RES 2006-25TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - 25 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS SUPPORTING A LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX TO FUND REGIONAL RAIL IN NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXPRESS THROUGH HIS VOTE IN THEIR ORGANIZATIONS THE TOWN'S SUPPORT OF THE JOJNT RECOMMENDATION BY DART, DCTA AND THE T; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas supports regional efforts to address the mobility and air quality needs of the citizens of North Central Texas; and WHEREAS, implementing the passenger rail service component of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan of the Regional Transportation Council is essential in addressing the mobility and air quality needs of the citizens of North Central Texas; and WHEREAS, local elected officials and transportation professionals in North Central Texas have studied the funding options for implementing the regional rail plan and determined that the sales tax is the best feasible means of providing the needed funding; and WHEREAS, most local governments in North Central Texas have no capacity remaining within the two cent cap on local sales tax without the Texas Legislature providing some relief from the current cap; and WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club believes that the North Central Texas regional rail plan can best be implemented by the Texas Legislature exempting from the two-cent cap on local sales tax an amount equal to the locally authorized transit sales tax and authorizing local governments to conduct a local option election to enact a sales tax for transit; and WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club believes that such action by the Texas Legislature is important to the economic vitality of Texas and the quality of life of Texans. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. That the 8oth Texas Legislature is respectfully urged to exempt from the two-cent cap on local sales tax an amount equal to the locally authorized transit sales tax and authorize local governments to conduct a local option election to enact a sales tax for transit or other lawful purposes; and Section 2. That the joint recommendation of DART, DCTA and The T for regional rail in North Central Texas attached hereto and made a part hereof is endorsed. Section 3. That the Mayor as a member of the Northwest Communities Partnership, Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition and Metroport Cities Partnership may express through his vote in these organizations the Town's support of the joint recommendation by DART, DCTA and The T. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the 2oth day of November, 2006. Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: Town of ~rn~h~ Club, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: a. Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas DCTA - JOIN']. K F,CC.)MMENlIATI(3N FOR RECJICINAL R A11 . IN NORTH CENTRA I, TEXAS The three existing transit a~~thorities support expanding meaningfill public transit in North ?'e?ra$ through ow exlsting urganiralions. Such tmsit authorities support tllc Statement of Principles for tile fmplcmcntatio~~ of a Regional Rail System in North Central Texas agreed to in August 2004 by regional Iradersh ip under the foliowir~g condiiions: 4 New regional rail projects will require new mutctss of filnding. The State authorized Sales and Use Tax hils bwn the primary ~WIIS of funding public transit sewice withi13 tho region. md the magnitude of the required funding will most likely dictate that sales hx should be the source of funds for new regional rail projecls. Ho\veve~. most cities in the regior~ do not have the ability rund public &ansit service because sales and usc taK capacity has been committed to other uses. Thc three cxistir~g traisit authorities support local option r1111diulg of public lmnsit in the region by cxcmpting an amount equal to the locally authorued transit sales tax From the 2% cap m the following counties: o l'armt o Parker o Johnsoil o Dcnton . o Wise o Dallas o Collin o Kockwoll o Ellis Thib action would provide m equitable rneans oTallowing "nun-transit".lurisdictions to determine as a local option whettier Or not they ivoald choose to t't~nd public transit, while allowing jurisdictions that currently s~~pport public transit to deiemlinc whether they would choose lo allwatc wlcs tax capacity for non-transit uscs (up to the existing cap). Wc support a determination of' citizens' support of a rcgio~ial rail system outsidc the existing trailsit autlioriries' territory or service arm, and inside The T's service area. Formation of a 4th t~ansk entity is not recommended The 'T, Chair of the Board he$^ ~re&lent/~uecutive Direstor