RES 2006-17TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - 17 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COLlNClL OF THE TOWN OF 'TROPHY CLLIB, TEXAS APPROVING 'THE TAX ROLL OF THE DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DIS'TRICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Denton Central Appraisal District has presented a certified tax roll to the Town of Trophy Club, Texas which includes all taxable property within Trophy Club that is located in both Denton and Tarrant Counties; and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to approve and accept such certified roll, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. That the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas for the year 2006, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein, is approved and accepted. Such tax roll shall constitute the Town's tax roll for the 2006 tax year. Section 2. That Exhibit "B" specifying the net taxable appraised value, the current 2006 tax rate approved by the Town Council, and the total tax actually levied for real, personal property and rr~inerals, is hereby approved and accepted. A copy of Exhibit "B" is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this the leth day of September, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas own secretary I Town of Trophy Club, Texas [S EAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney, Town of Trophy Club, Texas CERTIFICATION OF 2006 APPRAISAL RECORDS JULY 20,2006 "I, Joe Rogers, Chief Appraiser for the Denton Central Appraisal District, Solemnly swear that I have made, or caused to be made, a diligent inquiry to ascertain all property in the district subject to appraisal by me, and that I have included in the records all property that I am aware of at an appraised value determined as required by law." MARY E. STROUPE NOTARY PUBLIC EXPIRES: 06-09-07 Assessment Roll Grand Totals Report Tax Year: 2006 As of: Certification DENTON PRODUCTION SITE I C28 - Town of Trophy Club (ARB Approved Totals) Number of Propellies: 3285 j Land Totals Land - Homesile (+) $1 28,486,527 Land - Non Homesite (+) $42,563,761 Land - Ag Market ( +) $8,826,939 1 Land - Tlmber Market (+) $0 I I - Land -Exempt Agnirnber Ma*et (+I $0 Total Land Market Value (=I $179,8W,227 (+) $179,881,227 I Improvement Totals Improvements - Homesite (+) $466:111.488 Improvements - Non Hornes~te (+) $38,946,534 Total Improvements (=) $505,058,022 (+) $505,058,022 Other Totals Personal Pro~ertv 1153) $9.828.108 I+) $9.828.108 I . .. , . . Minerals (15) $5,775,130 (+) $5,775.130 I Total Market Value (=) $700,542.487 $700,542,487 1 Total Homestead Caa Adlustment 16001 f-I 56.405.081 1 . . . . . , Total Exempt Properly (18) k) $5,148,698 ! Productivity Totals Total Productivity Market (Non Exempt) (+) $8,826,939 Ag Use (21) (-) $85.612 Tlmber Use (0) (-) $0 Total Productivity Loss (=) $8,743,327 6) $8,743,327 Total Assessed (=) $680,245,381 Exemptions 1 +) $0 . . . . . . i (HS) Homestead State (2170) (+) $0 (065) Over 65 Local (386) (+) $13.406.886 I 1065) Over 65 State 13861 I+) $0 . . . . . . i (DP) Disabled Persons Local (19) (+) $0 (DP) Disabled Persons State (19) (+) $0 I 1DV) Disabled Vet 148) l+I $384.000 I . . . . . . (HB366) House Bill 366 (9) ( +) $2.175 Total Exemptlons (=) $13,793,061 (-) $13,793,061 I Net Taxable (Before Freeze) (=) $696,452,320 I "** 065 Freeze Totals Freeze Assessed $72,836,375 Freeze Taxable Freeze Celllng (386) New 065 Exemptions (43) I "" 065 Transfer Totals I Transfer Assessed $0 I Transfer Taxable $0 Post-Percent Taxable $0 I Printed on 07/25/2006 at 756 AM I Page 55 of 155 h Assessment Roll Grand Totals Report a Tax Year: 1006 As of: CertifiCatlOn DENTON PRODUCTION SITE Transfer Adjustment (0) $0 Freeze Adjusted Taxable (Net Taxable - Freeze Taxable -Transfer Adjustment) (=) $605,744,063 "' DP Freeze Totals Freeze Assessed $3.390.620 Freeze Taxable $3,378,620 Freeze Ceiling (19) $13,686.80 New DP Exemptions (1) $0 "' DP Transfer Totals Transfer Assessed SO Transfer Taxable SO Post-Percent Taxable $0 Transfer Adjustment (0) $0 Freeze Adjusted Taxable (Net Taxable - Freeze Taxable - Transfer Adjustment) (=) $602,365,443 Prinled on 07/25/2006 at 756 AM Page 56 of 155 Assessment Roll Grand Totals Report a Tax Year: 2006 As of: Certification C28 -Town of Trophy Club (Under ARB Review Totals) Land Totals DENTON PRODUCTION SITE Number of Properties: 4 Land - Homesite Land - Non Homesite Land - Ag Market Land -Timber Market Land - Exempt Agmimber Market (+) $0 Total Land Market Value (=I $33.596 (+) $33.596 Improvement Totals Improvements - Homesite (+) $99.972 Improvements - Non Homesite ( +) $0 Total Improvements (=I $99,972 (+) $99.972 Other Totals Personal Property (3) $4,211.157 (+) $4.21 1.157 Total Market Value (=I $4,344,725 $4,344,725 Total Homestead Cap Adjustment (0) (-) $0 Total Exempt Property (0) (-) $0 Productlvitv Totals Total Productivity Market (Non Exempt) (+) AQ Use (0) (-) Timber Use 101 1-1 'Total Productivity Loss (=I $0 (-1 $0 Total Assessed (=I $4,344.725 Exernotions' Total Exemptions (=I SO (-1 SO Net Taxable (Before Freeze) (=) $4,344,725 "" 065 Freeze Totals Freeze Assessed $0 Freeze Taxable Freeze Ceiling (0) New 065 Exemptions (0) $0 "" 065 Transfer Totals Transfer Assessed $0 Transfer Taxable 50 Post-Percent Taxable $0 Transfer Adjustment (0) $0 Freeze Adjuded Taxable (Net Taxable - Freeze Taxable - Transfer Adjustment) (=) $4,344,725 "' DP Freeze Totals Freeze Assessed $0 Printed on 07R512006 at 7:56 AM Page 57 of 155 h Assessment Roll Grand Totals Report a Tax Year: ZOO6 As of: Certlficatlon Freeze Taxable $0 Freeze Ceiling (0) $0.00 New DP Exemptions (0) 80 "' DP Transfer Totals DENTON PRODUCTION SITE Transfer Assessed Transfer Taxable Post-Percent Taxable Transfer Adiuslrnent 10) Freeze Adjusted Taxable (Net Taxable - Freeze Taxable - Transfer Adjustment) (I) 54,344,725 Printed on 07/25/2006 at 7% AM Page 58 of 155 EXHIBIT "B" 2006 TAX ROLL FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLLIB, 'TEXAS Based on the 2006 certified roll dated July 20, 2006 from the Denton Central Appraisal District, the net taxable appraised value, which was ARB approved, was listed as $670,797,045. The current 2006 tax rate ($.43051/$100 assessed value) approved by the Town Council, which has been imposed on each property included on the certified appraisal roll for the Town for 2006, totals $2,887,848 actual levy. 'The actual levy includes $2,802,545 for real property, $60,440 for personal property and $24,863 for minerals. The appraisal roll of $2,887,848 upon approval by the Town Council, shall constitute the 2006 tax roll for the Town of Trophy Club.