PRO 2003-06TOWN OF TROPHY CL Whereas, relationship violence affects every adult, teen, andchildin Trophy Clu6, Texas either as a victim /survivor of relationship violence or as a fami y member, significant other, friend, neighbor, or co-worker; and Whereas, this year's theme: "lou have the tht to NOTremain silent" incorporates the ideals of the various groups who workcoffectively to help victims and end relationship violence; and Whereas, many citizens ofDenton County are working to provide quality services and assistance to relationship violence survivors, and hundreds of volunteers help staff 24-hour hotlines, offer safe shelter, respond to emergency calls, offer support andadvocacy during medicalcare andcriminafjustice proceedings; and Whereas, Friends of the Family volunteers and staff promote relationship violence awareness andavoidance by offering educationalprograms to schools, churches and civic organizations, as well as professional training to medical, mental health, law enforcement andcriminaljustice personnel regarding relationship violence issues; and Whereas, Friends of the Family, other relationship violence programs, and other professionals and advocates of non-violence have joined together with the,Texas Council on Famify Violence andthe WationafDomestic Violence Ifotfine to support each other and to provide Trophy Cfub and the State of Texas and our citizens with a central source of information on relationship violence; and Whereas, during the month of October Friends of the Family will be intensifying efforts to promote public understanding of relationship violence andwill6e emphasizing the needfor citizen involvement in efforts to reduce relationship violence through public education and changing public attitudes; and Whereas, Friends of the Famify wiffbe working also to pu6ficize their services, increase community support andincrease awareness of the healing potentiaffor survivors; Therefore, I, do hereby designate Octo6er2003 as REL_Ag7 -, P VIOLENCEAW,4RENESS 9IONW in Trophy Club, Texas.