RES 2010-21Example 1 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2010-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING THE TAX ROLL OF THE DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT AND TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Denton Central Appraisal District and Tarrant Appraisal District has presented a certified tax roll to the Town of Trophy Club , Texas which includes all taxable property within Trophy Club that is located in both Denton and Tarrant Counties ; and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to approve and accept such certified roll, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. That the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District and Tarrant Appraisal District for the Town of Trophy Club , Texas for the year 2010, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A " and incorporated herein , is approved and accepted . Such tax roll shall constitute the Town 's tax roll for the 2010 tax year . Section 2. That Exhibit "8" specifying the current 2010 tax rate approved by the Town Council, and the total tax actually levied for real property , personal property and minerals , is hereby approved and accepted . A copy of Exhibit liB" is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with law . PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this the 27th day of September , 2010. Mayor Connie White Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST : APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~bA C£.lrJd.. {SEAL] Resolution 2010-21 (File 10 522) 1 CERTIFICATION OF 2010 APPRAISAL RECORDS July 16, 2010 "1, Joe Rogers. Chief Appraiser for the Denton Central Appraisal District, Solemnly swear that I have made. or caused to be made. a diligent inquiry to ascertain all property in the district subject to appraisal by me. and that I have included in the records all property that 1 am aware of at an appraised value determined as required by law," JOE DEN vr6IfJMCjJC~ BEATRICE CHAMBERS NOTARY PUBLIC EXPIRES: 02-08-2011 EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 10 APPRAISAL REVIEW BOARD DENTON COUNTY. TEXAS ORDER APPROVING APPRAISAL RECORDS FOR 2010 On July] 6, the Appraisal Review Bonrd of Denton County, Texas, met to approve the appraisal records for tax year 2010. The Board finds that the appraisal records. as corrected by the Chief Appraiser according to the orders of the Board, should be approved. The Board finds that the sum of the appraised values. as determined by the Chief Appraiser, on all properties on which protests have been filed but not determined by this Board is five percent or less of the LOla I appraised value of all other taxable properties. The Board therefore APPROVES the appraisal records as corrected. Signed on July 16,2010 ------------===--­ZO~~ Wayne Gillum VICE-CHAIRPERSON APPRAISAL REVIEW BOARD EXHIBtT A Page2of10 DENTON County As of Cerlincalion2010 CERTIFIED TOTALS C28 -TOWN Or-TROPHY CI.UB Property Coun!: 3,706 ARB Approved Tolal5 7/1712010 1:0424PM .1. . . ~ ", :. :' ," .' ,!. j'i .I Value Homesila: 172.427,721 Non Homesile. 68.411,653 Ag Mar1<et: 921.377 Timber Markel o TOlal Land (+) 241,760,751 I~ impr,oyeIT!Dt:l 1,. ;' , Ii I I ' , I t I, 'i , Value I Homesite: 552.976.050 Non Homesite' 17,031.990 Totlllimprovemenls (+) 57o.00B,040 .Co.unt :" . Value I Pe",onal Property: 202 15.961.865 Mineral Property: 238 2.635,356 AulDS: a a Total Non Real (+) 18,597,221 Market Value 830,366.012 , , El'el)1pt Tolal Produclivily Markel' a 921,377 Ag Use: a 2,035 Productivity Loss (-) 0 TImber Use: o 0 Appraised VaiuD 830,366.012 Productivity LObS: o 919.342 Homestead Cap (-) 1.502,599 Assessed Value 828.663.413 ~empflon ,: ',",;' ,,;.COUfl;l j , Local . . . , I ~ . '. , ·Stal9' . Total :I DP 16 0 0 a DVl 15 0 96.000 96,000 DV2 5 0 42.000 42.000 DV3 6 a 60,000 60.000 DV4 23 a 228,000 22B.000 DV4S 3 a 36,000 36,000 DVHS 4 0 827,332 B27,332 EX 80 0 30,950.303 30.950.303 EX(Proraled) 1 0 127,078 127.078 EX366 34 0 4.335 4.335 OV65 482 16,573,486 a 16.573,486 OV65S 23 B05,oOO a B05,OOO Total Exemptions (.) 49.749,534 Net Taxable 779,113.879 DP OV65 113.001.247 463 Total Tal Rate 116.396,022 0,470000 99.451,204 389,999.70 395,890.00 479 Fraeze Taxablo (-) 99.451,204 FreDze Adjusted Taxable 678,662.675 APPROXIMATE LEVY ~ (FREEZE ADJUSTED TAXABLE· (TAX RATE 1100)) + ACTUAL TAX 3.584.414.27 ~ 679.662.675 • (0.470000 1100) + 389.999.70 Tax Increment Finance Value: Tax Increment Finance Levy: o 0.00 C28/6529B3 EXHIBIT A Page30f10 True Aulomallon, Inc DENTON Counly As of Certlficalion2010 CERTIFIED TOTALS C28 -TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Property Counl' 196 Under ARB Review Tolals 711712010 1:04:24PM Land : .: ; ,', ..' 1d i" . : ,value Homeslle: 311,410 Non Homeslle: 13,995,435 Ag Market: 3,843,191 Timber Market o Tolill Land (+) 18,150,036 1 Il'Ifprov.~~~l1t,) : ". ' , J I ' , : 1 Home,,;le: 1,000,192 Non Homes.He: 3,759,534 Tolollmprovements (+) 4,759,726 Non,Real: , Count " Value:1 Personal Property: 8 ~8.376 Mineral Property: o a Aulas: o a Tolill Non Real (+) 4B,376 Market Vlllue 22,958,138 " I Nor .Exe[Tlp,t , . ~. _i .' . Tolal Produclivliy Markel: 3.843,191 a Ag Use: 18,919 Productivity Loss (-) 3,824,272 Timber Use: o o Appraised Value 19,133,866 Productivlly Loss: 3,824,272 o Homestead Cap (-) o Assessed Value 19,133,866 I, Exe,01ptlon,: ','1 :', '':1,. " Count . LOcal .. Slate ,:, , Tota"1 OV65 5 175,000 o 175,000 Total Exempllons (-) 175,000 Net Taxable lB,958,865 Taxable , Ceiling, Count: OV65 13B,982 103,982 488.72 754,94 Total 138,982 103,982 40B.72 764.94 Freeze Ta.able (-) 103,982 Tax RaiD 0.470000 ;raxa,bl.,' , ,. post ,'1O:1ax.blo ~dlu5tmenl,:, ;Coun~ OV65 Total 453,756 453,756 383,756 383,756 297,381 297,381 88,375 86,375 2 2 Tronsfer Adjustment (,) 86,375 Frenze Adjusted TaxDble 10,768,509 APPROXIMATE LEVY = (FREEZE ADJUSTED TAXABLE· (TAX RATE /100» 88,700.71 = 18,75B,509· (0.470000 /100) + 488.72 Tax Increment FInance Value" Tax InCIem~nl Fll1anCB Levy + ACTUAL TAX o 0.00 C281652983 EXHIBIT A True Aulamaliorl, Inc Page 4 of 10 DENTON Counly As of Cerlifi calion 2010 CERTIFIED TOTALS 08 -TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Properly Coun!: 3,902 Grand Tolals 711712010 1:04:24PM I L~~'~': \""'ir:, ' 1 ... • :, ' , .. , i ,,' .i. : ,II.J~eil Homesile: 172,739,131 Non Homesite: 82,407,088 Ag Market: 4,764,568 Timber Market 0 Tolnl Land (+) 259,910,787 :.!mprpvelllefl!·;'·'; :: ·1: ·do" ••1 "! " I " Value: I Homeslle: 553,976,242 Non Homesite: 20,791,524 Tot.Jllmprovemenls (+) 574,767,766 " . Counl .. ,Value :·1 Personal Property: Minerai Property: Aulas: 210 238 a ,'NQP Exempl Ii I ' " 16,010,241 2,635,356 a I"j 'l': EX~rJ1pt ; 1 TotDI Non Real Market Value (+) 18,645,597 853,324,150 Tolal Produclivity Markel' Ag Use: Timoer Use: Productivity Loss: . Exempllon . ".:.:.. 1i , •. DP DVI DV2 DV3 DV4 DV4S DVHS EX EX(Pnoraled) EX366 OV85 OV65S Count 16 15 5 6 23 3 4 80 34 487 23 3,643,19i 18,919 a 3,824,272 .~ ,. .!local.' :.1 '; .... s.ta,to . a 0 0 96 ,000 0 42 ,000 0 60,000 0 228,000 0 36 ,000 0 827 ,332 0 30 ,950,303 0 127,078 a 4,335 16,748,486 0 B05,000 0 921 ,377 2 .035 Productivity La.. 0 Appraised Value 919,342 Homestead Cap Assessed Value ' Total I 0 96,000 42 ,000 60,000 228,000 36,000 827,332 30,950,303 127,078 4,335 16,748,486 805,000 Total ExemplJons (-) (-) (-) 3,824,272 849,499,878 1,502,599 847,997,279 49,924,534 Not Taxable 798,072,745 DP aV65 TOlnl Ta. Rala OV65 Total 3,394,775 113,140,229 116,535,004 0.470000 453,756 453,756 96,165.411 99,555,186 382,904.76 396,654.94 464 480 Freeze Taxable :,. Taxable ·;'.Post'/{,Tax8ble.:" MJustmert:.; .GOU"l 383,756 297,381 86,375 2 383.756 297,381 86,375 2 Transrer Adjustment (0) 99,555,186 86,375 Frceze Adjusted Taxable 698,431,164 APPROXIMATE LEVY =(FREEZE ADJUSTED TAXABLE· (TAX RATE 1100» 3,673,114,88 = 688,431,184 • (0.4700001100) + 390,480.42 + ACTUAL TAX Tax Increment Finance Value: o C281652983 EXHIBIT A Page 5 of 10 True Autamalion, Inc . . ! ~ ' :' 25 JUL 2010 ~ TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 2010 Certified Appraisal Roll Valuation Summary I, Jeff Law, Chief Appraiser for the Tarrant Appraisal District, to the best of my ability do solemnly swear that the attached is that portion of the appraisal roll of the Tarrant Appraisal District which lists property taxable by the above named entity and constitutes their certified appraisal roll. APPRAISED VALUE (Considers Value Caps) - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - -~ > $ 78,129,230 Absolute Exemption $ 1,515,537 Cases before ARB $ 1,394,134 Incompletes $ 2,183 Deferred, Special Use, and Partial Exemptions $ 1,318,974 See Totals Report for breakdown of each Exemption NET TAXABLE VALUE ~ - - -~ - • - - - -~ - - - - - - -~ • - -~ • - - -> $ 73,898,402 Appraised value minus Absolute Exemption amount, minus ARB amount, minus Incompletes, minus Deferred, Special Use and Partial Exemptions to equal the NTV. ESTIMATED NET TAXABLE VALUE - - - ---• - - • - - - - - - - - -> $ 74,851,978 Including suggested values to be used for pending A.R.B . accounts (see page two), and Incomplete accounts (see page three). EXHIBIT A 2500 Handley-Ederville Road Fort Worth. Texas 7611 B (817) 284-0024 LTR25C.fsl 7·16·2010 Page 6 of 10 .... . . .. .­~, 25 JUL 2010 TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT Jeff Law, Chief Appraiser TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 2010 Appraisal Roll Information Valuation Summary Section 25.01 (c) of the State Property Tax Code directs the chief appraiser to prepare a list of all properties under rotest with the Appriasal Review Board and pending disposition at the time of value roll certification. The values below are from the ARB roll and are not included in the totals certified by the chief appraiser and represented on page 1 of this report. $ 1,394, 134 Total appraised value of properties under protest. $ 1,359, 134 Net taxable value of properties under protest. $ 951 ,393 Estimated minimum taxable value for the same properties. This value should be added to the net taxable value on page one. EXHIBIT A 2500 Handley-EdervilJe Road Fort Worth, Texas 76118 (817) 284-0024 LTR250.fsl 7-16·2010 Page 7 of 10 25 JUL 2010 TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT Jeff Law, Chief Appraiser TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 2010 Incomplete Property Information Section 26.01 (d) of the Stale Property Tax Code directs the chief appraiser to prepare a list of all properties that are not on the certified appraisal roll and not included on the ARB roll. The values below are from the incomplete property listing and are not included in the totals certified by the chief appraiser and represented on page 1 of this report. The value of incomplete properties are subject to change and are also subject to appeal before the Appraisal Review Baal-d. $ 2 ,183 Total appraised value of Incomplete properties $ 2 ,183 Estimated net taxable value of incomplete properties 2500 Handley-Ederville Road Fort Worth, Texas 76118 (817) 284-0024 LTR25EJsI 7-16-2010EXHIBIT A Page 8 of 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/22/2010 TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT 7.00.21 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 044 TOT200EP TOTALS REPORT ROLL: 25 JUL 2010 2010 CERTIFIED REPORT ITEM APPRAISED VALUE ACCOUNTS TAXABLE VALUE 1 . REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL ( + ) 36,677,957 168 35,323,983 2. REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL ( + ) 35,304,254 23 33,788,717 3. REAL ESTATE INDUSTRIAL ( + ) 0 a 0 4. PERSONAL PROPERTY COMMERCIAL(+) 6,147,019 1 1 6,147,019 5. PERSONAL PROPERTY INDUSTRIAL( +) 0 0 0 6. MINERAL LEASE PROPERTIES ( + ) 0 0 0 7. AGRICULTURE PROPERTIES ( + ) 0 0 0 8 TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE ( =) 78,129,230 202 75,259,719 9. CASES BEFORE ARB ( -) 1,394,134 5 1,359,134 10. INCOMPLETE ACCOUNTS ( -) 2, 183 1 2, 183 1 1 . CERTIFIED APPRAISED VALUE (= ) 76,732,913 196 73,898,402 EXEMPTION DETAIL EXEMPT AMOUNT ACCOUNTS APPRAISED VALUE 12. ABSOLUTE EXEMPTIONS 1,515,537 3 1,515,537 13. AG DEFERRALS 0 0 0 14. SCENIC DEFERRALS 0 0 0 15. ABATEMENTS 0 0 0 16. PUBLIC ACCESS AIRPORTS 0 0 0 17. INDIGENT HOUSING 0 0 0 18. NOMINAL VALUE ACCOUNTS a 0 0 19. DISABLED VET S 527,974 4 751,254 20. FREEPORT INVENTORY 0 a 0 21. GOODS IN TRANSIT 0 0 0 22. HOMESTEADS -STATE MANDATE 0 0 0 23. OVER 65 -STATE MANDATE 0 0 0 24. DISABLED -STATE MANDATE 0 0 0 25. HOMESTEADS -LOCAL OPTION 0 0 0 26. OVER 65 -LOCAL OPTION 791,000 25 5,488,982 27. DISABLED -LOCAL OPTION 0 2 0 28. SOLAR/WIND 0 0 0 29. POLLUTION CONTROL 0 0 0 30. COMM HSE DEV 0 0 0 31. PRORATED ABSOLUTE 0 0 0 32. HISTORIC SITES 0 0 0 33. FOREIGN TRADE ZONE 0 0 0 34 TOTAL EXEMPT AMOUNT ( -) 2,834,511 35 NET TAXABLE VALUE (= ) 73,898,402 196 76,732,913 NEW EXEMPTIONS THIS YEAR EXEMPT AMOUNT ACCOUNTS AF i-'RAI SED VALUE ( I NCLUDED IN ITEM 12 TO 33) 36. NEW ABSOLUTE EXEMPTIONS 0 0 0 37. NEW AG DEFERRALS 0 0 0 38. NEW SCENIC DEFERRALS 0 0 0 39. NEW ABATEMENTS 0 0 0 40. NEW PUBLIC ACCESS AIRPORTS 0 0 0 41. NEW INDIGENT HOUSING 0 0 0 42. NEW NOMINAL VALUE ACCOUNTS 0 0 0 43. NEW DISABLED VETS 0 0 0 44. NEW FREEPORT INVENTORY 0 0 0 45. NEW GOODS IN TRANSIT 0 0 0 EXHIBIT A Page 9 of 10 07/22/2010 TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT 7 . 00.2-1 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 044 TOT200EP TOTALS REPORT ROLL: 25 JUL 2010 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63, 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW ALL NEW EXEMPTIONS THIS YEAR HOMESTEADS -STATE MANDATE OVER 65 -STATE MANDATE DISABLED -STATE MANDATE HOMESTEADS -LOCAL OPTION OVER 65 -LOCAL OPTION DISABLED -LOCAL OPTION SOLAR/WIND POLLUTION CONTROL COMM HSE DEV PRORATED ABSOLUTE HISTORIC SITES FOREIGN TRADE ZONE CONSTRUCT ION REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IN NEW IMPROVEMENT TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION ANNEXATIONS DEANNEXATIONS TAX CEILINGS OVER 65 DISABLED PERSON TOTAL CEILINGS IN RESIDENTIAL IN COMMERCIAL (INCLUDED I N ABOVE) NEW OVER 65 CEILINGS NEW DISABLED PERSON CEILINGS CAPPED ACCOUNTS CAP NEW ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL TOTAL CAP THIS YEAR EXEMPTIONS BY GROUP RESIDENTIAL ACCOUNTS COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNTS MINERAL LEASE ACCOUNTS AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS 2010 EXEMPT AMOUNT 0 0 0 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 TAXABLE VALUE 0 0 0 0 0 o a TAXABLE VALUE 4 , 433,5B2 405,300 4,838,882 971,400 214,500 CAP VALUE 1 , 765 , 777 o EXEMPT AMOUNT 1,353,97Ll 1,515,537 o o o ACCOUNTS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNTS 0 0 0 0 0 o o ACCOUNTS 24 2 26 4 1 ACCOUNTS 9 0 CERTIFIED APPRAISED VALUE 0 0 0 0 299,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APPRAISED VALUE 0 a 0 0 0 a o CEILING AMOUNT 17,618.95 1,671.04 19,289.99 4,654.88 974.24 CAP LOSS 336,023 o APPRAISED VALUE 36,677,957 41,451,273 o o o EXHIBIT A Page 9 of 10 Example 1 EXHIBIT "B" 2010 TAX ROLL FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLlB, TEXAS Based on the 2010 certified roll dated July 17, 2010 from the Denton Central Appraisal District, and the certified roll dated July 25 , 2010 from the Tarrant Appraisal District, the following applies: The current 2010 tax rate ($0.515/$100 assessed value) approved by the Town Council , which has been imposed on each property included on the certified appraisal roll for the Town for 2010, totals $4,367,266 levy . The combined levy of $4,367,266, upon approval by the Town Council, shall constitute the 2010 tax roll for the Town of Trophy Club. ***************************************************