RES 1999-31TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 1999-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE INTRODUCTION AND PASSAGE OF LEGISLATION WHICH MODIFIES THE REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTHORIZING THE HOLDING OF A CITYWIDE LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO ALLOW A CITY LOCATED IN MORE THAN ONE COUNTY THE ABILITY TO HOLD A LOCAL OPTION ELECTION, AND ENCOURAGING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE TO SUPPORT THIS INITIATIVE. WHEREAS, approximately 105 cities in the State of Texas are within the jurisdictional boundaries of more than one County; and WHEREAS, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code governs the holding of local option elections for citizens to approve or prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages; and, WHEREAS, the office of the Attorney General of Texas, through opinion No. JM -468 has opined that: • The Texas Constitution, Article XVI, section 20, requires that the Legislature shall enact a law or laws whereby the qualified voters of any ...incorporated town or city may, by a majority vote of those voting, detennine from time to time whether the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes shall be prohibited or legalized within the prescribed limits...; and • The aforementioned section is not self -enacting; and • The County Commissioners court does not have authority or power to order and direct a local option election in a city lying partly in two counties; and WHEREAS, although the Texas Constitution mandates that the legislature shall enact laws authorizing local option elections in all cities, the current provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code effectively prohibit the citizens of a city within more than one county from holding a local option election to detennine whether to permit or prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages; and WHEREAS, the continuance of the existing statutory provisions create inequities among Texas cities, granting greater voting rights to cities contained wholly within one county; and WHEREAS, the Texas Municipal League has consistently opposed legislation that erodes the authority of municipalities to govern their own local affairs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THAT: 10/19/99 7:11 PM Page 1 of 2 Section 1. The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas supports the introduction and passage of legislation that would modify the requirements for authorizing a local option election to allow a municipality in more than one county the ability to hold such an election; and Section 2. The Town of Trophy Club, Texas, strongly encourages the delegates of the Texas Municipal League to concur with the findings of this resolution and approve this or a similar resolution in support of this initiative, and to include the introduction and passage of multiple -county voter enabling legislation as a high priority in Texas Municipal League's 2001 legislative program. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this the 19th day of October, 1999. Mayor Pro Tem„ Town of Trophy Club, Texas AT -Fr -,ST: 1 f Town Secretary L_ Town of Trophy Chub, Texas [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: AI Town Atf ey Town of Trophy Club, Texas N:AGcondevAPRO 1 GOTS\LO G-2001 \resolutions\TM L-RI:S-02. DOC 10/19/99 7:11 PM Page 2 of 2