council to give EMS back to TCMUD No 1, providing TCMUD No.1 would agree to let the Town run EMS as done in the past Mr. Thomas requested that his transcript be included to the Minutes. (attached) Irma Thomas, 7 Meadowbrook Lane -Gave her time to Jim Thomas. Sarah Thomas, 7 Meadowbrook Lane -Gave her time to Jim Thomas. Bruce Morey, 546 Timber Ridge -Spoke in opposition to the Timber Ridge/Overhill Drainage Improvements. CONSENT AGENDA 4. 2010-148-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated February 15, 2010. 5. 2010-150-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated March 8, 2010. 6. 2010-184-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval of the final Joint Election Agreement with Denton County. Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Rose to approve the Consent Agenda Items 4 -6, as amended with the corrections noted to Item 4, Minutes dated March 8, 2010. Corrections are as follows 5. 2010-42-T Receive annual report from the Park Board, discussion of the same. Council member Edstrom questioned the Board's proposal for---a flog pal'k wh ic h elim in ated all sports fi eld s when sports fields are desperately needed. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. REGULAR SESSION 7. 2010-202-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation for Arbor Day 2010 including the Arbor Day Event festivities. Council member Edstrom read the Proclamation I\/Iayor White asked the citizens to Join the Town on Saturday, April 24th, from 200 p.m to 500 p.m as we celebrate Trophy Club's status as Tree City, USA at our annual family festival. The event takes place at Trophy Club Park and features rides, games, a free concert and public safety fair. Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams elaborated on the festivities. (Presentation attached) Motion made by Sterling, seconded by Rose to approve the Proclamation for Arbor Day 2010. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion 8. 2010-203-T Staff to provide a recap of the Easter Egg Hunt festivities, discussion of same. Town Council Minutes dated April 12, 2010 3 Mayor White said that Ms . Texas, a Trophy Club resident, attended the Easter Egg Hunt and she was well received by the children . Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams provided a recap of the Easter Egg Hunt. Adams stated that they had a good turnout as it was a nice day but very windy (Presentation attached) Mayor White appreciated that Staff made several changes, identified as issues from last year's event and that it was a great event. No action, recap only . 9. 2010-207-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution endorsing Regional "Best Practices" Standards calculated at fostering improved Intrastate Gas Utility Municipal Relations. Mayor White stated that the purpose of the Resolution is consistent with the provision of Section 181 005 (b) and (c) of the Texas Utilities Code when determining routes and construction within a municipality. Town Manager Emmons said that the Resolution shows support between the Town and Utility Municipal Relations . For the most part , Trophy Club will not be impacted . Council member Edstrom stated that although the impact is low, showing support regionally is important as some day the Town may need the support. Motion made by Edstrom , seconded by Rose to approve a Resolution endorsing Regional "Best Practices" Standards calculated at fostering improved Intrastate Gas Utility Municipal Relations . Motion passed unanimously without any discussion . 10. 2010-204-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the adoption of the Texas Department of Transportation's Federally-Approved Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program by the Town of Trophy Club. Mayor White stated that this Memorandum of Understanding memorializes the obligations , expectations and rights of the Town and TxDOT as related to the Town's adoption of the TxDOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program to meet the federal requirements. Town Manager Emmons added that this is part of the federal funds of the Safe Route to School Project. Motion made by Sterling, seconded by Rose to approve the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the adoption of the Texas Department of Transportation 's Federally-Approved Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program by the Town of Trophy ClUb . Council member Sterling confirmed that money will be set aside for under funded businesses . Sterling stated that as a small business owner this is not fair that certain people get perks and Council should not be endorsing inequitable business practices . Mayor White pointed out that if the Council does not approve, they will lose the entire grant of 500K and the engineering money already spent. Town Manager Emmons reminded the Council that the Charter required an affirmative vote of four (4) or more members of the Council in order to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding . Motion made by Edstrom ; seconded by Rose to table to a date certain of April 26, 2010 Town Council Minutes dated April 12 , 2010 4 Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. 11. 2010-208-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council's relationship with TCMUD No.1 relative to the SEMO status and to the hiring of a new Town Manager. Mayor White stated the she and Town Manger Emmons met with the SEMO Committee and negotiated an agreement that she feels very good about: TCMUD No 1 is scheduled to take action at their April 19, 2010 meeting. This gives the Council the opportunity to separate the employees but move forward. Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Sterling to table until the May 17, 2010 meeting, after the Consultant is determined and so that the entire Council may discuss what involvement they want from TCMUD No 1. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. 12. 2010-176-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the proposals to provide executive recruitment services for the Town Manager position. Mayor White stated that proposals were received from Waters Consulting, Chris Hartung, the Mercer Group and Strategic Government Resources. Mayor White stated that other cities advised that although recruiting services provided by a Consultant Firm can be expensive, most were very happy with the results. White said that consultant firms have the ability to target people who may not be actually looking for a Job, but who would fit the needs of Trophy Club. Council member Rose felt Chris Hartung's proposal was thin, the Mercer Group does not look as if they have had any current placements, Strategic Government Resources has had several placements in this area, as have Waters Consulting. Rose anticipates $20 to 25,000 for the entire search. Town Manager Emmons confirmed that l\IIercer has had placements in the past two years Mayor White clarified that the anticipated expenses do not include travel expenses incurred by the candidates. White liked the Mercer Group's proposal of a reception for possible candidates as an introduction to the staff The Council discussed narrowing the search to two firms and then seeing if those two were willing to lower their proposals Town Manager Emmons stated that all four firms specialize in this area and know the dynamics of this area. All are familiar with the Town of Trophy Club Emmons suggested that Council select two firms to speak to at the next meeting, possibly in a workshop. Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Rose to invite Waters Consulting and Mercer Group to the next meeting to briefly discuss the proposals and provide Q & A Motion passed unanimously without any discussion 13. 2010-178-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding Meeting dates for the July and September Regular Town Council meetings. Council is currently scheduled to meet: April 26 May 17 (May 12 -20 Period to Canvass) June 7 Town Council Minutes dated April 12, 2010 5 I June 21 July 5 (Town Offices closed for the 4th of July Holiday) July 19 August 2 August 16 September 6 (Town Offices closed for the Labor Day Holiday) September 20 Council requested that the Finance Department first produce the budget calendar in order to determine the best dates to reschedule . The Council also suggested that this Item come back on the May 17, 2010 Agenda in order for the new Council to consider. 14. 2010-206-T Council to provide input and direction to staff regarding the creation of a Code of Conduct/Ethics Ordinance and the establishment of an Ethics Commission. As requested by Council member Rose, this item has been brought back before Council. Council member Rose said that he worked on the language with former Council member Wilson. Motion made by Sterling ; seconded by Edstrom to table . Council member Edstrom called the question. Council member Edstrom stated that it is appropriate for the newly seated Council to address this Ordinance Edstrom added that staff should be preparing Ordinances , not Council members Council member Rose stated that ample review time has been provided to both staff and Council. Rose explained that the language does not require the Commission to meet regularly, only when there is an objective. Motion to table tied with Mayor White and Council member Rose voting against and Council members Sterling and Edstrom voting in favor. Mayor White said that the purpose of this Item is not to approve an Ordinance, but rather provide direction to Staff to begin review of the proposed Ordinance . Council member Edstrom stated that Staff should not be reviewing an Ordinance written by a Council member. Town Attorney Adams advised that the Charter states that the Council shall adopt by ordinance a code of ethics and conduct that is consistent with the provisions of this Charter and that the Town Council shall establish by ordinance an independent Ethics Commission to administer and enforce the Code of Ethics and Conduct ordinance. Adams explained that the Commission only needs to meet when a complaint is received and the Commission does not need to be a standing Commission. Council member Edstrom stated that the drafts provided are not applicable to the Town as they are Ordinances taken from larger cities. Edstrom said that Trophy Club was polarized in the past by one event that pitted one group or person against another. Edstrom asked the Council to keep in mind the livelihoods of the employees , who are governed by Personnel Policies when considering the Ethics Ordinance . Town Manager Emmons suggested that the Ordinance define employees as currently only the Town Manager, Town Attorney and Town Secretary, who report to the Town Council. The Charter requirement does not state that the amendment be inclusive of all employees Mayor White requested that the Council forward their business points to Town Manager Emmons who will compile and forward out to the entire Council. Council member Edstrom asked that this Item not come back to Council until after the election . Town Council Minutes dated April 12,2010 6 Council member Rose asked Town Attorney Adams to pull his business points from his draft (T -E) 15. 2010-179-T Items for future Agendas. No action taken. 16. 2010-205-T Town Manager's Update regarding the following; and discussion of the same. Town Manager Emmons provided the following updates: 1. Roundabout -Conceptual plan is in the process of being finalized 2 Bobcat Blvd -The first phase has been completed. Anticipated completion time for the second phase is mid-May . 3. Splash Park -The Contractors are doing a great job July 4, 2010 is the ant icipated opening date . 4 . Safe Routes to School -Bidding will occur late May and a contract will be issued mid June . 5 . Building Permits -150 permits were budgeted and 98 have been issued to date . 6 . Three Clean Event -Scheduled for Saturday , April 24, 2010 at Medlin Parking Lot. 7. Outgoing comments ; and discussion of the same -Town Manager Emmons made a short statement about his experience in Trophy Club . Emmons recognized the Staff and the Town Council for their dedication 17. 2010-180-T Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities, educational sessions, and regional meetings; discussion of same. Mayor White provided an update on the following FitCities Walk with the Mayor -Mayor White is going to continue her Walks with the Mayor TML Regional Meeting -Mayor White thanked the Staff and the Country Club for coordinating the meeting. Northwest Metroport Chamber Mayor's Roundtable -The Mayor's Roundtable meets quarterly and two additional meetings developed at this month's meeting . Mayor White announced that Trophy Club , Roanoke and Westlake will be meeting to discuss sales tax usage and trails . TCRBA opening day baseball ceremony -Mayor White threw the first pitch at the opening day ceremony . Easter Egg Hunt -This event was detailed by Parks Director Adams earlier in the meeting 25th Town Anniversary Planning Committee -The event will be held Labor Day Weekend . It will be a fun , full weekend and additional details will follow . RSVP Meals on Wheels -Mayors for Meals Campaign -Mayor White found this to be rewarding . Groundbreaking for Splash Park -Addressed under the Town Manager's Update. Patriot Guard Riders -impressed with the number of people who turned out. Breakfast Reception Alliance TX and 35W Coalition Day -This was a Transportation conference and there are huge issues with funding Mayor White said that she learned that gas tax is per gallon and thus the same regardless on the gas price . As cars become more efficient and usage goes down, so do the gas tax revenues Northwest Metroport Chamber Luncheon -Good attendance. Lunch with the President (Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine) -Mayor White met the new President, who announced Baylor's focus is on cardiac care and Emergency Room issues Mayor White attended the Emergency Preparedness Summit hosted by Congressman Burgess on April 10, 2010 and found the meeting to be very informative Mayor White passed the information on to Fire/EMS EXECUTIVE SESSION Town Council Minutes dated April 12 , 2010 7 Council convened into Executive Session at 10:20 p.m. 18. 2010-182-T Council to convene into executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Annotated, Subchapter 551, Section 551.074(a) "Personnel Matters, to discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: A. Services, compensation, contract and severance benefits, performance, special duties and directions for Town Manager Emmons B. Letter of Understanding regarding Acting Town Manager position C. Search for new Town Manager Council reconvened into Regular Session at 1 :15 a.m. on April 13, 2010. 19. 2010-183-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding Executive Session items. Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Sterling authorizing the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Assistant Town Manager Seidel regarding the Acting Town Manager position, and to execute a consultant Agreement with Town Manager Emmons as discussed in Executive Session Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn made by Sterling, seconded by White to adjourn at 1: 13 a. m. Connie White, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Minutes dated April 12,2010 8 I would like to request that this transcript be printed and entered into the minutes of tonight's Trophy Club town council meeting of April 12, 2010 and I have provided the Town's secretary with a written copy for such. I want to thank my wife and daughter for relinquishing their time to me so that I can read the following into the record for tonight's town council meeting of April 12,2010. I would also like to request that a written copy be included within the minutes of this meeting when they are published and have provided the Town's secretary with a written copy for such. My name is Jim Thomas and while I am currently a member of the MUDI Board, I am not representing any members of that Board this evening but am speaking to you as a resident residing at 7 Meadowbrook Lane. Later this evening you will be discussing and hopefully taking action on a fmal proposal concerning the removal of most "shared employees" and the initiation of a services contract with MUD 1. Our mayor, city manager and the MUD SEMO Committee, of which I am a member, came to agreement on this proposal last Monday and both sides are presenting the set of numbers you will see tonight to their respective Boards, recommending approval. While this removes the majority of "shared employees" from the issue and problems associated with dual reporting responsibility, it still leaves 13 employees in a "shared employee" category -members of our fire and ____~EM~eprunnen~__------------------------------------------------------------------­ Bill Rose did an excellent job in your last council meeting of explaining the "Solana effect" associated with our respective tax bases. As he pointed out, MUD I's tax base, which includes Solana, is nearly 20% higher than the town's tax base, which does not include Solana. Therefore any expense incurred by the residents of Trophy Club will be less iffunded by MUD 1 than if funded by the towo. While we have aIJ had our hands full with the issues surrounding the necessary contract to alleviate the situation with the other "shared employees", 1 disagree with the statement made at the last meeting that the Fire / EMS structure probably means they should remain as they are for now. We can easily combine the two, and here's how to do so and why it makes sense to do so as soon as possible. There is a lot of misconception about what it will take to combine our fire department and our EMS department. It actually is quite simple and I propose that it be a major topical item at the townIMUD joint workshop already scheduled shortJy after the elections are held on May 8th . If you think about it, it's the same person driving a fire apparatus on one run and an ambulance on another run, as all our firelEMS employees are cross trained. They all report lo the same Fire Chief but their expenses are borne and paid for differently. The town and MUD split their salaries and benefits 50 -50, but the MUD pays for all fire expenses, like the building, the fire trucks and fire equipment while the towo pays for alJ EMS expenses, like ambulances and required tools, equipment and medications for those. State law requires a MUD to have a Fire Plan in order to operate a fire department. When the MUDl fire plan was drafted and approved by the voters that lived in tbe MUD] District at the time -as there was no town when this happened -that law allowed MUDs to operate a fire department but did not allow MUDs to operate an EMS service. Since then tbat law has been cbanged allowing MUDs to operate both fue and EMS departments. Due to this, I have recently requested that our MUD attorney begin a draft of an "amended fire plan" for review and approval by the MUD Board as soon as possible. Please understand that an "amended plan" does not have to go before the voters for approval, like a new fire plan does, therefore it can be put into place as soon as the MUD Directors approve the new language. Also, please Wlderstand that this is onJy laying the ground work necessary for merging the two departments. That action cannot occur without approval of both the Town Council and the MUD Board. So why approve it? As Bill pointed out, any expense transferred from the town to the MUD wiD cost the residents of Trophy Club less money in overall taxation. There is a spread sheet to be shared with everyone at the workshop that will clearly show that the town can reduce its taxes by approximately 7 cents by moving the expense of EMS over to the MUD, while the MUD will only have to raise its taxes by approximately 5 cents to pay for EMS. In total, an overall savings of 2 cents in taxation to every resident in Trophy Club. This would also do away with the last vestige of "shared employees". Now, from the MUDs perspective, we have to be very aware of any tax affect we place on Solana as they are our largest taxpayer. I have spoken twice with Richard Kuhlman, Maguire Partners' senior officer for Solana operations, the most recent just last week, and he stated to me that he would welcome MUDI baving the ability to provide EMS service to Solana and would gladly fund this expense if we did so. He knows that our EMS team can arrive on site in Solana faster than the Westlake team; plus he views this move as giving him an "excellent insurance policy" in case anything causes the Westlake fire department to change. When we consider the minute details, the town benefits dramatically by moving a major tax requirement off its rolls allowing it to fund the new $5 million parks bond with a significantly lower tax increase to everyone than is going to be required if nothing changes. I tlllnk you may even avoid a potential "roll-back" movement by doing so. Last week the bids for construction of the new tire station were opened and the actual costs for building the new facility appear to be dramatically less than the $3.7 million the MUD budgeted for its ------<30DstruGti0n-:-As-we-de-velop -tbe-details,this-lesser-censtruetion-amount-;--associated-with-the---retirernerrrura­ major MUD bond this year, may allow the MUD to take on the EMS expense and still lower overall MUD taxes. This workshop I spoke of earlier will help our newly elected MUD Directors and the Town Council to develop proper data for a final decision; hence my desire that it become a major agenda item for that workshop. Lastly, MUDI and the former MUD2 had contracted the operations of the fire department to the town until about 18 months ago. The MUD Board did not renew the annual contract at that time simply because it felt it was in everyone's best interest for the MUD to manage the building of the new fITe station since it was MUD funds being used to do so. But I see no reason why we cannot renew this contract with the town, once the station is finalized, putting all DPS services back under one roof -the town's. The MUD would continue to fund the combined fire and EMS departments, as one MUD entity, but the town could reassume control over the daily operations. This would seem to make sense to me as we are the only MUD in the State of Texas that owns and operates a fire department. Thank you for allowing me to express my personal opinions; and I truly urge both the town council and MUD Directors, whomever is in position after the election, to address this issue immediately so that both organizations can build their 201 0-2011 budgets accordingly. Sincerely, Jim Thomas 7 Meadowbrook Lane 817-491-9238 Pl a y C h e s s … . n o t Checkers St r a t e g i c T h i n k i n g Op e n i n g  Mo v e                                  Co m m i t t i n g  to  Ec o n o m i c  Development Mi d d l e  Ga m e                                      Pr o ‐Ac t i v e  &A t t r a c t i n g  Businesses En d  Ga m e                                                Re t a i n i n g  Bu s i n e s s  & Redevelopment It  is n It  is n ’’ t  ab o u t  th e  cu r r e n t  pl a y ,  bu t  th e  su m  of  all  your  plays! t  ab o u t  th e  cu r r e n t  pl a y ,  bu t  th e  su m  of  all  your  plays! • Te x a s  un e m p l o y m e n t  is  at  8. 2 %  (D e c e m b e r   20 0 9 ) ,  an d  th a t  re p r e s e n t s  a  2. 1 %  in c r e a s e  ye a r   ov e r  ye a r  fr o m  De c e m b e r  20 0 8 . • De n t o n  Co u n t y  re g i s t e r e d  a  2. 1 %  un e m p l o y m e n t   ra t e  in c r e a s e  ye a r  ov e r  ye a r  fr o m  De c  20 0 8  –D e c   20 0 9 ;  Ta r r a n t  Co u n t y  re g i s t e r e d  2. 2 % • Pe r  th e  IC S C  20 0 9  Sh o p p i n g  Ha b i t s  Re p o r t ,  ov e r   75 %  of  re s p o n d e n t s  re p o r t e d  a  re d u c t i o n  in   di s c r e t i o n a r y  sp e n d i n g  ha b i t s . Di f f i c u l t  ma r k e t  an d   ec o n o m i c  de v e l o p m e n t   co n d i t i o n s . Re m e m b e r Re m e m b e r …… .. T r o p h y  Cl u b  mi g h t  be  re a d y  fo r  more   .. T r o p h y  Cl u b  mi g h t  be  re a d y  fo r  more   de v e l o p m e n t ,  bu t  th e  ec o n o m y  (d e v e l o p e r s / r e t a i l e r s / f i n a n c i n g )   de v e l o p m e n t ,  bu t  th e  ec o n o m y  (d e v e l o p e r s / r e t a i l e r s / f i n a n c i n g )   ma y  no t  be  re a d y . ma y  no t  be  re a d y . “Y o u  ca n ’ t  co n t r o l  de s t i n y — b u t  yo u  can  control   ho w  yo u  re s p o n d  an d  in f l u e n c e  yo u r  destiny.” ‐Da v i d  R. Kolzow • 26  Ac r e  De s i g n  Ch a r r e t t e • Co u p o n  Bo o k  to  be n e f i t  ex i s t i n g  business • IC S C  Te x a s  De a l  Ma k i n g  Co n f e r e n c e • DB J  Hw y  11 4  Fe a t u r e • Ca t a l y s t  Co m m e r c i a l • Ho l i d a y  De c o r a t i o n s • P& Z  Pr o c e s s  Tr a i n i n g • Tx D O T Si g n a g e • Br a n d i n g  In i t i a t i v e Wh a t  we  ha v e : 26  ac r e s  in  an  ex c e l l e n t  lo c a t i o n Go o d  fr o n t a g e  & vi s i b i l i t y  al o n g  Hw y  114 Pr o x i m i t y  to  em p l o y m e n t  & vi s i t o r s Co m m o n  ‘v i s i o n ’ fo r  th e  pr o p e r t y ’ s  use Wh a t  we  do n ’ t ha v e : Mo r e  ac r e a g e  (l a n d l o c k e d ) Mo m e n t u m  fr o m  pr o p e r t y  ow n e r Ap p r o v e d  de v e l o p m e n t  st a n d a r d s Ec o n o m i c  & Ma r k e t  su p p o r t Wh e r e  do  we  st a n d ? Wh a t ’ s  Le f t ?  Fa r t h e r  al o n g  no w  th a n  in  re c e n t  hi s t o r y ;  Pr o p e r t y  ow n e r  & To w n  do  no t  ag r e e  on  al l  po i n t s    re l a t e d  to  pr o p e r t y  de v e l o p m e n t ;  Th e  pr o p e r t y  ow n e r  ha s  th e  ba l l  in  th e i r  co u r t  Ho s t  wo r k s h o p  wi t h  P& Z ;  Ho s t  wo r k s h o p  wi t h  To w n  Co u n c i l ;  Ho s t  fi n a l  pu b l i c  wo r k s h o p ;  P& Z  Ap p r o v a l ;  To w n  Co u n c i l  Ap p r o v a l  Pa s t  ED C ‐4B  ap p r o a c h  ha s  be e n  to  on l y  fo c u s  on  at t r a c t i n g  ne w  business  .  Ge a r e d  to  he l p  st i m u l a t e  bu s i n e s s  at  Tr o p h y  Cl u b ’ s  ex i s t i n g  bu s i n e s s e s .  ED C ‐4B  fu n d s  th e  pr i n t i n g  & th e n  di s t r i b u t e s  th e  co u p o n  bo o k s ,  and    bu s i n e s s e s  ho n o r  th e i r  re s p e c t i v e  di s c o u n t s .  Dr i v e  mo r e  bu s i n e s s  du r i n g  Su m m e r  mo n t h s .  If  pr o g r a m  is  su c c e s s f u l ,  pe r h a p s  ev a l u a t e  as  a  pe r m a n e n t   pr o j e c t .  An t i c i p a t e d  co u p o n  bo o k  re l e a s e  da t e  is  mi d ‐Ma y  20 1 0 • At t e n d a n c e  wa s  do w n  ov e r a l l  – lo t s  of  ci t i e s  pr e s e n t ; • Me t  wi t h  se v e r a l  po t e n t i a l   pr o s p e c t s  in  pr i v a t e  me e t i n g s ; • At t e n d e d  se v e r a l  in f o r m a t i v e   se s s i o n s ; • Di r e c t o r s  ag r e e d  it  wa s  mo s t   su c c e s s f u l  to  da t e . • Al r e a d y  pl a n n i n g  fo r  20 1 0  De a l   Ma k i n g • Se v e r a l  me e t i n g s  di r e c t  re s u l t  fr o m   at t e n d i n g  An n u a l  DB J  in s e r t  th a t  focuses  entirely  on   th e  Hw y  11 4  Co r r i d o r ;  DB J  ha s  a  we e k l y  ci r c u l a t i o n  of  over   13 0 , 0 0 0 ;  Gr e a t  ex p o s u r e  fo r  th e  Town;  Th e  in s e r t  wa s  cr i t i c a l  in  the  information   pr o v i d e d  to  PI D  Bo n d  purchase;  Pr o v i d e d  in s e r t  to  Ha m p t o n  Inn   pr o p r i e t o r ’ s  fi n a n c i n g  representatives;  Di s p l a y s  un i f i c a t i o n  for  cities  located   al o n g  Co r r i d o r Pr e s e n t a t i o n  by : Ja s o n C l a u n c h Ca t a l y s t C o n s u l t i n g + S e r v i c e s ™  Pr e l i m i n a r y  di s c u s s i o n s  wi t h  Re g e n c y  Ce n t e r   of f i c i a l s  re g a r d i n g  a  pa r t n e r s h i p  wi t h  Re g e n c y   to  de c o r a t e  th e  sh o p p i n g  ce n t e r .  Lo t s  of  co m m e n t s  ab o u t  wh y  th e  Ce n t e r  is  no t   de c o r a t e d .  Ma y  or  ma y  no t  oc c u r  de p e n d i n g  on   di s c u s s i o n s  & co s t s . At  Ma y  me e t i n g ,  Ca r o l y n  Hu g g i n s  an d  As s i s t a n t  Town   Ma n a g e r  wi l l  pr o v i d e  wo r k s h o p  to  th e  Bo a r d  of  Directors   th a t  fu r t h e r  ed u c a t e s  th e  Bo a r d  on  pl a n n i n g ,  zoning, site   pl a n ,  et c  pr o c e s s e s . Cu r r e n t l y  re s e a r c h i n g  th e   ab i l i t y  an d  co s t  to  po s t  Hw y   11 4  si g n a g e  ad v e r t i s i n g   Tr o p h y  Cl u b  bu s i n e s s e s Th e  Bo a r d  of  Di r e c t o r s  pr o p o s e s  to  the  Town   Co u n c i l  to  un d e r g o  a  br a n d i n g  st u d y  to   es t a b l i s h  ne w  ma r k e t i n g  ma t e r i a l s  to  promote   th e  To w n ,  ne w  lo g o ,  an d  mo s t  im p o r t a n t l y   de v e l o p  a  br a n d  po s i t i o n  ba s e d  on  critical   in s i g h t s  an d  di s t i n c t i v e  st r e n g t h s  and   op p o r t u n i t i e s  un i q u e  to  Th e  To w n  of  Trophy   Cl u b . • Wh a t  is  ou r  Br a n d  Aw a r e n e s s  & Br a n d  Salience   to d a y ? • Ho w  do  ot h e r s  pe r c e i v e  us ? • Wh a t  do  we  wa n t  to  co m m u n i c a t e  to  others? • Ho w  do  we  wa n t  to  co m m u n i c a t e  th e  message?  • Wh a t  ma t e r i a l s  an d  re s o u r c e s  do  we  want  to   us e ? • Wh a t  sh o u l d  th o s e  ma t e r i a l s  an d  re s o u r c e s  look   li k e ? Lo g o s  ch a n g e  ov e r  ti m e … . Re c o m m e n d a t i o n : • Co u n c i l  di r e c t  ED C ‐4B  Bo a r d  of  Directors   to  in i t i a t e  an d  di r e c t  a  br a n d i n g  initiative   & ut i l i z e  ED C ‐4B  fu n d s . • In c o r p o r a t e  ci t i z e n s ,  el e c t e d  of f i c i a l s ,   bu s i n e s s  le a d e r s ,  an d  st a f f ,  du r i n g  the   pr o c e s s  to  de v e l o p  br a n d . Ad d i t i o n a l  Di r e c t i o n   fr o m  Co u n c i l ? Ar b o r D a y C e l e b r a t i o n at Tr o p h y C l u b P a r k Sa t u r d a y Ap r i l 2 4 , 2 0 1 0 2: 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m Ba s i c I n f o r m a t i o n • Sa t . A p r i l 2 4 th fr o m 2 p m - 5 p m – Fe s t i v a l – Co n c e r t – Pu b l i c S a f e t y F a i r • Fr e e t o t h e p u b l i c • Th e m e : G e t t i n g B a c k t o t h e Gr e a t O u t d o o r s Pa r k i n g • Dr i v i n g d i r e c t i o n s a n d p a r k m a p s av a i l a b l e o n l i n e • Ev e n t m a p s w i l l b e h a n d e d o u t at t h e T C P e n t r y b o o t h d u r i n g th e e v e n t • On - s i t e p a r k i n g f o r e a s y a c c e s s to t h e e v e n t • St a f f t o f a c i l i t a t e b o a t e r s ’ a c c e s s to b o a t r a m p d u r i n g e v e n t Fe s t i v a l F u n • Se v e r a l g a m e / a c t i v i t y b o o t h s – Ca r n i v a l g a m e s w i t h p r i z e s – St a f f e d b y v o l u n t e e r s • In f l a t a b l e s / r i d e s – Bo u n c e h o u s e s , g i a n t s l i d e , r o c k cl i m b i n g w a l l – St a f f e d b y i n f l a t a b l e c o m p a n y Fe s t i v a l F u n • Ca m p f i r e s a f e t y i n f o a n d f r e e s’ m o r e s s t a t i o n – St a f f e d b y G i r l S c o u t s • 4H b r i n g i n g a n i m a l s – Ha n d s a n i t i z e r s t a t i o n • Pa r k s & R e c D e p t . a n d T r e e Bo a r d w i l l h a v e i n f o r m a t i o n a l bo o t h s • Ce r e m o n i a l t r e e p l a n t i n g a t 3 p m Fo o d & E n t e r t a i n m e n t • Di c k e y ’ s B B Q w i l l b e s e l l i n g sa n d w i c h e s , h o t d o g s a n d d r i n k s • Li v e c o n c e r t b y F r e d d y a n d t h e Fa l c o n s , a n o l d i e s r o c k b a n d • La r g e t e n t w i t h t a b l e s a n d se a t i n g t o e a t a n d e n j o y t h e mu s i c Pu b l i c S a f e t y F a i r • Th e P o l i c e a n d F i r e De p a r t m e n t s h a v e p u t t o g e t h e r a s a f e t y f a i r w i t h s e v e r a l g r o u p s – TP W D – CO E – De n t o n C o u n t y S h e r i f f s – Au t o t h e f t p r e v e n t i o n – an d m o r e … Vo l u n t e e r s • Se e k i n g a s s i s t a n c e f r o m B N H S an d N H S S t u d e n t C o u n c i l a n d Na t i o n a l H o n o r S o c i e t y s t u d e n t s • Pa r k B o a r d m e m b e r s n e e d e d t o he l p s t a f f P a r k s & R e c b o o t h – Sh a r e i n f o r m a t i o n w i t h r e s i d e n t s ab o u t c u r r e n t a n d u p c o m i n g p a r k pr o j e c t s ww w . t r o p h y c l u b . o r g / s p e c i a l _ e v e n t s / a r b o r _ d a y . a s p T o w n E a s t e r E g g H u n t Sa t u r d a y , M a r c h 2 7 12 : 0 0 p m - 2 : 0 0 p m Tr o p h y C l u b P a r k Pa r t i c i p a t i n g C h u r c h e s  La k e C i t i e s C h u r c h o f C h r i s t  Ch u r c h a t T r o p h y L a k e s  Fe l l o w s h i p U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h  Ne w D a y C h u r c h  Ba r a C h u r c h Ea s t e r E g g H u n t s – U n d e r 3 Ea s t e r E g g H u n t s – 3 & 4 Ea s t e r E g g H u n t s – 5 & 6 Ea s t e r E g g H u n t s – 7 - 1 0 Mo v i e Ev e n t R e c a p  To t a l c r o w d o f 6 0 0 - 8 0 0 p e o p l e o v e r t h e c o u r s e of t h e e v e n t  30 0 - 4 0 0 c h i l d r e n  Pr o v i d e d o v e r 1 1 , 5 0 0 e g g s  Ea s t e r B u n n y t o o k p i c t u r e s w i t h c h i l d r e n  In f l a t a b l e s w e r e i n u s e t h r o u g h o u t t h e e v e n t Ev e n t R e c a p  Th e c h u r c h e s w e r e s u c c e s s f u l i n t h e i r co n c e s s i o n f u n d r a i s e r s  St a n d a r d P a c i f i c s p o n s o r e d t h e c o s t o f st a f f s h i r t s  Ev e n t r a n s m o o t h l y , e v e r y o n e s e e m e d ha p p y ! Lo o k i n g t o N e x t Y e a r  As t h e c r o w d g r o w s e a c h y e a r , s o m u s t th e n u m b e r o f e g g s  La r g e r e g g h u n t a r e a s f o r 5 + a g e g r o u p s  Vo l u n t e e r s t o a s s i s t w i t h p a r k i n g Se e Y o u N e x t Y e a r !