RES 2005-22TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION 2005-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AND DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT, ON BEHALF OF CEDAR VALLEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING TRAINING FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, authorizes governmental entities to contract with each other to perform government functions and services, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of local governments; and WHEREAS, entering into the proposed interlocal agreement for training of police personnel is beneficial to the Town to both train new police officers and to maintain the proficiency of more-experienced police personnel; and WHEREAS, the Council finds that the proposed interlocal agreement benefits the public health, safety and welfare NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. The foregoing premises and recitals are found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted by the Town Council. Section 2. The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town") does hereby approve and agree to enter into an agreement with the Dallas County Community College District, on behalf of Cedar Valley College A true and correct copy of the said agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 3. The Mayor, or his designee is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute the attached Agreement on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the lst, day of August, 2005. RES 2005- City of Trophy Club Dallas CounQ Collxrrt urzify College District Dr. Rill Welts, 'l'ri~lning Corrsultanl Corsiineing Erlnration Divisiu~a Ccdar 5;:lltey Callcge 3130 Kordr Dall;s Arcntic! l,:~ncr~teu, T~xms 75124 Ofiirr - (9721 860-8208 Ern - (972) 860-294 1 Ernaif - RiHH'elI@~rlc~ctl.erlt~ RES 2005- To tel-lural Agt-eemeii t Beheea D:rilas County Cot~lrxiutllty Cullegc District (Ced:ir Vnlley College) ,?ad City taf Trophy CI~llrr This Aiircntllriic~i~ is 11:nde arid en$emr] i rrra ly n1ir1 bc:rveen Dallas Counly Ca~rimuni ly Polleg: Distric: (rct:~~erl to "Dislriet"], a Tt.k;~s ~:a:ilicd 511bdivisi011 crlliighcr educdio:~. u:~ betlllfrif rc:J:!r Valley College, (refe~t.:.d lo 63 ''C:011cge*'] and Cjly at- Tropl~y Club t~.eh:red :u as 'Tcrm;lai~y') for ahc pu~pose orpruvidine; raining ctaszm lrndcr Ike Tollcwi~ig io 111s ;brad ccl~rditjuns- 1, PURPOSE; Tllr collrg sl~nll prcrbidc rlrc hollowing ln8iriilng scssiolls(s]: "Wnr;ic: Pcoc~ O2:cer Course'. lo crnploycm cf tlm Ca~a~parry. Courfic cnnlrnt will h del~vd with ii11:ll cnlme contell1 bnserl en Lkc 11ced~ 1Z1e targel gru:tp ond inpu: Ear11 !lie C01up:lny. {Set Aclsc!mient B] 4. II.IATKRIXCI SUPPLI ES: I:~struclion~tl nulkinlr atd supp;ies rwll he provided es Ccsettlbcd in "Attnclu;~c~:t A". J. CLASS!'COI.;RSE OT?I:LRlNES. Thc :r:~ini~g scss~on(s) rc'tll I#: ofFt~d in acc~sdaere lu llie prupnn> outlinc{~) devclq?ctl by Lbc Cnnipnny i~nd irlscr~raun. 5. PACll,t'l"lESiEQVIPh¶ENT. Thc clam will kc an"esetl 21 t thc Co~~ip;l~iy, viliich is stri~:~ble for lhc ctlu~ntin~~al nc.rds nf lI:c IrrInrng ccssrants). Tltu i'nmpany 5liiitl IIB~ CL'SL fnr lhc r.c;)ldl ~lf^311>' s]I~:'IQI:Lc~ c~(uipmm:. RES 2005- 6, FEE. Tlsc Jre fclr rlle lr:~jnin_p sessio:~ of'Fene:~Isl shall bc clisrg& n: n late outlined belotv !villi t:o srlrijtir~rnd icx[s) chxgcd Ibr ~18% alsdd progmttl rl~vclsrpmenl 7. 1'EItBl: Slajjort lo prior tcni~inn~iun or rmtocatio~r aP tl\ir; Avluunt aj pmvjdcd ill scc:iot: S.. tlre iiiitirtl Icllia of lh~a Apcancsll &all 1.1~ irr Tu$l fi~r;c 3rd clfcct for n l~cl-iod of sc\feil ~ls~t~ths. Tl;is Agrcmicat begiels us! Scptcn~hr~ 1. 2005 grad cnds oa tcbruxy 28. 2OIjnG. A1 Icad lhirly (301 days ptior to the eupifoU6n DT thr irbilinl tc~~n, Pic blrrpaay !:my rcnrw (liis Agrceni~l~t f~os ill1 cdditfuna t oric (I] yrar ogoqi :tpproval oEtlle Col;ege. 8. TERM 3 Nik'L'tON: Eitlief parly mny icn.stinntc this Agrezr:laal (m 60 il:~ys rr~i~:en nolice tn lllc UI~ICI parly ~~~rlcss a breach mn~rs. A %reach uf Olis hprceri.tr111 inc:cdcs, bul as not lia~it~cl 10 3 vioJalicil$ of lhc gdicic~ OIP~ ar~les of' tl:c Oallegc, c.. ::~~isre~~rcmili~ or f;~lsc r;:;ltemetiL 31 Ibis Apeernnil by one or ll:c prni:c$. 01 ~~ctir-pcriunnar.~ of r p;i~y's dides ua~dcr lkis Agtern~m~ In ~lic cvcnt of a brr:~c:i, IIK b~ cncl~itry party has 31t dnp LO cure tlie Zln,rclr. Fnilurc 11, cwc IIie hrrncli iviII rcsul: i:) tc~i~iinalirxl this Agxcmclit, II'tl~is Agrea1ta:t is tertfli~~eccrl :Illling :in ac;rtlolnic tew. slutlc~~ls ~cill bc ollo\ve,l ic ficr.3~11 IAcir cou~ne~~~lnrk ~i~dcr lliili Agrcsriicnl. A. Ncillrer party 118q n11lliori:y rbr 011 l~cli~trurll~r CII(IIPT CSC~~ as pmvidcll it? this Agl rcl~:crtl. Nil nll~m':~~~~lt~rky. J~JIL~CP. pa:fncrsrhip, usc or riglrls nuc gr~i~cetl 01. i~f~plitd. II. This Ayrecaiicnr may only be :lrrken&ed by d:c rnul~ria! wnitw hg~ee~lae:lloT Lilt! parlie. Pr;Fcv tn succa:io~; ~ct'il1~~1 Agrcf.mcnt hy :lie DCCCD, tll~ UCCCD Lcgat Dq,artn~mr 1tri91 ~pprnvw:fl cliarigcs C. hTri12lrr party Iany i~iotlr niny dcbL, ubEllr;diurt, cxlrcnso. or liability of atny kind oli hslxilf ullllc cdhcr pnrly \vilIloul tlic other putty% prior sitla^ la^ approval. W. Any nrid nl' join1 veabcutu: cr p"i)enhIp r;tntus is l~errby txpressky dciiasl and llle ~~adics cspressl y scxe lIb:~l ltlry huvc not fomcd, e:tl~er c;uprec;sl y or ilnplirli, a juinl r.al:wre 01. partnw%?sip. RES 2005- A, Ncklier pal:); sial; [isvc conclot CUP^ the ~bl~er pari:rr will! rehpec? tu its Iwz~rrs, lilii~s, ~;aipI0y13r111. CIC. C. We paflies warnit tkik tlleir me:ual cblig~lions sllrli be pcrrrmcd wirh di~c d;ligc~rce lit n ssk and pmfcsric~ial manner and in conlpliancr wit11 any and ;dl nppl;c;~ blc rlniuks, nilss, aid rcpuintio~is. D. Ttlc Collcp's ~ierfonnanre br qaeeiEcally c~onlingcnl rqan rtccipf al adequate findj~ig fton :Ils Stale al"T@xas arid lls iundieg sourcrs. lf acleqtm~c Fmdin~ is not pmvidcd by rhc Sratc. alus Ag~eell~cal trill be %mlinerr6 ns pnvirl~d in scc~inn 3, of this Agccii~en:, E. Upota recluest, tIac Colbgc a11d Cily will ~ii~ako avcilublc to cacl~ o~hc: for inspcctis~z and x16;1, all tia;llncid ~rcoc@$ pettai~tit:~ to 6h~ Pwg~t~ll, . AI1PIdIChRI..F LAW: Tliis 4grcaitc~lf is fovcrncrl by tllc laivs al'chc Siate of Tea@. 12. i'ENUE: Venw to ctrfunc this A$mcmart shall lie csclssively In DilfJ* Counly. 'I osiis, 1:. WAIVER: 7'11r fcill~rr tlri~ll~ ?;~fl:r' hcretw In mclcisr: llir rie:i(s y~ antd 1l:cm llaeiri 11 OOI: tllc wcLirrzlIcc ~l'i?~~y oftlie cti~~li~i~enc;ics set fnrih in this Pyl,rc:smcn~ 56i111 11ot ;a any wen1 coLirLlbtc n rvdit'er crf atysurlt riyhls ulmit LIIC r)ccun.;nce n r any ruth con li n~c11cic.s 1.1, ,ZSSItiKI)IENI'IS: Neither p~tlp Itad). as~ijitr tttcir iqtercd in this Agrcc~1ic111 w~tlio~ar tllc 14i?tcn pemrlwon of tlru c~tliz~pat~y. IS. IKDKhlNIFlCC1ATIOLV: Cnllc~c iilgrccs tn I~c rmpa;~sible for its wbln acts al ~~tgligt:rncv ard I:u111pe1:y agrbrcs ir~ fr6 rcspc~nsiblc fr:r its a.rvll :c(s 01 11cgligenr;u ~vllich lnay bc alleged ici CCS:II:C'C~I~II ivil11 ally CIL~ at1 ~Ii~irns lirrc~~ls, rxpcrma and dnnlagcs to PCFWII(S) and ~:~-oj,criy ill;:! mzy crise orit 0fu1 br weca~ioncd by :Iiis ;I~:WIBCI~I or any oQi~s 9c1ivilic:s or. hw~n any nct afontimina lior~~ rtsy cnr]il~:yet' EST invi:ee oTCi~Hcgc ~r Col.i;i~ny.. Hfill-#ing in tlis paragraph ot arly aliie~ iwmiisio~r urtlris A~~wll~cnk &nil hc ct:ns~ru:~! ns n .,e;~lvm of tllr noticr rcguircrne~xs. dcl'c:tscs, i~:~t:~erl:ric.;:u~rl li:nik~liu~~s CCIIII~~LI:~ nr r'nl:cgc nlay have rrr3dcr 'l'cuas law. 'I'lie p1o1 ~sions a thls pmagr'iqrlr arc mirly 61s :hc bcnrii~ RES 2005- 16. COMP1.1.4NCE M'lTM EIIGFl IICUCATION CQQRDlFATIING ROARD RI."IAKS. Under tlie trnrss nad concitior~s oftliis Agrcolls~lt To: Dr. Bill Wells Trs~:l.nii; Coasultaii t Crdar \t;311cy col lcgc 303Q NQ~I n;11155 AYQTIIC Lrrwaslrr, ?W 75 134 Office: BJ2-51i(f-82QS Fax: 972-660-2941 l~iIlm.~lls@~dcccd,ccl~r Trr: Ms, Tcr k Srtmiulw l'r,aining Cn~rdi~ntar EOO Mui9icip:il Drive Twplly Club, Tuns 75262 VULCS: 214-877c.S 197 Pas: 8 13-491-9876 twnn~ei@cmphyrIub. om Eilbcr party rescwes Ikc right to bcslgoote in 5vdt:ng lo llle otlrer pa11y "lid change ~ai trctrre, drat~ge ~afpermn. or address 10 ivliicl: the rrotices slral: be sect. RES 2005- IL Vice Prefident - Indruciion Date OCGU a /~JX d7//f /a 5- De$, Continuing EduMon Division 'Date In(erlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District and City ofTrophy Club Updated July 11,2005 Page 6 of 12 Dallas County Community College District - By: ~hankelloi . Date Approved as to form: J' Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District and City of Trophy Club Updated July 11,2005 Page7 of12 City of Trophy Club Representative Date Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District and City of Trophy Club Updated July ll.2005 Page8 of 12 I SCIIEDG"I,IE OF S151tVlCES. The cla~,t;s(cs] rl~oll kc coord:nalsd and rchcclulctl batrvrsn tlae Cbllcge rnrl ~llc Cn~-~p;liig! Morirlny t!in-ia$i Friday mcl~ding fedent, 51;11c ;ln:I local hcslirlqs nr blllca dbys 1vIir11 llre C~:lcgu is c?oscd. 2. RIA'I'PRIALS AND SUPPLIES. Tlle Cn~iqmt~y \\il! provide ttlc neccssaty nledid cqxpment rclnbcr? .In llic sollrsc{s) ~sll^rrr?d at Lhe Campany, Tlie Co:lcgc sball pruv:ric all ~tudc111 DI;ILC~I~IS K~UITCFI for all classvs, J~isr~aclor pxpnrcd ~3;~s n~e:cri:~Is pmvidcd hy llre I'nllcg %viil he invaical e; a cast per paTei~ipmt lo t3sr Co~nlin~ry. 3. CLASS IWI~Ollh3A'I'ION. 'I kr C:ollcge sluJ1 ntoildain n con~pEsIe lile of' a11 cisss syllabi and cinumc ut:;lincs. finch syll~bns shdl inclurlc a cornplstc '~vc'sn~i~iv of llrr class, the inslrucror's r.:mnic, $%ling poli~y IiF rlpplic83lc1, gaals ;~r,d sblrjrc!ive~. utleadmce p~licy and ell cluss requittnrrtnes. Tlre chlurselclass colltea: orjd lengih wiil be dciessnjtled based 411 s~qut fmln llle Corklpiuiy. TBc c:ass(esl will bc 3ewgicd 10 iiicet llic la~rdf ol'lkc talgcred nudiencc alxl thcy c;c inctrg~r;ar;~tecl illlo this Agr~~~li~nl hy rcfc~c-cacu ;IS Atlcchmcnt C'. 4, INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY, Tlac Collcgc rvil'a crs>l>loiy qudilicd perso~mel lo provid~ eilucatianal scnlscs in crccardmicc with siatc lagydalions and policies OF thc Cr>!lc~s hot11 on onil I>I l'canlpos, [nslrucror Mcs, rocwds and s:?ilcmcnl of quatihcikbian sl~eels fix all i~:stn;clt?rs I%dla on ~n$ off curnl,iu wi,l bc n-;uinlai&-rcd by die Catlqe Tt~c instntcfe~* rr~tl Iznw a !hom~gl: ki~;intsu;lctlge of [he SLI~JCC~ area and elrrsr Ire able la use lliedir C~LI~PIIICI~~ ~ld ollicr JIU:IIL;~~ teacl:~l)g aids ita urdu- to 111otivill~ and stirnuiatc ~duc,itlonal g;uivlli, 'I'hc Cu:lcga will nrnnifor dl inslnrclars both nn 13ncti of[ r;~iitp~u Tlic stuclails wi;l samplctr: In'aslnrcto: cvi~luilli~~l~ OI Ibc funclusi~>rs &I' eat11 cli~!i~ RG~LI~:~; Of cralcstions will bu pn~vidcil tu (:~l~;~pill:~ at Ilke c.;jncttas-iull a1 111e d;~ss. 5. I'ACtl.OrB'I LCSfEQLlPt8lliH"T. ‘flit climrj~s) ~\.t11 be col~rluctrd tltc ol flisa Colksgt: ;r~idigr Ca1iiji::rry. All c l.lssraolr?e IiiUi: nlrcr ~lic .rtl~rr;~~i~~a~il K~U~ICIIICEIIS ioa liie i:b;lsrtcs) nR>r:.~l. RES 2005- 6. REGISTR.IPX'TDN. The Go~ljrnlly shd! ~ulan:ii rcgislralinn ~I~~DR~;I~OII 613 111s &'nllny Pnr ibrir mrltlayw an pr befnre tlle 1 dagg rErly arb(! na I:r!er !lwn lhc 9'' clitss Jiry iC applicable. Accadiny to SL,I% regu!ndulls, lire College will a$@, ackjiot\ Ic~~P ~IIIV enl~II:llc"nt ira my rec:ic~~ afier llie 1" day if a one :lay class nor eRcr 11.n~ 3" d.~y if 1:1e E!:ISS is 3 or MO~C dakx :,n ~NBI~M~. TIIC CO:CBIIEIFE- ~l~ate maintain elm rustehs Ibr all classm nfPer~d. 7. 31% ILL. Due $0 thc lechiccl ntitllrc of thc ~l;a~(cs), cn;olln~c;lk will bt liniircrl Ir, 0 nixxImumcrf Lliirry (30) starlcnls Ior each cl;.i. 8. 131L.I.ING. Tlte Calkcgc wit1 i~>vorce lllc Colrrpa#>y zlw lbl~?rali Pndaq uf t&h tl(sn91 f~llo!%~ki~g 1]16 lraining session, Psymerj: of isvolce is doe tvi94irr thirlp- (30) dnfl nflcs receipt. 9. REPORTIPIG PROGKDURE. 'Ria Elollegc siiuli 111~irllsin ull rccords in a~cv~likncc vLth Statc rrrr(uirc.rrreizts Addil~ivially, tlic Colicgc tlull pravirlc glle Compaaj! rvi r!~ inlbnnntion ol! the sratus LPPII~C class ~tferiliy, 1nfon:mlion ot~ the prttglcss el ~ndiu~dt~al s:utbrts will no9 bc provldcd to tilt Com]~l-.y wliieltaol t31c rwil:c~i npprava1 of the 8lljdenL concrn~cd. Scc hc Stedciit fRcl=e of Inlornialion Frsmi incurpfir~k~l inl~ Illis A$rcen-~en! y rcrcrcorje ias Allncbmel~c U, RES 2005- Cedar Valley College --- " ...-- -, ?*.. - ~ 1 --E--w - "~ -. .-- , g~i~nt ]~en?a:ssiri> Tor ihs rclcnsc of -,.. lny acodcnic rscwtls In RES 2005- Cedar Valley Col - - --- - - -. -- IJt'18 LA5 COUNTY COhtW;JNI 1 (See Attached) RES 2005- Cedar Valley College - - - *v ----- DRI. I.AS CDUP6'TY C'OMML'NjT"1' COLLEGES 'I'CEEOSIC L(:lsig I%$mg Course Tule nd Nulrbers Dcp;lmnen: Nnrrrc of iacadenry Llircctor; Lloyd R Norton (972-860-82 16) FYa~nc otCoonli~irtor: Tcuri tV~imcr-Simntnns (340-329-86G9) 1 nlroductia~e and llnlionale far Course: "Phis 640-hoe: co;r~c is tIcslsncd to p~ovitle begi:iiiing Tcxas pcacr: flficcrs rvitln a3 ~ndcmtnndin& nT Ihc pracz nllicer et~vironrnart. Tliis wlllse is ~qvired far cc~ti ticctia~~ PS Q SJ;lsi~ peilc~: ~~flicel.. Clrrursr Objective~/Outeon~~s ,411 courscs fut~c$ioa;i! :Irens ili~l! Ic:lr~~i~:g :hjrctives :Ire ii~aal ia 1l:e cou~sc ct[riealluln. Objcctivcs will he pri~ui~ied to ctolr sludct16 yior to class. Ir is #Ire siu:lemt'~ rcsp~arxiilrili ty lo laam EIII ~bjm[ivcs. hll~sl n1ed e~~mllniail s~nisbirrds as uullit~wl in TCLEOSE Cclrl>ei~i,psirrl~ R,fle 215.5 and tbc C'ed~1 Villky Col BC~C Lir~ Enfizrccmcn t Acadenty Ccrlificutc Iluquia-enietsis: liputr :! t~cstrssl'u: sol11 ple:ion of' 1l:Es cut~rse fhc student tvill I,r ~nese~ated 1vit11 a certiljc~rc oi complstion iirrm il~c Academy, :rs\vcll ns a C~rtjfi~.~tr ~?rI?ji&ibilitj* €hiit mill i111g~ ~ljc SELI?IPIIL - It] BI~ltr Ltar TCLECkSE Prilze C)Ecrr a.ct:~minatia~r. RES 2005- Kvnlr~ntlolr f'rncess ant1 I'mrudnr.rs: Cl~r;sroo~t~ 1:iteracliujl witk the ins~ructor anG othcr slubaits, cxamha~ioiis ovcr each section oullincd In die PBOC c~ursz and a !?nnl comprrliensivc wnmiua~ion based oil course cl?jerlives. S:udmis will alsn I>c ;rsscs,gal in physical spjli?y kills bn a pcrit>tlic basis. Slu~icab \P;II pil~ricil~ale ir~ practical spplicLu!un sk3ls ill Emergency Dtzvin?. Defensive Tzcrics. Firearm p:oOciency rltmnli Ecation scd hlrnl Proredurcs, Studcnrs nit~~t achirvc an2 1-1~il;tnin amdr7niic :~nrd ski II proficicnc y as c~ullneil in the Crti;lr W3jky CulIrg Latv Pilf~~e~or~:t Acdang Rule!: wd Rcgul;ltiot:s. Gaaild's Texas Cnn:i~al I,nrv ;111d Mrtur Vi'diidlr Hnndbonli C.L.E A.R. htaatauirl Repor.1 'IVF~ILC~ Es~entiih1~ inve3tigclrcv a~~d I)pcrrr:ionnl I<cyort M'r,lir,~ Spccdy SpnLisl: for Poficc Pcrsonn:l Ccdar Vrll ilq College Larv Enft1rec1ncr.t Academy Nri:chuuk 'Tebbcd divlde~s, wn.: Ibr each lapsc Block ink pcns. f Z pcnci Is old scantrms CD con:a~nirtg 'TC I..sEOSE 14~lc.s~ I,crmiing Object I\TS, SLU~CTI~ &I~~!cL UQ~ Acoicm jt Rc1u.s aid Xcgulu:~ola Cl~lier supplies as autiinec in tltc Ccdcr EqErluipment Lisl. Any sl:8tlent ivlw is rnbw11~ fian: CS~S 11101% ttaan 8'K a fllzu academy will bo diar111s~cc.I from ~hc pr~grnm. This 5tat;rlsrd is sr~tlincd 111 Lhc Ccrlar Vuiley cnllcsa h.cv ~nfc~rcc~iicnl R~~lcs ilarl Rtgt~li~tinns RES 2005- Mayor, Town of ~roph~ Club, Texas ATTEST: [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney, Town ofv~rophy Club, Texas RES 2005-