PRO 2007-15TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PROCLAMA TlOM NO. 2007 - 15 October 15-1 9,2007 "2007 Texas Chamber of Commerce Week" WHEREAS, more than six hundred local chambers of commerce in Texas distinguish themselves as the voice of business in our state; and WHEREAS, the work accomplished by those loca! chambers has benefited our state through their economic development and community development programs; and WHEREAS, the Northwest Metroport Chamber of Commerce unceasingly promotes our communities for quality growth and development; and WHEREAS, the business community, represented through local chambers of commerce, has been a driving force in fostering enhanced educational opportunities, infrastructure improvements, leadership development, the creation of jobs, and a positive vision of ,the future; and WHEREAS, the chamber of commerce community in Texas has sought to achieve successful results for our cities, towns, counties and state in a cooperative spirit with other organizations; NOW 'THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED THAT THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, PROCLAIM 'THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 15-19, 2087 AS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK IN TROPHY CLUB. PROCLAIMED 'THIS 'THE lST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2087. - Nick sanders,' Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: Town of ~rophy Club, Texas