RES 1991-03C.d.N.T.R�.d.L. Citinma Opposed to Northl.ake Trash, Refuse. or Landfill Rests II .8= 82C Justin, Teems 76247 January 23, 1991 James P. Carter# Mayor City of Trophy Club 100 Municiple Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Dear Mayor Carter: We are asking for your help to properly investigate the issues involved in granting a landfill permit in southwest Denton County near Denton Creek. Sentry Environmental, a limited partnership with Guardian Resources, Inc. as general partner, 8235 Douglas Avenue, Suite 1122, Lock Box 76, Dallas, Texas 75225, has an application #2171 signed by Robert Bruce Thompson pending with the Texas Department of Health for a permit to operate a 359.72 acre solid waste landfill located on Hwy. 407, 1.9 miles west of Interstate 35 West. The applicants initially expect 480 tons of waste including "garbage, rubbish, ashes, street cleanings, dead animals, abandoned automobiles" will travel daily down Hwy. 407 to a dump site estimated to serve 157,000 people for 45 years. And even though the application states they will accept "solid waste other than industrial waste", the Department of Health tells us that any small company or industry such as a dry cleaner or a photographer who develops his own pictures can send up to 220 pounds of hazardous industrial waste per month to this landfill. In response to the landfill application, a group of concerned citizens of the Justin- Northlake-Argyle area have formed C.O.N.T.R.O.L., Citizens Opposed to Northlake Trash, Refuse, or Landfill, a non-profit corporation filed with the Secretary of State. The Northwest Independent School District as well as the cities of Justin, Northlake, and Argyle have all passed resolutions opposing this landfill. One of the issues our group has considered is the proximity of Denton k,to this gigantic landfill site which will have a peak 119.65 feet above the present level of Hwy. 407. If this landfill becomes a reality in spite of our best efforts, the operators will also be able to dump "pathological waste from laboratories, research, health, and veterinary facilities" as well as to request approval from TDH "for acceptance of asbestos in accordance with Bureau regulations." We are also concerned about the property values which provide the tax base for the Northwest Independent School District. Are there matters which come to mind which should be explored by you or by us about maintaining the quality of the water flowing from Den Fl_ ;;nt� a :�or about the effects of the landfill itself,as well as the garbage dumped illegally in the area, on the tax base? What issues need addressing regarding these concerns? What are tl- ramifications if there is pollution? Our understanding is that you may request a copy of the application, both Part A an6 the Site Development Plan, from Sentry Environmental or from the Texas Department of Healt at (512)459-7271 to assist you in evaluating this matter. We are asking you to: 1. Place consideration of our request on the agenda of the February 5 city council meeting. 2. Write a letter to the Texas Department of Health requesting a public hearing. (See the highlighted area on the enclosed public notice.) 3. Authorize us in writing to include town. of. Trophy Club as a supporter of C.O.N.T.R.O.L.'s opposition to the landfill. 4. Appoint a representative to C.O.N.T.R.O.L.'s board of directors for effective communication of,concerns and input of ideas. Tel r (817)Fa*t (817)648-3886 Any suggestion you have for us is both encouraged and welcomed. We do so appreciate your attention to this matter 'and look forward to receiving your support. Yours truly, C.O.N.T.R.O.L. OFFICERS CATHIE WALSH, PRESIDENT TOM STOCKARD, VICE-PRESIDENT WILBUR SMITH, TREASURER encls: FORM= CATHIE WALSH C.O.N.T.R.O.L. PRESIDENT Do You Want to Pass Trucks 1 Carrying 40 70�S of Waste [0XjMV On Hwy 156, 377, and FM 407"? If you care about your community, the JUSTIN- NORTHLAKE-ARGYLE area, please help fight the planned 360 acre landfill. Proposed location is 1.9 miles west of Interstate 35W on FM 407. (See map on back.) According to the application, this proposed landfill may accept"pathological waste from laboratories, research, health and veterinary facilities" and asbestos in accordance with Bureau regulations" as well as ,~garbage, rubbish,, ashes, street cleanings, dead animals, abandoned automobiles, and all other solid waste other than industrial solid waste" from approximately j57,_2kgpeople. Here's what you can do: 1 Wr te a letter to the Texas I,t h Lo- r bJ,J tm-l� G ;k,, pu excerpt ce on bacl,-,,) 2. Inform others about the landfill and encourage them to Participate in our group, CONTROL. 3.Contact CONTROi. by calling Cathie Walsh ofI Carter*Walsh Thoroughbred Farm at 648-3888 to offer any help you're willing to give. Please leave a message if necessary. We have MmAany different ways to use your talents! -F - FR . Q - L- CITIZENS OPPOSED TO N,ORTHLAKE TRASH, REFUSE, OR LANDFILL Resolutions OPPOSING SCHOOL DISTRICT, the NORTHLAKE. the landfill have been passed by NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT CITY OF JUSTIN, the CITY OF ARGYLE, and the CITY OF CITY OF ARGYLE, TEXAS RESOLUTION 91..... 1 � OPPQSITION TO PROPOSED LANDFILL SITE WHEREAS, the citizens of Argyle, Texas have expressed strong opposition to the granting of a landfill permit by the Texas Department of Health to Sentry Environmental, L.P., application # 2171, for a 359.72 acre waste site to be located 1.9 miles west of Interstate 35-W on F.M. 407; and WHEREAS, the City of nizes that_the approval of said landfill will pose a serious—�cologi��i economic threat to the community of Argyle, and will endanger the health, safety, and general well-being of the citizens of Argyle and surrounding areas, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: ' That the City of Argyle, Texas opposes the proposed landfill site and hereby formally conveys its oppositon by spreading this resolution across the official minutes of the City Council of Argyle, Texas and by forwarding a true copy hereof to the Texas Department of Health. Passed and approved this 8th day of January, 1991. APPROVED: ATTEST: "'S CITY SECRETARY-