RES 1991-0201/18/1991 11303 FROM TO 18174919312 P.04 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 91-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, , TEXAS, ITS APPROVING A CHANGEABLE TELEVISION THE NAME FRANCHISE IS HELD WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 88-06 dated June 13, 1988, the cable television franchise of the Town of Trophy held by Club, Texas neral Partner of sCablevision inc., as Ge County CableLimited Partnership, d/b/a planned Cable Systems; and WHEREAS, County Cable Limited Partnership ("CCLP") has represented to the Town that Cablevisions Management, Inc. has held the franchise in trust for CCLP, and that CCLP was intended to be and has in f since passage ofct been the owner 0rdinance No 88-06;d operator of the franchise WHEREAS, the franchise holder has requested that the Town Council approve a technical and non -substantive change in the franchise s in reflect facet County he name of t he owner of the franchise Cable Limited d i Partnership, d/b/a planned Cable System." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, as follows: Be io_xl_l. The preamble and recitals set forth above are incorporated herein as material inducements for the passage of this Resolution. SP�tion 2. The name in which the cable television franchise for the Town of Trophy Club under Ordinance No. 87-11 is held is hereby S g to "County Cable Limited Partnership, d/b/a Planned Ca Yems Sect>Qn_l. This Resolution approves only a change of the name in of which hethe franchise is held, and does not approve any tral Sectisn 4• Passage of this Resolution shall not constitute a release ovisionswaiver of any the franchisees by the of ranchisee of the terms and p and the Town hereby (whether known or unknown to the Town), expressly reserves any and all available rights and remedies with respect thereto. Seeticzn_j. This Resolution swritten acceptanceall be tive ofpon the of the filing with the Town Secretary p terms and obligations of the franchise by County Cable Limited Partnership. 01/18/1991 11=04 FROM TO 18174919312 P.05 PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of January, 91. Mayor, Town of, rophy Club, Texas � Town of Trophy uluu, [SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney. Texas Town of Trophy Club, cm